Will my hen be okay?


Nov 20, 2017
I'll try to make this long story short. I've raised two chickens, hen and rooster, together since they were about a week old. They were both inside pets. They were never apart for over a year(they turned 1 in October) and yesterday we had a freak accident. My rooster ended up getting his head caught in something, he fell, and broke his neck. I haven't stopped crying, they are both like my children. He was so sweet and gentle with her, he never attacked or bred with her too much. He was so protective and every night she would get under his belly between his legs and fall asleep. I'm one of those people that just knows they have personalities and feelings, and my hen has been so upset. She makes a low, wimpering noise and she won't even eat. She won't walk around, she won't peck things like she has always done. I'm more sad for her, I loved him,but I know it was much stronger for her. They grew up together, and now he's gone. Will she be okay? How long will this last? She is an inside pet, she follows me around and sleeps on my bed. She is a very loyal and sweet girl and I love her to death. I can't take it knowing that she lost her best friend. As for buying another rooster, it would be hard. I would have to raise one again to get it used to car rides, people, and being indoors. Plus potty training. No roo will ever replace him either. Any advice, or even some words of comfort would be great right now. I know it might sound ridiculous, but I really love them. I don't see them as chickens or pets, they're family to me. Thanks so much. Rest in Peace my sweet baby Dave. I miss you so much.. <3 Picture attached is the Fourth of July, when we took them to go see the fireworks.


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I'm so sorry for your and your hen's loss :( I truly hope she starts to feel better soon. I have no advice for chicken attachments. Dogs can morn for days to months when they lose a pack mate. Just be there for her and help her to establish the new pecking order without him.
I'm so sad for you both! Keep us updated!
Tis true, that there is a necessity for grief. None of these things I have suggested were meant to be done until you and your little hen are better.
This too shall pass. I totally agree with you about chickens having a personality. I would suggest finding her another rooster. Try Craigslist in your area and when you go to check out the choices you find try to take her with you. Believe it or not she will be okay. So will you. Try grieving together she needs that closeness and so do you. Be at Peace.
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I'm sorry for your, and hers loss. In my experience, chickens do not accept newcomers very well. I would not get her another rooster. I like the idea of hanging mirrors, unless she tries to peck them or sees the bird in the mirror as a threat. You can get her a feather duster to cuddle with. Just like anyone who is grieving, she needs time and time heals.
My rooster ended up getting his head caught in something, he fell, and broke his neck. I haven't stopped crying, they are both like my children.
Horrible, lost a bird like that too....
.....but it was nothing compared to the death of my son.

Your hen will be OK.....whether you want to get another bird is a tricky question.
Lots to think about.

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