Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Afternoon all!
Well TO... I seem to have lost the male chick Amyable hatched out for me.. I had them in one section of a chicken stall last night. I fed this morning, ran to town, and made it back by 11 to meet a lady with chickens, who frequents BYC.. but isn't a member.. we need to hand out treats OR freebies to get folks on here...
She took the ducks (so they won't be coming to your place), the rest of the silkies but the one who is brooding (for at least a few weeks), and a few extra chickens I have running around.
Anyway.. I get to looking for the male jaerhon.. and he is NO where to be found.. I have looked everywhere..
Sigh.. I guess I will have to do with cross breds at this point. I have the female and a chick I stole from my broody cochin hen (she is in a cage and still sitting on other eggs), so at least one has company...
(insert flaming head here) - I hate not having smilies on this computer...

Our ride was cancelled today as the wind, rain and el crapo weather has taken its toll on my DH...
So perhaps tomorrow will be better. I am at perkins on their wi-fi.

Speaking of tomorrow.. I am SOOO hooking up a pony to the cart TO lent me, after I get the tires aired up.
And speaking of faire's.. I miss being in the Renn faires back when I was in California.
Where women show off their... um.. assests?!? and we all get to talk like Pirates!! arrghh me matey
sort of, they tell you to watch pirate movies to get the accents down

I will be with out internets till Thurs, so still coming to a place hopefully every day or so but I am sooo not reading 4 pages a day to catch up.
Sorry to hear about the fire, ankles, cows, and other problems that folks are having.

Ta ta till laters folks.
Labor Day Weekend Sunday All.... Yep we had the non stop storms here 3 days. Most of the damage is just south of here...we were spared once again.
Had to keep the puter shut off, so I had 4 pages to catch up on.... Glad everyone is safe.

I think you need a cheap pair of headphones TO....for about $5 you could listen to what you want in the chair next to DH. Suzie has a cheap pair and uses them all the time while I'm enjoying sports on the tube. Just a thought.

Dornes, sorry about the neighbor's barn...glad the animals were out and saved! Hope everything is good on your farm. The neighbors always arise in times like these in the country, eh! Makes em even closer someway.

Good luck fishin Doc...hope you and L catch a barrel full! Enjoy your vacation to the MAX!

Suzie canned another 21 qts of stewed tomatoes...prolly give them to her mom...makes alot of different meals for sure. Next for the matoes is gonna be salsa...I have 2 more bushels already picked with more becoming ripe everyday....I'm like jim and gonna cut back....I think next year only a dozen plants should do just fine. They sure are nice and big and smooth perfect skin this year. The 2nd planting of spinach is lookin good....better than the first.

The 22 week old pullets are laying except the blue ones....they truly are slow to mature...nice gentle friendly birds though.

Hope the cart works great FT...better use it alot now that's it's home...LOL!

Hope it's all good by you Cind....dang health issues are prolly the number one suck issue....I could go on but, I won't.

Venzun loin grilled to perfection with baked potato and fresh broccoli smuthered with pepperjack cheese and a big chunk of home made garlic toast for supper. Home made apple pie with ice cream for dessert. Is this Heaven?
Happy evening all!
Man it was a super nice day here! All sunny and rolling clouds with a nice breezy nip in the air. Ahhhh....made me happy to feel a little Fall. *sigh* Got a to finish a few things in the Poultry Palace. I got the dirt all filled in and I made a perch bar. It might be too high so I'll see how the Girls are perching tonight. It it's to tall, I'll fix it tomorrow. I also use some of my shepherds hooks to hang the feeders just like CC said to do. As I was sticking them in the ground and hanging the feeders, all I could think was "Man! CC's dh is brilliant!" I have birds feeder "S" hook hangers that are just the perfect length. The feeders hand at the perfect height for the Girls to eat. I still have to hang the 3 gallon hanging water-er, but I'll hang that outside for now and in the winter I will get them a heated water bowl. I also added some shaving for the bedding and the Girls loved that. They were very "helpful" in spreading the shavings around.
I have finally decided what to do with the rabbits. The does are going in the Palace with the chickens and the buck will go in a hutch on the enclosed porch since he will need to be kept away from the does once they start to breed and hopefully kindle. The does can be really picky with the pregnancy and kits if the buck is to near her.
I hope to get the rabbits all situated tomorrow, but dh and I have to go to the Walworth Country Fair tomorrow for the Fur and Feather Auction. We are going to hopefully bid and win some meat chickens. Dh has a customer who is a 4-H poultry leader, so we want to try to support his group.
Anyway, I'm going to check the chickens and I think go to bed....I bushed!
Night All!
Oh no.
I hope the little buggar turns up. He's probably the same color as the hay in the barn. He didn't go home with your friend by accident did he? My Jaerhon chicks are really good at jumping straight up, little escape artists in training.
Yes... dripping.... 5 kids... nursed all of them! I do so much feel for those under milked cows! Hope they're happy now!

Hope the storms didn't do too much damage to anyone. We got rain but not bad storms. It was bad enough to mess up part of my garden fence though, kinda my fault, used a couple of broken posts and they fell over

I like "lumpy" apple pie!

FT.... I thought I had 1 guinea that wouldn't shut up.... turns out they rotate! Seems like 30 sec. of silences gets another going! Krazy Glue! If the wound is less than 2" and not super deep, just glue it! When I had the Pet Store (I bred many critters) I used it to heal allot of wounds. Even mine and the kids! I think it even scares less!

Jim... I sure wish you were closer! I still could use about 4 Ameraucana pullets! Did you tell Annie the new roo was off limits?

DrH... Have fun and bring me back some bluegills!

DH and I went to Walworth Co. Fair for a couple of hours. Would have liked to spend more time but DH had to work so we had to squeeze it in between when he got home and getting home to close up the birds.
At least we saw the poultry barn. Storky dose look like she has "game" in her.... but she's bigger! Her pic is way back in post 11677! She just started to "fluff" in the 2nd pic so she's slimmer than she looks there. Man, didn't realize how big some of those breeds can get! WOW... super birds!

Looks Like I'll close up shop tonight !! Had a liter of diet coke tonight so I'm still awake. Guess it will be an ambien night/morning or whatever !! And Yep, I'm all to familiar with the ambien side effects !!!
I was on it for years before they ever came out with the truth about it. I was up eating ice cream and you name it (all food)
Not so funny at the time however.
Don't take it regularly now so haven't gone out and ate the couch or anything !!!

Cindlay, thanks for the super glue tip. I guess I've heard of that but had forgotten. But unless you have a new tube laying around I've never been able to get a used one to stay fresh. The tube always hardens up like it is a one shot deal. Use it once and toss the rest.

Anyway, I lost my BR at 3:28am She didn't open her eyes by herself all day. I kept her hydrated but she didn't eat all day either. Wonder if I shouldn't have given her the tylan 50. Sometimes you just wonder if your cures are worse then the actual trauma, wound or ????
I kept her wrapped in a towel and under the quilt (she could get air) along side of me all night to keep her warm. About 10 minutes before she died she was kind of making a rasping noise with each breath. Then right before she died she tilted her head back and her eyes opened up wide, then slowly closed and she was gone. That is so sad. Wish she could have just gone in her sleep.
She was on the small side. Don't know if the others kept her from the food or if she was just a runt or bad genes but it definately wasn't in her favor to be small.
Her head wound was very big. You could see her skull. Weird part was that she was eating fine last night and a little bit this morning. But I think yesterday she was very hungry. I think the bigger siblings were keeping her from the food. But still with just being injured you wouldn't think she would be eating.

Well, better take my pill so I can at least get up before noon today, tomorrow or whatever !!

Night, Hope you all are enjoying the holiday, suppose to be nice and cool today !!
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Just got back from camp - Spent the weekend trimming up shooting lanes...etc. Heading back up in a few min to pick up the ATV - I'll have to make another trip up there to grab the camper. Decided to bring the camper as the whole Famn Damily showed up for the weekend. It was a blast! However, my body sure is sore - don't know if it's from trimming all those branches or the Whiskey/Diet Cokes.....

Bert and Ernie are doing great. They are still a bit shy with the girls and don't seem to want much to do with them. They seem happy to hang out on the perch and "watch." As soon as the girls go outside to play, they jump down and gobble food and water... I'm sure they will "warm" up to the girls soon...LOL

Neighbor checked on the Chickens Saturday and Sunday. Said there were four eggs Sat and four Sun - I haven't been out there yet.

I hope everyone enjoys their LABOR DAY!
good morning, I am so hungry for a bluegill/perch/crappie fish fry that I might just take the boat and go get some..

I was up until just before 5 a m . I watched two movies.. then I went to bed and Annie got up at 5:30.. she let the dog out into the darkness to do his pee pee..
she could see something sitting on the ridge of the garage.. got the flashlight to see if it was the peacock.. nope,, it was a great big owl, waiting for breakfast.. It flew away..

Annie said that there is a barred rock pullet using the nests to lay her pullet eggs.. might have to keep that one..

dog is barking ,, must have company.. prolly Rob coming for his turkey eggs and some turkeys..

better go,, later

Just got back from camp - Spent the weekend trimming up shooting lanes...etc. Heading back up in a few min to pick up the ATV - I'll have to make another trip up there to grab the camper. Decided to bring the camper as the whole Famn Damily showed up for the weekend. It was a blast! However, my body sure is sore - don't know if it's from trimming all those branches or the Whiskey/Diet Cokes.....

Bert and Ernie are doing great. They are still a bit shy with the girls and don't seem to want much to do with them. They seem happy to hang out on the perch and "watch." As soon as the girls go outside to play, they jump down and gobble food and water... I'm sure they will "warm" up to the girls soon...LOL

Neighbor checked on the Chickens Saturday and Sunday. Said there were four eggs Sat and four Sun - I haven't been out there yet.

I hope everyone enjoys their LABOR DAY!

Maybe you ought to have a Saturday night "Chicken Dance" so they overcome their shyness and can get aquainted !!! They might even teach you the dance !!!
Glad to hear they're doing good !!

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