Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I take it back: I guess I do have some advice to those with sick chickies. Please consider contacting dawg53 here on BYC. If Jim is the knowledge fairy on all hatching knowledge, then dawg is definitely the knowledge bible on chicken health & illness. Brace yourself, for his first recommendation might be to cull, but that is because he has seen alot of devastating diseases wipe out entire flocks. But he also knows tons about chicken ailments, diagnoses and how to treat for just about anything.

Good luck!
I looked up the symptoms of Coryza. I smelled her breath and don't smell anything. Can't see any Phlegm at all. Her eyes are clear. Hmmm...If I don't see some fairly quick improvement I will get the Tylan. Where is the best place to give a chicken a shot? Is it under the wing where they do the Pullorum test? Is it a vein or muscle shot?

OMG TerriO!! Those call duck babies are so cute!! WANT, WANT...no Lisa...you can't have any more ducks right now. Control yourself..

Quote: Wow...that is really awful and frustrating.

Hey, folks,
Looks like some of us might be in for a wild night tonight!

Midwest could see strong windstorms from derecho
Gusts could reach 100 mph

"Storms developing to our west during the afternoon and evening hours today could create what is known as a derecho moving through Wisconsin Tuesday night.
A derecho is a line of storms that moves very fast, can last for hours, and packs winds of 75 MPH or above both in front of and behind the line. These lines can also involve heavy rain and large hail, along with a small chance of embedded tornadoes.

News 3 Meteorologist Bob Lesh says if this line develops it will begin to move through after midnight and completely pass by mid-morning. There is a possibility of an inch or more of rain from this system and winds up to 100 mph." from:

Stay safe!

Looks like most of them are going to be south of us and into Illinois. They can keep going south!! Hope everyone is safe and well!!
Looks like most of them are going to be south of us and into Illinois. They can keep going south!! Hope everyone is safe and well!!
Hey ! That does not sound that great to me down here!

TO-- my buckeye is bigger than the rest and is the one that crows at 4.5 weeks. He hatched with the extra toes. At first I thought they were spurs. Now they are long toes with nails.
evening, I redragged the garden in a criss cross pattern.. dredged up rocks that have not seen sunlight for millions of years, if ever..I hooked onto one rock that made the tractor wheels spin.. It is still underground..

tomorrow I will rototill at least enough to plant some corn.

had no luck finding brussels sprout plants.. my fault for shopping so late.. I am noticing how tiny most of the started plants are.. heII, if that is all the bigger they have to be, I am going to start my own from now on.. I think if I started some right in the garden from seed, they would catch up to the spindley things the green houses have..

I dragged up some extra ground south of the green house.. I think Annie wants to try planting some millet seeds.. any advice how to do that ? anybody ? I figure to plant it sort of like grass seed.. only not quite as thick..

I am looking for a used Mantis tiller.. the new ones are out of my price range.. My bro does have one but it is in for repairs.. I offered to test it for him when he gets it back..


No Brussels Sprouts?! Ain't it a shame?

I'm planning to spread some millet on one of my garden plots by broadcasting it. And I think you're right about not planting it as thickly as grass seed because of the size of the stalk! I figure they should be a couple of inches apart but I don't feel like making rows for them. Not sure how much dirt is needed to cover the seed but I don't imagine it will take much. I took some seeds off some sprays that I was given for the chickens so I don't even know what kind it is other than it's not purple millet. Good luck with your millet crop - not so much with the yucky Brussels Sprouts!
Hi all!
What a lot to talk about! I watched that video...I also treated mine with Tylan. It seemed to have the most to help. I was thinking that my hens that did that had gapeworm. I dont know if that was it but they got rid of it finally! See if you can look down her throat and the worms can be visible...or you could have that stinky yellow crud. (I cant remember the name right now) But if you smell her breath you will NEVER forget the smell. Just came back it's Corzya--bad stuff....

Kids are finishing their ice cream...yes I am watching them this week again. I guess Granny didnt want them. (poor kids)
Now I cant remember what else I wanted to say...oh yeah; that Farm inovator bator that I am borrowing from JJ is really great at holding temps! Every time I go downstairs I check it and it is 99.7. Very true Lisa about getting on the crazy turn it up, turn it down cycle...did that on my first hatch. Now I know better!

Kids are brushed and tucked in...now if they just go to sleep! Then I can go out and lock up and do the dinner dishes. I cant do tham while they are awake cause then they want to "help!"

I have a story to tell...as you know my black call duck was on a nest of 8 in the corner of a drawer in the top barn. So I looked at her nest this morning and there were 3 little ducks in it and an egg! I gathered up the babies (the egg was pipped but the baby was dead :( ) and went to look for the mom. She was down in the mud river with 3 more babies! Silly mama! I put the newcomers with her and they were all happy. So, when chores were done I decided that I better cage them up. I did...later they were back out! They can fit through 1x2 mesh! I added another layer around the cage. So I am walking about thinking about them and wondering where the other one went? No egg in the nest, no baby? HMMM. I went to get some hay for the goats and heard a very loud peeping. Following it I found another just hatched baby outside the barn in the horse yard trying to go back up toward the barn! He was very happy to be reunited with his sibs! So there you have it...my duck tale for tonight...and of course I have pics!
Mama before I found the lost one.

Proud Daddy...but mad cause he's not in with her.

Another proud Mama.

Spa day at Oppyland!

Hey JJ that "Buckeye" must have been from the hen that is pretty little. Do you remember if it was a nearly white egg that it came from? Is the chicken smaller than the rest the same age? I have a really tiny one that hatched out of an egg like that. It doesnt have extra toes...yet.

great advice.

And now I am going to go and b%&* some children...they are STILL awake!


Love the pics, TO! Is that a RED hen I see mixing it up with your black and white motif? A red-headed stepchild??
Hey ! That does not sound that great to me down here!

TO-- my buckeye is bigger than the rest and is the one that crows at 4.5 weeks. He hatched with the extra toes. At first I thought they were spurs. Now they are long toes with nails.

By "south" I didn't mean Beloit! I meant WAAAAAAAAY south and keep going!!
She's definitely gasping and making this terrible crying sound that makes my skin crawl. I don't have any medicines here. I would have to run to fleet farm. I may have to use a syringe to get her to drink though. I don't think she's interested in anything right now. I can go get some Sulmet though if they have it at Fleet Farm. They do have it on their website... Do you suppose it's safe for ducks? They drink a lot of water...
Is she laying? There is a period of time you have to toss the eggs after Sulmet
By "south" I didn't mean Beloit! I meant WAAAAAAAAY south and keep going!!
sorry about Michelle. She had a full life of living in a box for a while and then learned to be an outdoor free chicken, and then she was able to go live with you for a while and get a name and some peace and quiet. Pretty good for a chicken.
Cc, I am very sorry for your rough year. :'( having many animals close in age, I also had a year like that when my daughter was 2. It was so hard to feel that sad. And even harder watching her go through it, and not quite understanding.
I wish for you to have a better rest of the year.

Insert huggy guy here

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