Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"


See the fun Terri missed just because she wanted to see clearly...?!
Terri O... I'm always late! But at least I was present for our meeting. Where were you? Oh that's right... Checking out the cute guys at Eye Mart express. I mean, getting your eyes checked...

I didnt leave until 1pm btw. Halden can only take so much running around before he needs a spot of lunch and a nap. I got home and then had to talk to the parents. (They left 4 messages in the 3 hrs I was gone for Pete sakes!) nothing very important either.
I told them to stop calling me. Every time the phone rings I look at the caller ID for Dean clinic, then am crestfallen when it's not.

The phone rings again about 10 min after I told my parents to stop calling obsessively and it was DEAN CLINICS. I. GOT. THE. JOB. I can't even express how happy I am. How much this will help out our family!!! God is good. I start with orientation on Feb 11th.

It was a great day. I got to see Terri for 5 min. (Enough time to still give her sh!t) I got to have a NICE LONG visit with Margaret. Starbucks coffee, then chasing the boy for an hour or more in the children's book section. Then the job offer.

To celebrate, hubby and I even took the boys out in public. ALL of them. We went to Lake WI Country Club. Fish fry, burgers, chicken tenders, etc. we don't take them to restaurants often because its so hard for them to wait for food to be made. Where do they get their impatience from??? But they did so well two separate people came up to us as we were leaving to tell us how well behaved the boys were. Really great kids, and how we're doing a great job with them. Perfect strangers. Loved that!

Better go... Little man needs to go to bed!
Congratulations! How awesome. Don't you love it when people compliment you on the kids? Sounds like you had a great day
Hey BigFam congrats on the job! I knew you would get it! They would be fools not to hire you. I just hope they realize what they are in for!!!!

As far as going out to eat with all your boys; if they cannot wait then they should go out more often. Teach them some patience!

Lauren, I will get back to you, I promise......

So the cake is DONE!!!!
This is the bedding my co-worker picked out....

And here is the cake! It is carrot (but you all knew that....).

And now, time for a glass of wine!

Night all!

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