Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Trying to interest the kids in watching a movie...I was hoping that they'd fall asleep...it's not happening! They are back to working on the coloring contest for the bank...they really want those Easter baskets! LOL!
I took some pics outside for you Vicki! Here are the baby goats:

There are three of them, 2 girls and one boy. I still have one ewe and one doe to go yet.

Now, how long do you think this new toy is going to last?

It's not ripped yeet but I fear it is just a matter of time!

I also took a whole bunch of pics of my roos etc. But I am too tired to post them right now...I think I will take thekids up and try my luck at a nap!
Fingers crossed for sleep! TerriO
TO - Love seeing your goat kids!! I have been trying to talk DH into goats for a few years now. Still not working though!
I offer my dissent that possoms won't kill full-grown chickens. Just last month I lost a Wellie hen to one, chewed her head off, inside the coop.
Oh, that is impossible,, something came in and killed it for the Possum,, then he ate it..
just like what happened with my geese,, something came in three nights in a row to kill a goose for the skunk family.. those wild animals take care of each other like that..

I have read that people have chased skunks away from their chicken yard,, Why? they are not doing any harm..

You few who think skunks are the cuddly cute wild pussy cats,, are in for a big surprise some day.. Now, I am going to just sit back for what ever time it takes, and wait until I can say,"told ys so"..
Oh, that is impossible,, something came in and killed it for the Possum,, then he ate it..
just like what happened with my geese,, something came in three nights in a row to kill a goose for the skunk family.. those wild animals take care of each other like that..

I have read that people have chased skunks away from their chicken yard,, Why? they are not doing any harm..

You few who think skunks are the cuddly cute wild pussy cats,, are in for a big surprise some day.. Now, I am going to just sit back for what ever time it takes, and wait until I can say,"told ys so"..
Yah well, when I lived in Chicago I NEVER saw a skunk eat anything alive, SO there.

Darn it's hard to argue with an eye witness
If I was creative enough (or had the time) I would totally make fake pictures of a skunk eating a chicken and post them...

Stir stir stir the pot

Congrats on the new truck Bigz.

Doc, if you weren't drop kicking the poor kitty her stitches wouldn't keep popping.

TerriO Magic is very cute. So are the baby goats!

Hi all new people. This thread is a terrible thread. Beware! People seem to be helpful, but there is always an ulterior motive. Every single one of them will try to turn you into a chicken addict. Poultry and fowl are their drugs. And they want to deal to you. Oh yes they do! (Say did I mention I'll have chicks for sale at the end of the month...)

I better go make dinner.

Hey... I wonder if there is a drug out their like Narcan for someone that overdoses on poultry... We might need to have it on this thread.
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