Will we see our pets again?

I don't believe in hell.
I don't believe a loving God would create a fiery torment for people that don't believe the right thing.
Hell is not in the scriptures.
Some scriptures have been misread as that.

In fact, when people were sacrificing their children to idols and making them walk through fire, God said that such a thought had never entered into his head.

God shows his love by the world we live in. Look at the chick hatching. How do they know to break the shell and zip?
Look at the way the earth is perfectly aligned so as to support human life.
The food we eat. We didn't need all the different foods and flavours. We didn't need the colours. But he gave them to us.

I am a Jehovah's witness. Yes, them. :lol:
My brothers and sisters are being persecuted in Russia. Yet through it all they are happy. Because they know that to be persecuted, they must have God's favour. Jesus said his followers would be persecuted.

A website that has helped me is jw.org.
It has practical advice for anyone, regardless of age, nationality or religion.

It's nice to meet some people who aren't afraid to discuss their beliefs. A lot of people don't. It's interesting learning about each others beliefs. Sleep well, everyone.
Or have a good day if you're in a different time zone.
I don't believe in hell.
I don't believe a loving God would create a fiery torment for people that don't believe the right thing.
Hell is not in the scriptures.
Some scriptures have been misread as that.

In fact, when people were sacrificing their children to idols and making them walk through fire, God said that such a thought had never entered into his head.

God shows his love by the world we live in. Look at the chick hatching. How do they know to break the shell and zip?
Look at the way the earth is perfectly aligned so as to support human life.
The food we eat. We didn't need all the different foods and flavours. We didn't need the colours. But he gave them to us.

I am a Jehovah's witness. Yes, them. :lol:
My brothers and sisters are being persecuted in Russia. Yet through it all they are happy. Because they know that to be persecuted, they must have God's favour. Jesus said his followers would be persecuted.

A website that has helped me is jw.org.
It has practical advice for anyone, regardless of age, nationality or religion.

It's nice to meet some people who aren't afraid to discuss their beliefs. A lot of people don't. It's interesting learning about each others beliefs. Sleep well, everyone.
Or have a good day if you're in a different time zone.

There seems to be a lot in the Bible about hell . There's like a hundred versus here but I only screenshotted three of them . I do infact believe in hell . If you don't believe God would allow Satan a kingdom then I won't argue about it cuz I couldn't handle it 🤣
If I can't handle stupid white house on The hill arguments. Haha 😂

Please don't be offended 🙏
View attachment 2267483
There seems to be a lot in the Bible about hell . There's like a hundred versus here but I only screenshotted three of them . I do infact believe in hell . If you don't believe God would allow Satan a kingdom then I won't argue about it cuz I couldn't handle it 🤣
If I can't handle stupid white house on The hill arguments. Haha 😂

Please don't be offended 🙏

Yes, the Bible mentions hell a lot of times.
If you want we can PM and talk! In Islam there are actually several "layers" of Jannah and several "layers" of Jahannam.
Thank you for the offer, but I'm going to have to pass! I dont like to get to deep into other religons I'm not interested in practicing and dont want to offend anyone.
Because I dont nessicarily care about going to heaven or not. My animals are my life and one of the only things that keep me going. I would do anything to see them again.
Every person who believes the right stuff, etc. goes to heaven to wait until the earth is destroyed and the new earth begins. It is a very happy place in heaven. Then they go live on the new earth.....

The people who don't believe the right thing go to hell.
So, because I believe in what makes me happy means I'm going to hell?
I highly suggest you explore all religions and find one that you think is right ! Wiccan sounds ..... Ummm ....a little odd for me as I believe alot of stuff Wiccan probably goes against ! But I think God will help you see whats truly right .

Also these are just my thoughts. I do not mean to offend you in any way , so if your offended I'm VERY sorry !
I have tried some other religons. I have very, very bad experinces with a lot of Christans(nothing against them though), and most other religons have never interested me.
Wiccan really isn't that odd, even though it might seem like it. It's about nature and healing and protection and the old gods. As someone who believes it and has many other qualities that "go against other Gods" this makes me the happiest and most comfortable.
Thank you for the suggestions, though.
View attachment 2267483
There seems to be a lot in the Bible about hell . There's like a hundred versus here but I only screenshotted three of them . I do infact believe in hell . If you don't believe God would allow Satan a kingdom then I won't argue about it cuz I couldn't handle it 🤣
If I can't handle stupid white house on The hill arguments. Haha 😂

Please don't be offended 🙏
Why would a loving god condemn someone who is mostly innocent to hell? Say a gay person or witch? (That was good of course.)
Shouldn't hell be saved for those who are murderers and do horrible crimes and only them? Shouldn't everyone else be spared?
Course I believe in hell. But Satan seems a little more just then "God" to me, lately. He punishes the bad, the evil, while God seems to send anyone who doesn't follow his word to hell as well. Doesn't seem very loving, to me.
I am not trying to offend anyone, just genuinely curious.
Tell me the things that make you happy.
What is that supposed to mean?
A lot of things make me happy. But I'm going to guess you mean in religon and my practice. The freedom makes me happy. The choice to do whatever I want (in reason) and love whoever I want without feeling like I'm going to be condemned to an eternally fiery afterlife. Nature makes me happy, and using its naturally properties to protect and heal, as well.
Interesting, the various beliefs being shared here. I am learning a lot. May I jump in and briefly share mine? I believe that Jesus, who is the Son of God who came to earth in human form to live and die as one of us and rose from the grave because He lived without sin and returned to heaven, is soon to return in power and glory to take His followers to heaven with Him for 1,000 years. During that time a judgment will be going on in heaven during which Satan will have no one on this earth to tempt, for all the wicked will have been burned up by the brightness of Jesus' glory. The saved go over the books to make sure there have been no mistakes. At the end of the 1,000 years Jesus and the saints return to the earth, the wicked are briefly raised to receive their punishment. The unsaved, Satan and the fallen angels are then destroyed in the lake of fire. They do not burn for all eternity, they are annihilated. Then the earth is made new, as God intended it in the beginning. Rebellion will never rise up again. There will never again be pain, sickness, crime, death or suffering of any kind. The entire universe proclaims that God is love! (You can find most of this in Rev. 20).
But things that make you happy won't necessarily get you to heaven or where ever you think you go after you die.

Why do you think that?

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