Will chickens help my depression?

Chicken's can't cure depression, but they can sure make you feel better. Depression should be taken seriously though- there are numerous causes, and each situation is unique, and obviously don't go off meds suddenly and without talking to a doctor. The sudden change can be dangerous. THis being said...chickens are great!

If you are having a bad day, pull up a chair and watch them. It's easy to forget all the cruddy feelings when watching them do their thing!

caring for another living thing- whether plant of animal can be helpful in recovery of all sorts- it makes you feel needed, worth while, and you get to see the fruits of your labor. Sometimes these simple things help us put our big problems into perspective too. Also, you can tell a chicken anything, same with your garden- they won't judge you! I personally find that the combination of keeping a garden and having a small laying flock is super rewarding and very therapeutic.

I hope your chickens give you some joy, or at least make you laugh!
Hi John,

I was just viewing some coop designs and getting idea's for my own when I and ran across the pictures of yours. I was wondering if you would speak to the girls and ask them if they would sublet me a corner of the coop for my summer vacation.

Excellent job!

Chicken's can't cure depression, but they can sure make you feel better...
I use things like raising chickens to help clear my head of life's troubles. For me though, things that I enjoy only mask the pain/problem. But then this is good for me in that it helps me focus on the real issue behind the pain.
I cleared my life of the things/people that caused pain. The bare naked ladies song with the refrain 'if there is something you can live without then do so, If there is someone you can just throw out, then do so.', Inspired me. It works. Somethings we have no control over, but that which we do have control over... out it goes. And SOMETIMES the instigators are people who think they are being generous and 'Helping" but they just instigate more havoc and pain. Do not try to please those people. Chunk them out.

I also think that you become what you surround yourself with. I love fast paced pop punk music, but If I listened to emo I would be a mess.
Maybe this is a mask, but surrounding myself with people and animals that can love back, that helps. Maybe, it cures. I will not be anyone's whipping child ever again.
I am worth more than that. We all are.
X2 on what 3goodeggs said...especially their taste in music. ;)

But really, good advice, and something I've seen positive results from myself. Surrounding oneself with healthy, secure relationships has helped many others I know too, including those with genetic forms of chronic depression. The people I know with very severe depression have needed both lifelong medication and a positive environment to finally reach balance in their lives.
they surely will :D
they did it for me and they're still doing it, in fact everyone who knows me said that they changed me.
They are awesome, loving, fun to be around, very smart, gentle at heart, Love them and they will dedicate their lives for you.

I always keep saying "Maybe Soso isn't my whole life, but he makes my life whole" (Btw, Soso is my year and 7 mnths old leghorn rooster)

it's just how they will love you, and how they will always want to please you. My chickens will never leave my side, I walk and they'll be right beside me, I set they set, Every time I'm feeling down I just go out there with them, set there and they start fighting who will set in my lap :p and they are a very great listeners and most of the time you'll hear funny replies from them :)
Each one of them will be unique and special in it's own way and it's really amazing to watch <3

but you got to be careful, they're gonna make you fall in love with them very badly <3

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Just before dark they all went back into the pen, so I got them into the run and locked them up for the night. I was so happy that they didn't leg it. I am in the garden again in the morning, so I will let them out again. I think that is it now, they will be able to freerange whenever we are in.

Awesome, right?! They don't need to be trained to do that or anything lol! Have you rewarded (bribed) them with any treats yet?
they are a very great listeners and most of the time you'll hear funny replies from them :)
It's funny you should say that about what they do when you talk to them. I have noticed this already. As I talk to them, they do react and make funny noises. It is as though they want to say something. Either that or the state of my mental health is worse than I thought
Awesome, right?! They don't need to be trained to do that or anything lol! Have you rewarded (bribed) them with any treats yet?
I made a 25kg mix of mealworms, sunflower seeds, other mixed seeds and corn, and I throw a scoop into the small pen in the morning when I let them in there. In the evening I do it again. They still eat their layers pellets though. There is one chook that still wont go down the ladder to the run. It goes up the ladder at night, but not down. I have to pick it up in the morning and put it underneath. We were away for a couple of nights this week, so I put food and water up in the coop for it in case it didnt make it down to the other food and water, but I could do with not having to do that everytime. Any ideas.
Stop picking her up....after awhile of everyone else.playing down stairs and eating.....she'll figure it out. Right now she has YOU trained...lol. Put some extra yummy stuff at the bottom of the ladder to entice her...even if it means laying some.cabbage leafs on the rungs....you may try adding a board with horizontal slats nailed on...to lay over the.ladder if all else fails. Sometimes a ladder is easier going up then down....lol

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