Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi all- not much new here. Beautiful day today! Spent yesterday for 12 hrs in Two Rivers for my daughters dance recitals. They were so cute-

I have a broody hen too. Does ANYONE have eggs I can set under her? I have really good luck with hatching my own eggs, but I don't want anymore "mutts".
Good night all
Good morning!  I had to sleep an hour extra this morning....I love sleeping in when there is rain and thunder!  After I fed the masses I noticed that some of my fish have a white film on them so I have been reading up on fish diseases this morning. The have some fungus thing I am sure and I have to treat with  Malachite Green I guess.  I hope the pet shop in Watertown has it!

Welcome to the new folks!  It is true...just post what you are looking for and someone will either have it or know who does!   Also a great way to meet everyone is to attend one of our bashes.  You can find the link in my siggy. 
Now this is interesting Lisa...my fam thinks that all we talk about on here is chickens!  I wonder what a nail hammering competition entails?  I'd ask Jim but since he was all liquored up he probably wont remember! :lau
OK now...I know MY house is not that clean but yours looked pretty good!  THose pictures that had no furniture must have been BEFORE moving in!  Houses always look clean when there is nothing to look at but walls!
AND--I WAS NOT NAPPING! (I wish I had been) I was out moving birds around I think and I was a bit ticked because it was not going well!
Well isnt this the truest thing ever said?  THe way to a chicken's heart is definately through their stomach! If you have them in a coop now they will naturally go back there to sleep.  It is an instinct they have.  As long as they are comfortable in their coop and feel safe (and have been in it for a few weeks) they will return to sleep.  I wouldnt put an adult hen in with them because her origional flock might not recognize her when she comes back and you might have an even bigger problem. Do like Vicky said and let them see each other for a while and then let them out.  There are a lot of them and if they can run and get away the hens will forget about them.  You will have some skirmishes while they establish their pecking order. As long as there isnt too much blood you should be fine--LOL! :th

Well all this reading and typing has made me very tired...I think I need another cuppa!  My neighbor brought me another bucket of turkey eggs yesterday...they were peeping!   So he just called now and is coming with more today and wants the ones I have hatched (3 more today) back and he is going to put them under the hen tonight.  THen he said I can have the rest...I wonder if any will hatch?  I hope the ones that have been in the brooder  take to following a hen.  I havent had any luck with that scenario myself.  The brooder baby didnt listen to the hen at all!

Cute picks BigFam! Phone is ringing again....AARGH!  The day begins!  TerriO

TerriO your fish probably have what is called ICK..... you can get medicine at the pet shop for it, its a bacteria that affects the slime coating and makes weird white patches, and such.......Kim
Wow... where has CC been. I miss her snarky-ness. I mean chipper delightful person!!!
Bigfam actually misses me?!?!?!?!? Wow, he!! finally froze over.

Didn't mean to be gone so long, but been crazy busy out in the yard, with all the critters and took a trip up nort for the weekend. But I'm baaaaaack! You have been warned.
Now must sleep.
Hi All!

DrH... Welcome back! Glad "the kids" were glad to see you too!

Angie....Nice booth. Yea, too bad you can't schedule broodys to when you need or want them! LOL

OK.... very tired... night all!
Good Morning All! Congrats to your DD too Jim! Don't think she'll have any problem finding a job. DDD has an interview on Friday with Mars/Petco. Sounds like a very sweet deal.
TO when I saw the first pic thought they looked like wood ticks.
judge kids are so cute when their little.
Long list this AM but nothing strenuous. Glad for the upcoming rain the garden will love it and so will I. I need a Bigz day.
Yvette - Well I will definately take them for the $20. But that's your call if you'd rather not bring them with. What town do you live in? You can PM me if you want. If we're not too far apart I might swing out to get them, although my DH is sick of me making too many runs all the time and says just to wait and do it all in 1 fell swoop. I guess I can understand, as I HAVE been putting way too much money into my gas tank this last month. LOL!

Angie - Great booth! Love the pics!

Jim - congrats to your daughter! Whew! Bet she feels good!

Delisha - WTH is a cherry egger??? Do they lay red-ish eggs?

Judge - cute pic of the girls! Which one's yours?
I got pics of my new chicks as well as new pics of the older ones. I like to see how much they're growing! :) I'll post them after I get the kiddos off to school. Also - after taking pics I cleaned out their boxes & tote bin that they're in and I rolled up all the newspaper & threw it out and still needed to dump the box out, so I took all the chicks out of the box I was working on and put them on my carpet I put on the washer. I had them all up in 2 scoops & figured they'd be running around a bit but that it'll only take a couple seconds to dump the corner of the box in the garbage and put it back down again. Nope! They were TOO quick! Some jumped on top of the washer and when I tried to scoop them down, some came down and others freaked out and tried to fly and landed behind the washer. GRR! So I put the rest away and counted and 3 were missing. I called DH over to help me and he started to pull the washer out and I was yelling at him to stop b/c he didn't know where they were and sure enough! He ran one over and spilled her guts and he had to put her down. It was one of my very rare red crested red polish pullets!
(I only bought 2 in the 1st place) I was so mad and the girls were crying and I was yelling at him for just grabbing it and pulling it like that. I understand he didn't know one was actually UNDER there like that, but that's my whole point. You DON'T know! :( Well, I guess with all the casualties everyone else was having, it was my turn...
Yvette - Well I will definately take them for the $20. But that's your call if you'd rather not bring them with. What town do you live in? You can PM me if you want. If we're not too far apart I might swing out to get them, although my DH is sick of me making too many runs all the time and says just to wait and do it all in 1 fell swoop. I guess I can understand, as I HAVE been putting way too much money into my gas tank this last month. LOL!

Angie - Great booth! Love the pics!

Jim - congrats to your daughter! Whew! Bet she feels good!

Delisha - WTH is a cherry egger??? Do they lay red-ish eggs?

Judge - cute pic of the girls! Which one's yours?
It was a fad about 15 years ago. Cherry color eggs. I bought a bunch of them. I have one left and keep one of the chicks and sell the rest. They still lay cherry color eggs. It is technically a brown, but when the cells lay the color over the white shell, it stops at a cherry color.
I got pics of my new chicks as well as new pics of the older ones. I like to see how much they're growing! :) I'll post them after I get the kiddos off to school. Also - after taking pics I cleaned out their boxes & tote bin that they're in and I rolled up all the newspaper & threw it out and still needed to dump the box out, so I took all the chicks out of the box I was working on and put them on my carpet I put on the washer. I had them all up in 2 scoops & figured they'd be running around a bit but that it'll only take a couple seconds to dump the corner of the box in the garbage and put it back down again. Nope! They were TOO quick! Some jumped on top of the washer and when I tried to scoop them down, some came down and others freaked out and tried to fly and landed behind the washer. GRR! So I put the rest away and counted and 3 were missing. I called DH over to help me and he started to pull the washer out and I was yelling at him to stop b/c he didn't know where they were and sure enough! He ran one over and spilled her guts and he had to put her down. It was one of my very rare red crested red polish pullets!
(I only bought 2 in the 1st place) I was so mad and the girls were crying and I was yelling at him for just grabbing it and pulling it like that. I understand he didn't know one was actually UNDER there like that, but that's my whole point. You DON'T know! :( Well, I guess with all the casualties everyone else was having, it was my turn...
accidents happen. I step on a few every year.
I got pics of my new chicks as well as new pics of the older ones. I like to see how much they're growing! :) I'll post them after I get the kiddos off to school. Also - after taking pics I cleaned out their boxes & tote bin that they're in and I rolled up all the newspaper & threw it out and still needed to dump the box out, so I took all the chicks out of the box I was working on and put them on my carpet I put on the washer. I had them all up in 2 scoops & figured they'd be running around a bit but that it'll only take a couple seconds to dump the corner of the box in the garbage and put it back down again. Nope! They were TOO quick! Some jumped on top of the washer and when I tried to scoop them down, some came down and others freaked out and tried to fly and landed behind the washer. GRR! So I put the rest away and counted and 3 were missing. I called DH over to help me and he started to pull the washer out and I was yelling at him to stop b/c he didn't know where they were and sure enough! He ran one over and spilled her guts and he had to put her down. It was one of my very rare red crested red polish pullets!
(I only bought 2 in the 1st place) I was so mad and the girls were crying and I was yelling at him for just grabbing it and pulling it like that. I understand he didn't know one was actually UNDER there like that, but that's my whole point. You DON'T know! :( Well, I guess with all the casualties everyone else was having, it was my turn...
sorry about the chick :-( ... part of the game.. not much fun though

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