Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"


I can safely say that there is nobody here in more of a fowl mood than I. even the pup is avoiding me.. he is part of the mood thing....

anymore than that I have to say would have to be in a PM , I guess..

If there are going to be rules to follow,, I am gone..

I don't handle rules very well..

I'm very new here, so I hope I do not offend anybody by sharing my opinion.

Part of the reason I joined by was because of all the wonderfull chatty I was reading!
Overtime I googled my crazy chickies ?'s I was brought to old conversations here :) I've learned soooo much already. I'm gratefull to everyone who has welcomed me!
Terri - tempting, so tempting, but I better not. Got to build an environment for my duckies as is. Maybe add geese next season if I can get a predator proof enclosure up or an autodoor for a nice enclosure that will safely lock them up at night. With my work, I can't reliably open and close at dawn and dusk. I'll try out my trio of Muscovy first, see if I have success with waterfowl. :)
Rules? Rules? We don't need no stinkin' rules!!

let there be mayhem !!!!!

Terri you didn't buy those boxes, you stole them,,,good score

cute pics,,cute kids,,Hurley nobody came up with a caption?

went to the VA in Iron Mountain, 1st time at a TSC,,,wasn't impressed they had the chicks out in the fenced in area,,,good thing or I might have set some loose just for sh!ts and grinz

I did score some pasties,,yup real yupper deal had one for lunch

grey day, flurries glad I am not fighting drifts and shoveling,,,good luck with that


Vickie was it you that wanted to see the new nests I got at the swap? I cant remember...anyhow, here they are finally!

End detail:

Such a simple design but I know it would have taken me way more that $15 worth of aggravation to make it!
And just because everyone posts pics of their kids (Like HURLEY! Man TJ? is sure cute with that duck!!!)
Enjoying the spoiles after making the birthday cake!

Trying to sleep....

My son is way more tired!

Once again....have a good one! TerriO
Oh my goodness! That cat looks bigger than the dog
Wow. Cute kids!
Ugh- so much snow! Yuck. DH told me one of the kittens that were born in November got killed when a cow rolled over on her. She was such a sweetie. I am not a cat person at all, but I do love kittens. Happens all the time here though. Seems like just when I start to get attached something happens. Oh well- at least her brother and sister are still here, and they are as sweet as can be.
Ugh- so much snow! Yuck. DH told me one of the kittens that were born in November got killed when a cow rolled over on her. She was such a sweetie. I am not a cat person at all, but I do love kittens. Happens all the time here though. Seems like just when I start to get attached something happens. Oh well- at least her brother and sister are still here, and they are as sweet as can be.
Awe....that's so very sad to hear :( We have a ton of snow too! Where are you? I'm in Manitowoc.
My fist set of eggs I purchased from Ebay came today! Not a single one damaged, not frozen.....wonderfully wrapped....and an all around amazing transaction!!!

I now have loaded in the incubator...warming right along at 99.5* and approaching 65% humidity....21 sultan/frizzle eggs and 3 creole old english bantams. Praying I get a decent hatch rate!!!

So very excited!! Now 3/6 I have four crested ducklings coming!!

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