Winter incubation set, anyone else!!

I have one or maybe two pips this morning. Peeping like crazy. Hatch due Sunday. Hope everything goes well because I really don't know what I'm doing. I've only done day-old chicks!!!

Praying for all our hatches to go smoothly and all our chicks to be happy and healthy!!!
Good luck everyone. Ive just had 8 out of 9 hatch a day ago.:D once one has hatched they all seem to follow. My first one was climbing all over the eggs and rolling them around and it seemed to spur the other ones to hatch..
Omg a pip!
It's technically a bit early at day 18, but because I ignored the first half-day that I set, it's really almost day 19.

The only problem is that I have to work today, arg!
Oh well, maybe the others will hatch when I'm around to see it.

If this chick makes it, I'll call it Earlybird! I'll post pictures in a bit.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have an egg to talk excitedly to.......

Edit: here is the promised picture
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Congratulations on your little fuzzybutt!!! Here's a picture of the one of mine that hatched this morning:
OMG, How exciting!!!! Muzzie what kind of chick is that one?? I am hours away from day 20 but I see nothing.... I keep wondering how I will hear the peeps over the fan but I gather they are loud!!

The Brinsea Eco 20 I'm using as a hatcher is not holding its temp very well... It has dropped down another degree
I wrapped the towel back around it hoping this will help steady it a bit.... so far it is holding humidity very well..... I'm in Los Angeles where we are in the middle of a mini semi heat wave its supposed to be 80 today, so its not like I'm battling freezing weather to keep the bator warm. And so I wait ... and wait ..... and wait ... Is it time yet?!!!!!
It's a Silkie. Still waiting for it to dry completely so I can tell what color the fuzz is. Looks very light silver. Splash???

I had a couple of other eggs that look like they might have started to pip, but I can't really see them that well.
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