Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Jim hasn't taken me out to the McDonald's either. He just invites me over for "pigs in a blanket".. ??? But I never get any food, or see pigs for that matter!

(I'm so sorry...giggling away here at work over that one...)

Rare form today my perv friend
Hey all...not much to update the 2 chickies are still alive, having a very hard time getting them to eat or drink......... doubt I will have to cull, if they don't start eating and drinking they will just die, The little girl is breathing kinda heavy tonight I think he end is near..... :hit :hit :hit
So that is about it for now my hubby is actually home early so I will be enjoying what little time we get together, fawning over his every wish.......later peeps.............Kim
I am so glad the weather forecast has changed so much since Wednesday!!! What a beautiful day tomorrow for the wedding!!!

I am so excited about the gift we picked up; not the gift itself, but what we have done to the outside! All three of us at work (my boss, co-worker and I) have pitched in for the gift and since we could not find the 'scientific' wrapping paper we liked we made our own! The gift is wrapped in black paper and we have written all kinds of chemical structures on the paper in silver sharpie! I will try to get some pics of it tomorrow once I have finished getting all of the compounds drawn onto it.

I can't wait to see this big black box sitting next to all of the properly wrapped wedding gifts!

Heading over to the Natural Foods Expo in Oshkosh before I wend my way home after work. Amy, send me a message on FB on the where and when you will be there!

Nice to see you back Jim.
and Amyable..... did you have another kiddo?

ya that's about it. until next time.
Having...in Sept.

Heading over to the Natural Foods Expo in Oshkosh before I wend my way home after work. Amy, send me a message on FB on the where and when you will be there!

Nice to see you back Jim.
I can bring a 1/2 dozen eggs, if you like. Maybe a full dozen, let me ask my sis how many she wants as she asked for some earlier this week... Joel Salatin tomorrow, baby!!!
my new nickname the byc stalker
Oh, come on now. He had a whole bunch of chicks just hatch, plus a new baby sibling. Plus outdoor activities at school are probably starting up right about now. And he's a teenager. What do you really think he is doing these days?
He is a kid, in a huge family, and is the oldest sibling. I'm sure he is just busy. No need to make something out of nothing. You didn't do anything wrong, Ang. Don't sweat it.
Many adults have come and gone on this thread. He might be back.
What exactly are you doing with the duct tape?
Good one, Lisa!

Raim, love the tats!

Jim, glad to see you again.

Cuties brought up a good point. Colten is probably busy building that coop for his friend.

Ghost, I am so sorry to hear about your chicks.
Don't lose faith just yet. They may suprise you.
I am glad your hubby is home for a little while.

Sorry to all I missed. It's been hectic around here, and no end in sight. I hope the weather gets better for everyone. Be safe & sweet dreams, all!
Oh, come on now. He had a whole bunch of chicks just hatch, plus a new baby sibling. Plus outdoor activities at school are probably starting up right about now. And he's a teenager. What do you really think he is doing these days?
He is a kid, in a huge family, and is the oldest sibling. I'm sure he is just busy. No need to make something out of nothing. You didn't do anything wrong, Ang. Don't sweat it.
Many adults have come and gone on this thread. He might be back.
Anyone would have gone up and said hi, so please don't think I was being critical of you in the slightest. I would have done the same thing. I was only speculating as a mother is all.


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