Will they just hurry up and hire him Already!!!!!!!!!


Emu Hugger
16 Years
Mar 10, 2008
a bumpy dirt road in Florida
Well the job he interviewed for is waiting for background stuff to go through, he's done 2 interviews already...... so we are just waiting. Now they want him to interview for this higher position, he interviews on Thursday for. All this stress of waiting and preparing and helping him go over stuff it about to drive me nuts..... can't stand the suspense.......the worrying..... the hoping....
I'm not good at stress.....
It's the typical way they operate...hurry up and wait! Dont worry chickenzoo, good things come to those who wait! and wait! and wait!............and wait! Hang in there lol.
Many companies are going to a very slow, involved hiring process.

I think some companies are just very cautious. And I have a theory - that hiring managers and interviewers are getting flak if they hire someone who doesn't work out. I've even heard that if someone makes a mistake in hiring they won't get a bonus.
Tomorrows the day............
I couldn't sleep all last night, I'm trying to seem calm and supportive for DH, and not let him see how stressed I am. At least I can unload on you guys, LOL......
Tell him I wish him the best, and good luck! Go easy on the coffee in the morning chickenzoo, dont need you bouncing off walls.... you have to take care of those chickies lol.

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