Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good morning!
Kids and the DH had me up early this morning so I managed to get a 3 mile walk in; good thing to, it is nasty sticky outside!

The oldest DD's BF is out in CO visiting his uncle and doing some 'shed' hunting, they are looking for Elk sheds. He sends my Dh pics (since the DD had her phone taken away for poor school performance), they found a intact skull yesterday. I'll have to get some pic up here. When he comes back next week I will have to check with him on his setting goose; the knobhead was trying to hatch out 25 eggs! If anyone would want some mutt geese, well, we will see how many will hatch first I guess..... but I think they should be hatched out by the Bash.

Psyco, if you do get some calls..... PLEASE do some research on them first. They DO and WILL fly away, and they have a very difficult time hatching......

Met up with Amyable yesterday at that little Fiber event just outside of New Holstein. Beautiful farm, adorable animals, just a lovely day overall! Judge, if I knew exactly where you lived I would have driven by and beeped!

Anyone in my neck of the woods up for a road trip tomorrow (Amy, Julie)? The Raw Milk advocates are showing their support the trial of Vernon Hershberger. Need information?


I suppose I should get going, I do have other things to do today...... enjoy!
Good morning!
Kids and the DH had me up early this morning so I managed to get a 3 mile walk in; good thing to, it is nasty sticky outside!

The oldest DD's BF is out in CO visiting his uncle and doing some 'shed' hunting, they are looking for Elk sheds. He sends my Dh pics (since the DD had her phone taken away for poor school performance), they found a intact skull yesterday. I'll have to get some pic up here. When he comes back next week I will have to check with him on his setting goose; the knobhead was trying to hatch out 25 eggs! If anyone would want some mutt geese, well, we will see how many will hatch first I guess..... but I think they should be hatched out by the Bash.

Psyco, if you do get some calls..... PLEASE do some research on them first. They DO and WILL fly away, and they have a very difficult time hatching......

Met up with Amyable yesterday at that little Fiber event just outside of New Holstein. Beautiful farm, adorable animals, just a lovely day overall! Judge, if I knew exactly where you lived I would have driven by and beeped!

Anyone in my neck of the woods up for a road trip tomorrow (Amy, Julie)? The Raw Milk advocates are showing their support the trial of Vernon Hershberger. Need information?


I suppose I should get going, I do have other things to do today...... enjoy!
Lol- I am about 2miles ish down the road from Amyable...
Yvette - Well I will definately take them for the $20. But that's your call if you'd rather not bring them with. What town do you live in? You can PM me if you want. If we're not too far apart I might swing out to get them, although my DH is sick of me making too many runs all the time and says just to wait and do it all in 1 fell swoop. I guess I can understand, as I HAVE been putting way too much money into my gas tank this last month. LOL!

Angie - Great booth! Love the pics!

Jim - congrats to your daughter! Whew! Bet she feels good!

Delisha - WTH is a cherry egger??? Do they lay red-ish eggs?

Judge - cute pic of the girls! Which one's yours?
Thanks! Mine is in the green
Morning all!
Can't sit up for long so this will be short, sort of. Worked dawn to dusk for 2 days on the coop remodel and it turned out nice-pics to follow later - pushed too hard and ignored the warning pains so went to get out of bed on Friday and OUCH !!!:eek:. Been on drugs and pretty much stuck in my recliner since. Combination of neuropathy and inflaming my back. Nothing life threatening, just a very painful reminder that "you're not 25 and healthy anymore stupid!":gig

Worst thing is Saturday was absolutely perfect weather seeding and transplanting and I couldn't do it!!!!!! Grrrrr. Only been able to do the lightest puttering so all I can do is sit and stare at all the garden work piling up. I also hoped to have the temp run ready by today so I could get the chicks outside.

To top things off, my sweet lady Noodle, is limping really bad this morning and cannot figure out why. No bumblefoot tho she does have a small something? Between but near the top of her toes that has been there for a couple days but hasn't bothered her, not gotten bigger and doesn't seem to be sensitive so I'm thinking she may have had a bad landing off the roost this morning. Got her grounded to the run for now and watching her. Anyone have any ideas/suggestions?

Congratulations on all the hatches and condolences on the losses. Oh and a big congrats to Jim and DrH on the graduates, had one, a granddaughter, this weekend myself. Now she's off to Ohio for her master's animal biology. Her sister is starting at Columbia for her major in dance and a ridiculous number of minors. Both girls were fully homeschooled. I am such a proud mom of my amazing daughter!!!:hugs

Now, COFFEE, have a great week everyone and stay safe!
Ok so went to visit my friend and her gorgeous new coop. Saw the 9 week old babies that some of you shared... have some suspicious roo like chicks here. Delisha...is this another tree trunk girl? Both are rocks, one has some brown and one has some black mixed with the white. Same age and one looks alot like my mature girl?

I know some of you have swedish flower hens, i think that is what this is... is it a roo or hen and do I have the breed correct?

another shot of the mature white rock mix and this mutt...any thoughts on the mutt?

And this... I am 99% positive is a roo... it came out of an egg labeled polish. I would say silkie mix myself but maybe polish mix...who knows... thinking roo!

last picture... and I will leave you alone until I take pics of my confused polish again!!!
barred rock...what is it roo or pullet?
good morning,, nice and cool to start off with..

I set 1 peacock, 2 turkey, 14 barred rock and 19 guinea eggs just now.. 36 in all..

Dora is going to the vet at 2 PM..

nothing else exciting around here..

Kris, b r pullet.......

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Long weekend, I need Cartman to nap today, because I neeeeeeed to sleep more. Nice to see you BL4 at the Fiber farm! Sorry you didn't get to see a shearing, I should have taken a little video. I only got to see them start on the buck goat, had to stay near my table. The crowds were a lot smaller than we were hoping for; ya win some, ya lose some.

I am stoked to go show support for Vernon! Too bad Joel Salatin will be there Thurs only. But David Gumpert is speaking tomorrow and he is a big name in the food freedom movement. If Vernon loses I am very afraid the state will shut down our dairy.

Judge, the little girls are adorable! I remember going to those dance recitals every year when my sis was in gymnastics. She was the only one in her class that could do backwards walkovers (or whatever that's called.)

Nice pics all, sorry for the losses. Terri, maybe you should bring some turkeys to the Bash? I am getting a few eggs in the mail this week, but with my hatching rate this year I am not hopeful. I just want to put a couple in the freezer come fall. Only 2 weeks to go!!!
Good morning--just started my second cuppa too Jim...all little birdies are happy with their new digs. I have to pick up some lower wattage bulbs today I guess. Either these 75s are really strong or my thermometer needs new batteries...it is reading 111→
but the turkeys are laying under it like it is perfect? I am not too worried.

I thought it was supposed to be rainy today? I have the first load out on the line and the second washing. It is gorgeous out there! Smells really good too...the lily of the valley and the lilacs are in bloom. I love lily of the valley! I am going to have the kids pick some today so I can bring it inside. I just heard the weather and apparently the "severe storms" are coming here this afternoon? We will see I guess.

Yesterday I got some of my front porch cleared off. I am looking forward to sitting out on the swing soon! One half is just a junk heap that needs to be carted to the trash area. Unfortunately that is a bit down the road! I wonder if I just pulled it up to the road on Friday if they would pick it up there? Might be worth a try. They stop if I put it on the other side of the road when we dont get it out early enough.

Cute dancers Judge! I remember that...I was in dance when I was young too; tap and ballet every Saturday morning...I walked up to the grade school. I still remember my Mom sewing costumes for the whole group!

Sorry for the loss Psycho...I know that feeling when they rush in to help and then mess it up! Oh and the kids crying too...must have been a real "fun" time.
It's always the one that you have a limited amount of too.

Kris--that mutt looks like the little mutt roos I have. I was thinking mine were EEs with no muffs. You are right, It does look like there are a few roos in the bunch. I dont try to guess mine...I just wait until it is obvious--easier that way!

My friend Peggy that gave me some of her barred rock hens wants to give me her rooster now. He is an Ameraucana (maybe pure-probably not) because he is attacking her landlord! I told her I would trade for the roo she gave me with the hens. She doesnt want him to get eaten...well.

I picked up some eggs yesterday and I hadnt gotten them from that nest in a few days so I was a little nervous about too much development to sell them for eating...I was right to question it! I broke one open and it was veining! It was very interesting because you could see the heart beating in the vessels but there really wasnt an identifiable embryo yet. Sheesh, that was only 4 or 5 days! THe chickens got the rest of the eggs from that nest.

Guess I should get the next load on the line...I think I heard the machine turn off. Oh yeah, congrats on all the graduating people! Fingers crossed for jobs for all....summer or lifetime--whichever kind of grad you had! Getting humid in here!
Ghost--the fish dont have ICK. Saw a pic of that and it's not it. I am thinking a fungal infection called "Grey Slime" (I think) ANyhow I need to get some Malachite Green to treat it.

A really nice flowery smell just cam in the window! Is anyone familiar with "Spice Bush?" I dont know that correct name for it but it has yellow flowers in spring, kind of a viney shrub, the leaves look kind of like gooseberry but no spines. I dug some once upon a time at my neighbors but it didnt take. I would LOVE to get some! THe smell is kind of like cloves...

Off to hang laundry....really! TerriO

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