Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

today is labor day, is everybody on strike ??

I took a few minutes to build a second 14 foot long roost in the chicken coop.. I made the first one a foot from the wall and 24" high.. the next one is 2 feet from the wall and 36" high.. If I need a 3rd one it will b 3 feet from the wall and 4 feet high.. and I can go under them and shovel sh!t all the way to the wall.. Like being behind the bleachers.. I made them removable, but I shouldn't have to , to clean the floor.. I could send photos if anyone would like to see.. only I can't send photos on byc..

the turkey guy has not showed up.. the dog has just started this false alarm barking lately..
He thinks it is funny to make me run up the stairs, or get out of bed for no reason..
I hope he finds it just as funny to sleep outside on the deck after one of these episodes..

the barred rock pullets have began moving into the chicken coop on their own initiative.. I was just telling Annie that we should move the Barreds and Dels into the coop and use the pop door for awhile until they get used to going in there.. still might have to do that for the Del pullets..

kind of boring around here today..

Well, I lost my whole post, I was going to say
as usual !!

And I was going to agree that your roosts look like bleachers insideout !!
And that you better wear a wide brimmed hat when you clean. Does Annie have a Sun Hat you can borrow ??
I'll take a picture of that !!

And I said, Sounds like your dog has your sense of humor !!!

My parrot, Montana has been swearing up a storm today. GDI is his favorite phrase today !!! I must have been in a bad mood this week that he is so obsessed.

I'll blame it on my earache !!!
He sounds really ticked off

Oh and yes it has been very dull around here the last few days !! Except of course for the few of us that managed to hold down the fort while the rest of you are celebrating the holiday weekend !!!
Whatcha all have ?????? I think I might make curry meatballs for supper if I get in the house early enough. I am going to go out and try the new harness on my pony !!! Before it gets dark:he
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I'll be on strike
. Sitting on the couch with ice on my ankle. Got some pretty colors going on now and my ankle is still bigger than the other one, at least the rest of my body isn't so sore anymore!

Kids finished their project books today- was really hoping they would have finished Sat! Oh well not like I was going anywhere else

Had to clean the broiler chicks pen today, it was looking and smelling bad
they will be a month old on the 10th, could they be put into an outdoor pen the is somewhat sheltered?

DD is trying to help out by starting supper for me, might need to send one kid out to find DH so he can help.
Good Labor Day Evening All.... The cops are having their usual Monday speeders like always. The siren has been non stop all day. Must hurt to get yelled at by the better half the rest of the way home
like we needed the $200 fine!

Nice cool day today, the sun finally came out late here....felt good....momma wild turkey had her poults on the driveway sunning later this afternoon while they picked up some grit.

Dumped another bushel of apples in the woods for the animals....have the game camera set up. While I'm getting some nice deer pics, it's amazing how much the racoons like apples. I have 3 coons at a time on some pics.

BLT'S for supper tonight...the home grown matoes are delicious with the Nueske's bacon....didn't need a second one, but I sure enjoyed it!

Have Fun, Stay Safe.... bigz
I am still here, I was digging in the past posts trying to find the one where I set the first quail eggs.. I found it after about a half hour of reading.. 8-22-11 I set the first 49.. they should be hatching on the 10th or so..
I set two more trays since that.. the last being on the 4th of sept. the next two hatches should be on the 15th and 22nd..

where is Deb ? and there are a few more names I came across that have not posted for awhile..

I put the birds in before dark.. I managed to get all the turkeys to go into the chicken coop.. I think another roost is in order for there.. Once you get 24 full grown turkeys on the roosts, they are pretty filled up.. there is a little extra room for chickens, but the turkeys chase them off.. the nest boxes are full of chickens..

there is a swap on sept 10.. that's all I know for now..I have to get the details..

Annie made a turkey pot pie.. red robin,,, Yummmmmm !!
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Just cause it's slow and people aren't used to so little to read.... I'll post something now!

I let the guineas and Ameraucanas out of their run for the first time about 5:30. At a little after 7:00 I went down to turn the coop lights on and all but the white guinea where in the big coop
cool.... less work in trying to train them. The white one got "lost" at the neighbors but got it chased in the right direction. Went to close up just before 8:00 and half of the group was back in their old coop ad the other half was in the shed trying to get in their old coop! LOL
Oh well.

Jim.... Those are my absolute favorite fish! Nothing like a mess of good pan fish! Scale 'em, gut 'em, behead 'em.... lightly flour and fry 'em in butter! Can't be beat in the finest restaurant! I leave the bones in... more flavor and I learned to eat them that way since I was old enough to eat solid food! D@mn I want fresh fish now!

Well, I might be back later.... got to go can some more sweet potatoes!
Did anyone else get frost this morning?! Not quite ready for that... I'd rather hover in the mid-60's... Ah, well, dream on, equine.
years back, my friend and I would just run down to the lake and catch a mess of Bl Gills.. scale, and gut them, leave the fins and tail on, cut off the heads and call the rest of the guys to come on over for deep fried fish..

we did this at least once a week..

I don't mind bones in.. they come out easily with a fork and fingers.. and besides, you can keep smaller fish if you prepare them this way..

I once was at a VFW where they served blue gills on the menu..

No frost here yet.. but I like these cool nights for sleeping..

the swap is in Kellner.. I have no address for it.. I don't even know where Kellner is..

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No Frost here either but tonight may bed the night !!
Pretty darn cold out there tonight. I love this weather for sleeping too. My windows are all open and a nice thick comforter on the bed !

No idea where Kellner is either. And I don't want to know !!
I don't need to bring one more thing home !!

We ground drove the pony tonight. She did very good. Butt Dog (Buttons) was running all over the place with one of the cats and the pony didn't mind one bit.

Glad I didn't pay half of what the girl was asking for the harness. Needs cleaning real bad, needs oiling and some parts replaced !!! Safety first you know !!!

Brought the camera outside and left it on the ATV handlebars so didn't get any pictures of the pony ground driving down the road. One of these days I get my act together !!

Where the heck is everybody ??? Feel like I'm in the twighlight zone or something.

Is there maybe another BYC Cheesehead BASH that we weren't invited to ???
Wow! I guess everyone, probably those with kids(?), went out of town for the holiday. I can't believe I don't have 10+ pages to read. Woo-hoo! Whoa, you can almost hear an echo!

That comment just sounded too funny to me. And I agree, TO! If you like them mushy, maybe make/eat applesauce?
Oops! DrH beat me to it.

And here most of us from WI have never even heard of it. Guess we're too busy on our chicken chat room.

Not quite soup weather just yet, FT, but it's a comin'. And BTW FT, maybe you have a sinus infection? If your teeth start hurting next, then you've definitely got one. And if that's the case, you better get some antibiotics pronto. Those bad boys can linger for months if left untreated. Oh, FT, I am so sorry to hear about your BR hen.

Without a doubt, you lucky guy!
Good tune too. Bigz, by any chance would Suzie care to share her stewed tomato recipe? Please?

You do realize I will never hear the end of that, right?

Oh, no! Is he the black & white roo? He's so pretty. I sure wish you were closer.

That's the exact same way we used to make panfish too when we went up north. Fins & tail on, dip in egg & flour & fry em up.

It rained down here all darn day on Saturday for DH's family reunion, starting with a wicked thunderstorm around 5:30 AM. It was nasty, but at least we didn't have any damage. So sorry to hear from those of you that did. The reunion was still very nice, with TONS of food, so I got to bring home some chickie bags!
Yesterday was a little chilly and very cloudy, but we went for a bike ride with some friends anyway. It was fun. We cruised around the Lake Geneva area this time, looking at some of the houses on the lake. Sure must be rough to have that kind of cash.

Today DH finally got the grass cut, or should I say weeds? The grass wasn't bad since it is just recovering from being brown for the past couple of weeks, but the dandelions were nice & tall.
For dinner we went back by SIL's house, and no, we didn't have leftovers. Her Sicilian hubby made us all homemade pizzas on the grill. Just to die for! And I really should be in bed right now because we are getting up at the a**crack of dawn to ride down to New Glarus for a brewery tour. MIL's one brother is still in town from ID & he is a brewery tour fanatic. He just loves those small craft-beer breweries. So I better scoot. Hope everyone had a safe & happy holiday!
Sweet dreams, all!

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