Will I survive Kane's teenager stage?

No thanks. I'd rather have half a dozen more teenage dogs than to have one teenage human in this house. At least my boy doesn't have pants hanging down around his knees.


I hear you!
What was that part about chasing the cat around? I just caught someone in the act. Apparently if the cat can get on the table then so can he


And that is a cat that don't put up with no doo doo from the dogs, she CAN and WILL defend herself. He jumped down when he saw me - Tucker knows better, he just likes to try and get away with things when he thinks I'm not looking.

Oh and I am on my 3rd human teenager - the dogs are still easier - and I have good kids
My GSD,Kaiser, is 9 years old.He is a wonderful dog and I love him to death.But some days,I swear,he is still struggling through the the teenager stage.Even the cats will shake their heads at him.
Jax would be fascinated by that. Kane won't sit still long enough to watch TV.

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