Winter incubation set, anyone else!!

candled yesterday and removed four that stopped developing so todays count is at 25
GQF Vitamins Plus powder in their water does wonders
I get it at the feed store. I also mix a ten grain cereal I get at the health food store into Purina Flockraiser and my chicks are super healthy

Hope your baby gets better

GQF Vitamins Plus powder in their water does wonders
I get it at the feed store. I also mix a ten grain cereal I get at the health food store into Purina Flockraiser and my chicks are super healthy

Hope your baby gets better

I think it hatched too early... still had egg white, not yolk really.... he was kicking around when we left so hoping he will be fine. I have seen worse get better so I do have hope. I do have vitamins in the water, but he is still in the hatcher till tomorrow. Thanks!
Hi guys!

I candled yesterday. I saw two EE eggs with fantastic thick veins. That makes me hopeful. Out of twelve eggs those are the only ones I'm sure of. I have two others that have small possibilities but are too dark to know for sure. The other eight are no go. Such a bummer!

I guess I'll know for certain on he 28th what I'm getting!
Yay day 11 for my little peeps!

I really didn't have high hopes for the viability of the eggs since they were shipped in winter, and I am a novice at incubating. But besides one dud that I dropped and broke at day 5, and the quitter that I just removed last night, all the others look very promising!

9 out of 11 isn't bad with all the odds stacked against these little peeps! Maybe the breeder has a line of super-chickens...
This is my first winter to ever set eggs. Tomorrow in goes 148 chicken eggs. 48 Black Australorp, 48 Barred Rocks, 32 Mixed Japanese, 16 Swedish flower hen and 4 Buff/Barred Bantam Cochins.I will also be setting 24 Call Ducks. I have a New Genesis 1588 Incubator I will be trying out along with my 3 other Little Giant all fan forced incubators.So far I really like my Genesis it heats up rather quick and really does hold a steady temperature. I am new to the group I never usually post. All the Best! Doug

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