Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good cold morning..  I think we finally got the frost that was lurking..

I got up at 5am today..

not planning on doing much today..  I think we will have to pull start the tractor..  I definitly have spark to the points..

welcome back bf4me ?..   were you gone ??


(Huge intake of breathe.... ) JIM YOU sh!t!!! One of my faves PRETENDING he didn't know I was gone! Old sh!it for sure...! :p

(Now muttering to myself like some crazy person) honestly... I know Jim is old but how could he really not know I went on a trip? Or is he totally losing it? Or did he really not mss me?! Nooo, how is that possible? Or is it? Oh my... Not he's giving me a complex...!
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I had to add the updated post to the end of the thread. All info I think you revelers need should be there. Please let me know if there is changes to your food.



Guesses anyone? Boy or girl? Possibly a Lakenvelder hen. What do you think????? (still some feathers to go yet)

Snapped these when mom went in the nest box to lay her morning egg. She's finally looking like a normal healthy hen,
(just a few more feathers to re-grow)
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Morning all!
question of a not so good nature for you more knowledgeable humane folks. Read somewhere else that the humane way to end a chickie's suffering is to spray a bag full of engine starter (aka ether). We don't have the spray but the liquid. Will this work the same? Reason I am asking is because my little hen StirFry has been going up and down every since the last "internal break?" a few days ago. Looking worse this morning (didn't go to roost last night). She really has a problem with cold anyway. (Has since I got her). Anyway, she was slow coming out of the coop this morning. I scattered all kinds of yummies for the girls this morning because of the cold and she stared at them and looked interested for a minute then just wandered over against the coop to get into the sun and closed her eyes (just barely pecked at her favorite mealworms yesterday). She looked "puffed" in the front so I gently checked her crop but it seems ok. I'm guessing this last time, with all her other "leaking" problems, she may have developed some kind of internal infection. since she just keeps having one problem after another, I am not going to try to bring her back again. If she recovers on her own, GREAT, but if she continues to go down, it may be time to let her go. Processing her is out of the question. I wouldn't eat her even if I weren't attached so I am looking for better way to help her go than chopping her head off (for both of us). Input folks?????

So sorry Vicki. But the quickest and most humane way I know is the axe. I've read enough horror stories on here of chickens taking hours to die by asphixiation with the starter fluid. let's hope it doesn't come to that, and that Stir-fry recovers.

TO, YIKES!!! Glad you're alright! Um,m yeah, sounds like there is way more 'off' with Benny than living in his folks' basement.
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Vicki, if you don't want to see her head removed, then a broken neck is pretty painless and less gruesome. I'm sorry, but its true. I gassed one bird. He did die quickly, but it was just as unpleasant as breaking the neck with their flopping death throes. :(
Oh Vic sorry your going through this! Any way you do it it won't be easy. Do you know someone that would do the deed for you? WOW TO think maybe that's why Benny is living in their basement. He has issues. Glad your OK! Got some wood split today but had probs with the splitter the float started haning up or a chunk of crap was getting stuck. Run for 2 minutes quit run for 2 minutes quit. Brought it back in and tore it ALL apart seems to run fine now.
Glad you arrived alive BF4me! Some of us missed you. Think my nose just grew a little. It's a long story but got some bad news today. Donny has stomach cancer. Will find out tonight what his options are.
(Huge intake of breathe.... ) JIM YOU sh!t!!! One of my faves PRETENDING he didn't know I was gone! Old sh!it for sure...!

(Now muttering to myself like some crazy person) honestly... I know Jim is old but how could he really not know I went on a trip? Or is he totally losing it? Or did he really not mss me?! Nooo, how is that possible? Or is it? Oh my... Not he's giving me a complex...!

geeze bigfam,,,,,, Jim & Ollie had more shaft issues and he had to help DrH with his frozen balls while you were gone

(and he IS old) don't take it personal, I'm sure Jim will let you know IF it is personal

Vicki that hen is suffering at this point, dispatch is part of what we as owners/humans need to do as distasteful as it is

Joe, sorry to hear about Donny good luck with the decisions

Terri glad your had your kitchen tools for backup,,,,I suggest you might need to find another set of clients,,,check the basement this time

took a couple hours off this aft since every project I attempted this morning turned to chit,,,,,,

bbl might as well attempt to run the mower for a couple hours and get started on the pine needles
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Hi all! Made some Tomatillo Soup for dinner and it is smelling wonderful! DH just got home and took the dogs for a run at the dog park...glad they are OUT OF THE HOUSE (all of them!) LOL! I am going to warm some tortillas to have with the soup...maybe a cucumber salad too....it's kinda spicy!
My client today wad very lethargic...I hope he's OK. THis is a different one and he is usually pretty sweet but today I must have tried to wake him in the wrong sleep cycle. Of course just as I was leaving he decided that he would like me to make him some eggs and toast...
Then I hit the grocery store and got just a couple of bags and it was $70!!!

OK--time 4 dinner. TerriOstarving
thanks for all the kind words good advice everyone, so much appreciated.
Knew I could count on you!
Unkadan ~ thank you for the hard, but so true, words. I needed the reminder. I've never before put myself (or my feelings) above the welfare of those put in my care either human or animal, not the time to start. I gave her 5 months of sunshine, fresh air, good food, warm nests and just being a chicken the way she was intended. If she shows no marked sign of improvement in the morning the right thing will be done.

TO~I am soooo thankful you are ok! Does this violate your contract? Do you really have to go back there?

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