Will just two hens keep each other warm in winter? (My first post!)


In the Brooder
Sep 6, 2016
I had four hens and too much free ranging led two to be taken by something that came out of the woods (I'm thinking fox). So I'm left with two and am not thinking of getting more before I build a bigger coop, which will probably be in the spring.

All of this is to ask this question: will just two hens be able to provide enough body heat to keep each other warm on New England winter nights in a Pawhut chicken coop? Thanks all!
Greetings and :welcome. Happy you joined our community! Obviously, more would be better but chickens are pretty tough if they have a draft-free coop. Here's a great article on keeping your birds warm https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/winter-coop-temperatures
It's actually a good thing that you have a smaller coop - less interior space to heat. I'd probably bank straw bales around it on top for extra insulation. Just my thoughts.
Yes it's a good thing you don't have a large coop with only two birds to warm it up. You can also tack a towel to the roost bar to help keep their feet warm. Chickens like to lay their head on their feet and the towel with add a bit of warmth. The hay bales are good to put around the sides of coop which generally get the most wind. If you have a solid covered run, the top will give some protection from the elements. Some folks use a heavy tarp around the sides as a wind break also. Be sure your coop has enough ventilation up high above the birds.
You can also post on your state thread and ask how others winterize their coop / birds. Just put state name in search box and it will come up.
Hi and welcome to BYC - you have some great advice and links already so I'll just say hello!

All the best
Welcome to BYC! It's great to have you.

As long as the coop is well ventilated and not drafty, I don't see why two hens shouldn't be able to do just fine. With that said, I always recommend having a minimum of three birds in a flock, so that even if you lose one (chickens are oh so creative finding ways to die...) you won't have a single lonely chicken.

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