Will she ever be his?


10 Years
Sep 7, 2009
Southeast texas
As ya'll know i got a new set of peas.
The male has finally started displaying for her, but she is somewhat ignoring him,what i mean is she ignores him then when he turns his back towards her she gets real intresred in his fluffy backside and then she gives him a peck on the rear ,so that kinda messes up his dance.

I know she was bred with an older male before i got her, So will he ever measure up or does anyone know?
I have no idea..but which one u talking about?

Two are super close to each other..their all so gorgeous

And what is that white one? Hen or peacock?

She / he is soooooooo clean and white..white..white

Love the photo..just love that photo

Yes she should accept him, but i have had peahens that like the pecock in the next pen, ......but i put up blind between pens more because of the peacocks
All my peahens do that. It is what they do...Not all peahens will act interested in the peacock even if he is the best peacock around. They will just stand there and preen or go about eating and yes sometimes they do peck at his fluff but really they probably are secretly watching him but they just don't show their interest. Last year Ice ignored Dragon so when I saw them mate I was very surprised. The same is true for this year with Pip and Dragon.

Here is the classic look off into the other direction and pretend to ignore him...

Thanks ya'll.
He has been fanning all day and has a train full of eye feathers,i guess ya call it a minnie train cause it is not long.
Minxfox those are beautiful photo examples.
Thank you for posting them.
The best I saw was when Zeus my guy with a full train was displaying, Erohs who is on his 2nd year and only has 2 eye feathers was displaying and trying his hardest to look bigger then zeus....and there was jade with her "train" up in the air right with the boys. The other hens were just walking around minding their own business...
Poor Pea he has been displaying her and she either ignores him or waits till he turns is tail to her and then she pecks him on the butt.
So now he displays every bird that comes to the pen.
Oh and his crest is missing i think she ate it off.

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Wow his train is just soo cool looking! I know what you mean I always find myself feeling sorry for the poor peacocks trying their best to impress the peahens only to be ignored. At least they know that I am impressed. Sometimes when they display I get a hand full of peanuts and the peacock will walk up still displaying and eat out of my hand. It is so beautiful to be that close to a peacock when he is displaying!

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