Will My Ducks Remember Me?


7 Years
Apr 12, 2017
Atlanta, GA
My Coop
My Coop
Hey guys,

So I'm out of town for 2 weeks due to a family emergency and had to leave my precious duckies with an uncle and cousin who were living with us. I miss them terribly (3 more days and I'll be back!) and I was just curious what the duck's reaction would be.

What is a ducks memory like? Particularly because someone else was taking care of them (granted he probably just let them out and put them in - not really spending time with them).

I miss them soo much. And I feel so sorry for them - ever since a fox got one we never let them free range without someone to watch - usually I watch them all day so they can free range, but my uncle can't, so they are cooped up in a dog kennel all day. My cousin said the one weekend she went outside to let them out and free range they were going nuts seeing her coming. I feel so bad for leaving them ahhh... sorry had to vent :D

But back to original question does anyone have any similar experiences?
I miss my ducky darlings sooo much when I'm out of town, especially if it's longer than just a few days, but they don't seem to care. As long as they haveplenty of food, water, and treats, LOTS of treats, they don't seem to care who gives it to them. Little snots. :p

If your someone can send you pics of videos of your ducks while you gone, that sometimes helps me while I'm missing them.
Im in the prosses of moving so we live between two states(oklahoma & florida) so i am gone from 3 weeks - 2 months at a time.
They all rememeber and welcome me home each time!! I love it! Shows me that they love me and they are happy to see me!!!
Yes.....They will remember your voice....I had surgery last year and my Ducks all came running and wagged their tails after 5 days of me not caring for them...It was a huge Quack fest....I guess it depends on how bonded they were to you before you left?....
Well they were with me all the time and I handle them a lot so they're pretty bonded with me :) I was in the process of getting them to be familiar with me touching them by petting them while giving the treats when we had to leave so I hope I don't lose my progress :D
Hey guys,

So I'm out of town for 2 weeks due to a family emergency and had to leave my precious duckies with an uncle and cousin who were living with us. I miss them terribly (3 more days and I'll be back!) and I was just curious what the duck's reaction would be.

What is a ducks memory like? Particularly because someone else was taking care of them (granted he probably just let them out and put them in - not really spending time with them).

I miss them soo much. And I feel so sorry for them - ever since a fox got one we never let them free range without someone to watch - usually I watch them all day so they can free range, but my uncle can't, so they are cooped up in a dog kennel all day. My cousin said the one weekend she went outside to let them out and free range they were going nuts seeing her coming. I feel so bad for leaving them ahhh... sorry had to vent :D

But back to original question does anyone have any similar experiences?

When I was little we took in a stray wild duckling. it did a dance for my mom one day in the fall took off and we didn't see it for 2 months it came back in a big nasty storm and remembered both where we lived and my mom.
Yeah, my neighbors have ducks and I used to go over and pet them sometimes. I went to China for 6 weeks, and when I came back I’m fairly certain they remembered me.
Wow that is amazing considering you didn't even spend too much time with them :D
Well, I did go over somewhat often, mostly during summers. They’re not super friendly, but they’ll come up within a few feet of me, tough my neighbors are practically tripping over them.

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