Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Tiki244, love your little black silkie! She can "run away" to my house ANYTIME! (I have 3 white silkies, 2 are bantam.) I know the feeling of losing a favorite hen and then finding her a day or two later. Happened to me with one of my bantam silkies that I hatched this Spring. Normally she'd go to the roost with everyone else and one day she was gone! I looked all over for her and couldn't find her and because she's white and I couldn't see her, I thought a predator had gotten her. Man was I bummed, like SERIOUSLY BUMMED. The next day she still wasn't anywhere to be found so I just knew she was gone. Very sad. Later that day I walked behind a tall maple tree and there hunkered in at the base was my little silkie! She was on a nest of like 15 eggs!! I couldn't believe it. I was so happy to have her back and for several nights I had to remove her from her nest (which she kept trying to refill after I took her eggs away) and hand carry her back to the coop at night. Took several days of this to break her of the broodiness.

Someone asked if my friend sells her garlic, no, unfortunately she doesn't. Those around Madison might want to check with Jung's stores -- they usually have some late in the season -- or you could check their website too, for those who don't have a Jung's closeby. They are seperate entities though, so if 1 is out it doesn't mean they all are. I forgot exactly who is sharing their garlic on here but bravo to you and to the lucky one getting it!! I love to see spontaneous sharing like that!!

Haven't seen hide nor hair of TO, right? I'm guessing she's making her Florida run for that big TV.

Priced BOSS yesterday @ Mounds -- they wanted $26.99 for 50 lbs or $6.99 for 8 lbs! Ouch!! Checked F&F online and they have 20 lbs. on sale for $13.99 which is more expensive per lb. but I won't have to store as much or cough up a lot of cash. What to do, what to do.... I used to be able to sling 50 lbs. no problem but it's not as easily anymore so I might just go with the 20 lbs. as it won't be a hassle for me to get it where it needs to go...

Well, I'll let ya'll go for now. Just wanted to check in and say hi as it looks like some of you are feeling lonely and blue! Have a hot cup of hot chocolate -- that always perks me up!

Stay well & warm!
Hey Jim,

No problems here, I work a day job as well as at the church. My day job is at a teenage correctional facility, needless to say I am not easily offended when people cuss at me, although one immature 12 year old called me a poopy head on Friday. I think I spent more time trying to keep a straight face than being offended...

Only 1 egg so far today, hopefully a few more will come along through the afternoon.

WOW just had 2/3 of the light disappear from the 2 double hung windows in front of me, a huge chicken hawk just tried to grab one of the slw's and missed. This was within 2 feet of the house! I ran out clapped my hands and hollered it flew into a near by tree. See how I've changed bl4! But I admit if it hangs around and I have losses from it, it will die! Jeez Bigz we're havin bbq's ribs too! But with a salad.
And brownies for desert later. Life is good! L's makin oatmeal raisin cookies. I told her they're my favorite but I tell her that with any cookies she makes. Think she's startin to catch on. Oh ya brownies and maybe just one cookie... and another one later. We danced briefly to some Patsey and are singin along with some Prine. Like I said lifes good! Oh tiki hope you keep finding her what a purty girl! But don't tell her I said that, you know they get. When it snows I'll have to try at least getting a pic Peatwo in mid-goosing!
I'm serious it's just so dang funny! FT think Jim was refering to the emergency brake, be sure to hold the release when applying otherwise the brakes will lock up. Unless of course it's an emergency
CC you know me too well! Your right. But I'll try just because I HAVE to. Was thinking the same thing about the cardboard. Miss me? Pfft ain't missin much! dk you are going to LOVE that wood stove! Nothing like wood heat for your bones. I can see you going down the road with a chimney comin out of your car window and stokin a small stove in the back seat. Excuse me maam were you texting? Glad to hear that their taking a good look at DH's meds. Hope they get it figured out. So many times they over medicate. But what do I know I'm only a Dr in name only but I'm able to prescribe most of my own meds.
That IS a really cool birdhouse! krisptip hope your broodie comes through for you, and hope it makes her happy! Jim that's exactly how I remember makin "radish" WOW that'll make you breath easier at night! 12 pints
Sounds like xmas presents. Have to ask do you grow your own roots? I used to know what it looked like growing wild think it was similar to a beet top? A lot of work but well worth it! It's still raining here can you tell?
Sorry had jump back on. Just got a couple of more posts. KNA that just made me LOL about being a poopy head!
Think that boy might be salvageble.
If I had a nickle for being called worse.....
I'd have a hard time keeping a straight face too !!!! I remember trying to keep a straight face when my darling little nieces were being naughty, not listening to there Mom etc. That is actually really hard to do, keep a straight face that is !!!

Jersey cow
Well its been raining off and on here so far today, started late this am just as I was finishing cleaning the last waterer.

It's the end of the month/start of the next month craziness around here
also have to get our 4-H club registration papers all together so they can go into the county office- hopefully tomorrow, Tuesday at the lastest

DD baked some muffins up today- so we will have those for this next week. Making a chicken on the grill for a bit later today- it's one of the broilers we raised should be yummy
still deciding what else to put with it.......


here is the cake that we made the other day, my brother and SIL stopped in the other day so we sent a piece home with them- its best to eat in small slices

I'd have a hard time keeping a straight face too !!!! I remember trying to keep a straight face when my darling little nieces were being naughty, not listening to there Mom etc. That is actually really hard to do, keep a straight face that is !!!

Jersey cow

Hey FT, Where up north do you live? Anywhere near me?

Also had to jump on this for a favorite beer sake...

Hi all!

Ohoho, I just realized I met Buck Creek Chickens at the Portage show and didn't know it. I bought one of her Booted Bantams! Haha.

Man, I had fun at the Swap yesterday... I got yet another Sumatra and another black Cochin hen, I couldn't resist. She's another third bigger than Yvonne, and FAT. Very scary.

I've also decided Peach Golden Pheasants are the prettiest things I've seen in a long time... does anyone here actually raise those? Not that I could drop $200 a pair for them (!!!), but pictures are hard to find.

good afternoon, can tell it is raining out,, the site is busy here..
Just for the record, yesterday is the first time this fall that the nozzle on the water hose was frozen.. this morning there was an inch of frost over the potato patch.. Annie dug the last 25 feet of row.. we had a real nice yield of nice sized potatoes this year..
the carrots and brussel sprouts have to come out yet..

I counted 8 turkey hens yesterday,, not counting any in the pens.
the peacocks have been showing off quite a bit for the past few days.. even without their outer ring of feathers, it is quite impressive..

Brent, I was looking for R I Reds for a guy.. do you know how much $$$ they want for them? if anybody is wanting to fill their freezer, go to craigs list.. chickens and rabbits are going cheap !! even free ones , occasionally..

Ken, (poopy head) ?? the important thing is,, is he right or wrong??

You can call me anything except, late for meals..

there should be a double compartment at the master cylinder .
one controls the front brakes and the other controls the rear brakes.. In case one or the other fails.. maybe the newer cars don't have this feature ?? IDK..

DrH, close call with that hawk. eh? If I go out and clap and hollor everything goes into the coop... that sure would confuse them in the middle of the day..


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