Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I flatter her and she is still a b!tch. Last time I make soap for you Missy!

CC I am totally on YOUR side from now on.

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Yeah, which was why we shot it. Like I said, hope it perished, got 2 shots into it. Don't want it to suffer, but don't want it to get near my animals/kids.
Yeah, it's not so much the daylight part that worried me, it was the coming right up to barking dogs and just sitting there dumbly, not being particularly coordinated, and being unkempt in appearance. The thing wasn't right. Plus there was no food anywhere near it.
I'm not saying you were in the wrong. Far from it. I'm sure you did the right thing.

All I'm trying to convey is that a raccoon out and about during the daylight hours is not specifically a sign of sickness. It could also have had it's nest/den disturbed. Just sayin'.
I did not want to say you were yummy and gorgeous BabyL. I don't want people to mistake our relationship!

I can only manage one CC thank you very much! Honestly.... I love her, but sometimes I would just love to shove her in front of a train... JUST KIDDING Robin!

And now CC is cutting on my flannel shirt too?! I cant go around showing off my tatas ALL the time! Jeepers! A good looking woman can look good in ANYTHING CC. But 'm sure you already knew that.

I gotta go to bed. NIght all
The sometimes is a sick coon looking for its last meal with no idea it is suppose to be sleeping.

That is an cool cake bl 4

Congratulations on the job bf 4m
hi all,, 70 posts behind .. not even going to attempt reading them.. still can't see too well,, sight is coming back a little better.. I think the swelling has to go down some more..

I did get to plow some snow today.. I had one scarry moment when I had a large vapor cloud.. Oh no !! I thought,, the radiator hose burst, or worse,, the radiator sprung a leak.. I watched the temp gauge and drove back up to the garage.. the vapor cloud dispersed, and did not re appear..

I let Ollie run for about 15 to 20 minutes, and no more sign of a leak.. temp held at 150, so I went and finished plowing.. I am quite sure it was just the over flow.. I did fill the radiator up to overflowing last week.. I am going to do a little more plowing tomorrow, just for the halofit.. If I have no more trouble, I am going to put the grill back on..

the birds are going through about 15 gallons of water each day.. I think they would drink even more if I would put some out during the night, too..

time for a special "root beer" and then to bed with me..


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