Ended BYC YouTube Video Contest 2014 - Submit your videos about chickens and you could win!

I have a video I made about growing sprouts, but do not have the title or byc link in it and won't be able to do it until Sunday so if it hasn't closed by then I'll submit it.
@PalmRoyal First of all a big "hello neighbor"
and second a showmanship video would be great! But I'm not sure about including turkeys and ducks for the contest part. Sorry.
Thanks! Hello to you too! I was thinking of just a general overview of chicken showmanship, then a super quick course over the other animals that you may encounter in showmanship and how to conquer them.
I get it. So it has to be on how to raise them or can we make it a total different video with the title as How to raise a chicke??

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