Wind River Healthcare and their Hatching Activity....

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Jackie 87yrs with her favorite "Gandalf" (Lavender Ameraucana)
Bee 96yrs with her favorite "Peep" (Wheaten Ameraucana)
Mary 105yrs with all of her favorites

Glad they hatched out for you! In those pictures, glad they don't go ewwwwwwwwwww! How endearing!
I love this thread! What a wonderful thing you are doing for your residents. I wish I could do pet therapy in the ICU where I'm a nurse - I'm sure people would get better so much faster!
This is so heartwarming! If you do another hatch, you should try silkies or cochins. They are so cute when they are babies! Even when they're grown up. Especially with the fuzzy feet!
it is the most inspirational thing to see what you are bringing to these people's lives. it's a brilliant idea.
if you don't want to use newspaper because it may give them splayed legs & pine shavings get into everything, use chux pads. i bet you have some of those around. lol

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