Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Did you check her all over then? To make sure she didn't get injured in any way?
Id think of seperating her... just incase. For now anyway. Im going to try to watch it...
I did. And thanks to those of you that PM'd with advice. My husband is picking up the meds. Thanks again.

FT - Yes, I ck'd Cutlers. But I had been looking so much I got burnt out and didn't pay much attn to what they had. Just mainly scanned thru it.

I was gonna say somethign else about incubators, but the dog peed on the carpet and I had to take them out. When I came back, this was still up and I've no clue what I was gonna say. Eh. Oh well. The only part that I can remember is that I can't sit here and try to jerry rig something, as I wouldn't even know where to begin. It doesn't matter if there are learning sections or not, I gurarantee my first few hatches will not turn out because i'm trying to play around with it to see what works, what doesn't, tweak this, troubleshoot that, temp's too high, humidity's too low, look it up see what other people suggest. I just don't have the time or energy to do all that (much less the brain power
), and then loose out $$$ because all the eggs I bought flopped. I am not mechanically inclined and I completely suck at tweaking or rigging things, may as well build from scratch. Quite frankly, that defeats the purpose of buying something that works. I'm paying money for something that works so that I don't have to. As one person said; I should be able to just plug it in and forget about it. If it comes with a temp control, a humidity control, and a turner, what else would I need to do aside from check in from time to time to make sure that everything operating normal. It does the work for you. Or it should. That's what I'm paying the extra money for. {{shrugs}}
Sticking the neck on the ole chopping block here, but if you don't have the time or the patience to research incubating before you actually buy an incubator, then I can pretty much guarantee you will not be successful in incubating eggs, or I should say "hatching" any eggs. And that really isn't fair to the poor little chickies that you are dooming. Incubating/hatching is an ultimate test in the patience department, so if you don't have the patience to figure it out, you will more than likely just get frustrated and throw everything out, or try to sell it on CL. As Jim has so often said, by incubating eggs, we as humans are trying to artifically recreate what a hen has been doing for thousands of years. It isn't that incubating is some great mystery yet to be solved. Almost anyone with a good quality incubator & all the accessories can have a successful hatch their first time through, just be sure to follow the manufacturers instructions (not all incubators are the exact same). But if you don't have a reliable incubator (any appliance/electrical item can be defective when purchased new regardless of price) and have to figure out where the problem lies, then it is going to take quite a bit of time and research to figure it out. If you don't mind throwing $$$ and eggs away, you could practice over & over again, but that takes time & electricity. (And you would become a wealth of knowledge in the hatching department).

Even if the incubator is perfect, hatching time is the highest stress situation. If you can't keep your nose (and I don't mean anyone in particular, I'm just generalizing to everyone here) away from the incubator to "make sure everything is ok", then don't buy an incubator. Darn near everyone on here has at one time or another wanted to help a chick out of it's shell. If you do that, you've killed it, plain and simple, and by opening the incubator, you risk killing all the rest of them too. Keep your fingers out of the incubator during hatching, and that can take a few days to be done. So if you don't think you can do that, don't get an incubator. It takes an incredibly patient person to watch a hatching, or a very preoccupied one (with other things). Just my 2 cents.

I HIGHLY recommend doing research on incubating prior to purchasing an incubator to ANYONE, so you have a better idea of what it all entails. Off my soapbox & crawling into the corner now..............
Crazy question..if I don't have access to corid tonight...would it be a good idea to start giving them medicated feed?

medicated feed is used as a preventative not a cure, if those birds have been on the dirt for a few weeks I doubt it's cocci, Mareks is possible, I would get that chick isolated and keep a close eye on the batch she has been raised with
Judi, why are you giving Corid?
Also, I want to say that I have a styrofoam little giant without turner, a brinsea eco, and a brinsea advance. I just recently decided to use the turner for the advance and it sure is nice! No more getting back out of bed because I forgot to turn the eggs. But I don't set and forget. I do candle to get the quitters out. I don't need any explosions. I wish the cabinet incubator would have fit in the spot I had available. It was 2" too tall :(
She's definitely gasping and making this terrible crying sound that makes my skin crawl.  I don't have any medicines here.  I would have to run to fleet farm.  I may have to use a syringe to get her to drink though.  I don't think she's interested in anything right now.  I can go get some Sulmet though if they have it at Fleet Farm.  They do have it on their website...   Do you suppose it's safe for ducks?  They drink a lot of water...

Any chance it's gape worm???
evening, I redragged the garden in a criss cross pattern.. dredged up rocks that have not seen sunlight for millions of years, if ever..I hooked onto one rock that made the tractor wheels spin.. It is still underground..

tomorrow I will rototill at least enough to plant some corn.

had no luck finding brussels sprout plants.. my fault for shopping so late.. I am noticing how tiny most of the started plants are.. heII, if that is all the bigger they have to be, I am going to start my own from now on.. I think if I started some right in the garden from seed, they would catch up to the spindley things the green houses have..

I dragged up some extra ground south of the green house.. I think Annie wants to try planting some millet seeds.. any advice how to do that ? anybody ? I figure to plant it sort of like grass seed.. only not quite as thick..

I am looking for a used Mantis tiller.. the new ones are out of my price range.. My bro does have one but it is in for repairs.. I offered to test it for him when he gets it back..


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