Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Dr H, I do have horseradish growing here,, I have not checked it real close for a long time.. Annie said it is spreading all over the place.. It has a raggity elongated radish leaf..

our friend, Sally, had her husband dig up these old roots so she could plant some flowers in their place.. she said these roots were 96 years old near as she could figure.. I think what she meant, was these roots came from another very old patch..

I tasted the final product.. just about 1/4 teaspoon of it.. I had to spit it out !! more than I could handle.. I will "cut" it later when I make the cream sauce with it.. still looking for a good recipe for the cream sauce.. I did not like any of them I found on line.. the instructions were too vague.. I need cups, spoons and weights.. Not ,,"take a couple of good sized roots".. that goes right along the lines of take an "average onion".. Just how many "average" onions does it take to fill a cup?

Our favorite sloppy joe' s recipe calls for a "handful of sugar".
and a "medium" onion..


maybe in the future we should put up a "BYC CHEESEHEADS" sign if we are set up at a swap.. Only cheeseheads would know what it means..
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so whose hand would you use to measure out the sugar? A hand like my DH or my DS(6)'s hand?
here is a picture of my DH holding some eggs........


like the sign idea!!
so whose hand would you use to measure out the sugar? A hand like my DH or my DS(6)'s hand?
here is a picture of my DH holding some eggs........


like the sign idea!!

Exactly !! especially if those are goose eggs..

for my daughters wedding picnic, she and I and her husband each made a batch of sloppy joe's .. her hand is smaller than mine and her husband is 6 ft 7inch.. there were 3 distinctly different batches..


BTW our egg production is increasing almost daily.. today we got a pullet egg.. and throughout last week we went from 10 a day to 15..
Hi all---got back from scrapbooking at about 2 and had to go and look at all the birdies. Thanks carol
I guess some chicks had hatched but they were not alive today...there was a black hen nesting somewhere in the shed...
The only thing I havent checked yet is the quail in the basement...One of Frankie the duck's babies cam in with me cause he was cold and kept flipping on his back...he is plenty happy in with the quail in the LR!

GOt lots done on the baby book for my daughter's friends baby. It is almost done! YEah...Well--I need to make a pit stop and then go and lock up...lost a lot of time reading that link about garlic--very fascinating--I always have trouble with it getting large enough to actually peel and use!
Well-DS22 needs to get off the the Badger Bus stop--later! Terri O
I'd have a hard time keeping a straight face too !!!! I remember trying to keep a straight face when my darling little nieces were being naughty, not listening to there Mom etc. That is actually really hard to do, keep a straight face that is !!!

Jersey cow

Hey FT, Where up north do you live? Anywhere near me?

Also had to jump on this for a favorite beer sake...


I live in the township of Nashville, nobody knows where that is. My zipcode is actually Crandon. I'm between Crandon and Pelican Lake. I know you are up there but not exactly sure how far Superior is ??? All I know is it must be colder up there !!!! LOL

Spotted Draft (type of horses I own)
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I'll have to check on that cylinder. We put fluid in but it didn't fill it. Chuck drove it to the neighbors, our mechanic who also owns a car quest in Crandon, but he wasn't home. It stopped , can't remember what else he said about it. It doesn't make that creaking noise now, I checked that out. I followed him in the car so we could drop it off. Guess tomorrow is another day. And of course I have a dentist appointment in Lakewood at 4:30pm that I'll have to cancel. I already missed one that I forgot about !!! Got a letter from them stating that if it happened again I wouldn't be a patient. They need 24 or 48 hour notice, How do you do that on Sundays for Monday appointments????

Clap In ,Clap Out Clap em !!!!
Evening All.... boring games today. I don't like the Lions looking so good. We are gonna be in trouble when we play them, I'm thinkin.

I'll get a phone number for the guy Jim. i tryed calling the lady I talked to today....no answer....when I get it, I'll let you know. She said he does well at state meets with his birds.

Gotta check out the tube and see who is playing tonight.

Draft Beer

How long do I have to dig the horse radish. We planted a couple of years ago, but didn't do anything last year with it. 12 pints seams like a lot but I make a lot of jelly and I know how it goes when you give a few away it goes quickly. Crappy day here, but I got most of my outside list done yesterday.
I am getting a kick out of watching the Lion, cause I am from MI, but if we lose to them I will never here the end of it
I put Mom to bed, now I was going to come on here and chat, but it is like a ghost town..

we use a lot of horse radish, but it is not the straight kind like we made....I don't think there is very much radish in the creamed sauce..

Sally is the type who gives away lots of jellies and canned goods, but she said that she is not going to be too generous with the horseradish.. too much sweat and tears in making it..

all the reading I did on it, they say to not keep it more than 2 months in the refrigerator.. It looses it's zing.. but with the zing of this ho-made stuff, it will last more than 2 months.. I can live without the zing as long as the flavor is there. they also say to not process it as in canning.. I wonder what the commercial companies do ? It is on the store shelves for a lot longer than 2 months.. I have a notion to process just one jar to see what it will be like in a year from now..

troll, I think you can dig up the radish anytime after it is growing the first year.. just do not take all of the root.. as long as there is root, it will keep growing.. I think if you divide the root often, you might not get the gnarled roots we had to work with.. I am sure there are people here who know a lot more about it than I do..

has anyone here ever used those 10# vegetable bags that are supposed to keep potatoes or onions from sprouting ? Annie told me she ordered 10 of them. should get them here in about 2 weeks.. I didn't ask her how much they cost.. I'm sure it was way too much..

I wonder if vaccuum bags would slow down sprouting ?

I wonder if you could vaccuum a 5 gallon bucket ?

I wonder if there are really 2 c's in vaccuum ?


draft dodger

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