Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good eve.
BigZ, you just must have passed a mile stone in age.. from now on you will digress until you are as crotchety as I am..
rained off and on all day.. I didn't accomplish much at all.. looks like a few dry days in the forecast, so we will see what developes..

I sold all my black hens, and still have calls for them.. If you snooze you looze..

I sold 5 keets today.. a good repeat customer.. those predators are keeping me in business for sure.. she might come back and buy the trio of Sebastopols.. has to clear it with her DH first..

Marlene's keets are hatching today.. and some more of my barocks are, too..

I can walk into any of my coops barefoot , too.. I like that squishy sh!t squirting up between my toes.. sometimes you hit one that is still warm..
in the coop, my gum fell out of my mouth the other day.. I thought I found it 3 times before I actually did..
OMG Jim.......You are going to get me in big trouble.......... I crackd up laughing so hard I was afraid I'd wake up ET !!!!

Ok Bigz,,,,, Inquiring minds want to know... ok, I understand you have clean coops but can I ask what type of bedding you use? And what are your daily chores in the coop? Depending on what type of litter you use would determine how one "scoops the poop". lol
Using sand would make tiding up kind of nice I was thinking.... just sift it like cat litter ???
I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to know how you can walk barefoot in your coops, you must scoop as you enter?
Not trying to give you a hard time here..... seriously..... would love to hear your methods alone with everyone elses for that matter. THX
Ok, I found a notebook today where I had started to write notes for chicken meds etc so I would have it if I needed it.... that idea didn't work since I stumbled across the notebook looking for something else.... but here are some answers to some of the latest questions about dosages etc.

Tylan 50 Liquid:

1/2 cc for 6-7 lb bird
.25cc per lb of chicken weight (bantams) I think this is for injecting, not sure but as you see the next dosage is for down the throat. (Remember these are notes, some people take better ones then others LOL)

1/2 cc down throat of adults (juveniles)
1/4 cc down throat for half grown chicks
1/10 cc (must be for chicks but that's all I wrote LOL)

Tylan Powder:

1 tsp per 5 gallons of water for 3 days. Or 1-5 days (not sure what this meant but I wrote it down ??? Maybe had read two different dosage recommendations?)

For an eye wash:
Mix Tylan 50 with sterile Saline Wash, 1 part tylan 50 to 4 parts wash. Put in each eye and use as nasal flush.... not sure if is the Tylan 50 powder or liquid.

Corid Liquid 9.6%

9.5cc/ml per gallon of water
4.75cc/ml per half gallon of water for 5-7 days

Corid Powder 20%

1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water for 5 days

Sulmet Powder

1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water...... didn't write down how many days.... I'm thinking 5 days ??? or read directions on bottle, I'm sure it says.

Vi-tal by Ideal (vitamin and electrolytes, sold at Fleet Farm & Farm & Fleet)
(High) Level Concentrate
1/4 teaspood per gallon of water
1 1/4 teaspoons per 5 gallons of water
2 1/2 teaspoons per 10 gallons of water

Denagard Liquid
12.3% Tiamulin
As a Prevenative: 8cc per gallon of water 3 days per month.

Treatment: 16cc per gallon of water for 5-7 days.

For the life of me I can't remember what this treats !!!!! MG or Upper Respiratory ???

So anyway, just thought if anyone needs a place to start here ya go. I'm gonna do some more searches to update these notes.....or feel free to do the reasearch for me but let me know what you find out !!! LOL

SandiAStayAtHomePerson SAHP.......
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Hi All!

Thanks FT for the info! I had some info and my other computer.... you know, the one that died

Jim... You got to keep your chewing gum on your bedpost over night!

I don't know what else was said....d#$% CRS!

Yep, we're broke too! just got the Dish TV turned off
No box for "over air programs" so this could get boring. When I was a kid I think it bothered me less than it will now. It's become "background" for doing most chores around the house and I need lots of "sit time". Thought about starting a book.... but that can be a bad thing. You know, the "just a couple more pages" syndrome!

Well, guess that's it, birds and chicks are doing well..... Night All!
Good lovely evening! I am sitting out on my porch in the swing enjoying the rain and thunder. It was very light until just a minute ago and now a bit heavier and more of a light show. So nice! Well, except for the June bugs that keep hitting my computer screen!
Finished planting the garden today except for the sweet potatoes. Then the kids took DH and I out for Father's/Mother's Day dinner. We went to the bar/eatery on the corner and he had surf and turf and I had Prime rib. MMMM! It is kind of nice once the kids get old enough to do that once in a while! (even if they do still live with us! LOL!)

Wow--lots of traffic on the road tonight! I am glad my grapevine curtains pretty much hide me sitting here!

Neat that you guys might plan a South/Central get together! Post it so we all can anticipate with you...unless of course it is "invite only!" Hmmm--smileys not working...insert winking one here.

OOPS--the power just went out! I heard the kids shrieking in the house! I guess they wont be watching the rest of the movie!

Well I guess I will sign off--DH just came out to sit here with me!

ETA: And I guess I couldnt send this either! THe power was out until just after 1--the trucks woke me up...and then they had to come back again to fix something else right across the street and woke me up again...that was around 4! I dont think I would like that job...I bet they make a boatload of $$$ during storms though! I would be afraid I'd get electrocuted!

SO the kids are here (got here at 5:45) and will be here until 9 or so...and I am TIRED! Maybe I can get a nap in today? LOL!
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Good Morning! Good because it's not raining. Had a T storm come through last evening and the gutters were overflowing and you could barely see the road. Dumped 2 1/2" out of the rain gauge, gage, guage. Half the garden is under water AGAIN and we're a little more than one row of block from the water touching the floor joists. Other than that things are great. Sorry I blew up! Happy Dad's day to all you mutha's out there! Got a new deck built up Nort, very nice. Fishin sucked no bites in a little over an hour. They had changed the gate on the dam and every time they do the fishin sucks for a few days. But already planning to head back up soon. 20 pages= no way. When you go outside here you have to run back in the house for a pint of plasma. Skeeters areeeeeeeee sorry I passed out for second.
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all you dads!
Early breakfast with the MIL and SIL this morning then church with them at the nursing home. Then it's off to the store to see if my plants and seeds survived the downpour last night. I love the free watering overnight (just wish it was a bit softer!).

Happy Father's Day to the Daddys out there!

We are home from the big schitty. I don't know how I ever lived there for 12 years. Today I am sitting out with my chickens for a while to decompress from being around all those people(yuck)

Traffic stinks the air stinks.

The only upside is we looked up Asian restaurants on the GPS and came up with more than 40 choices less than 5 miles away. Here it's 12 miles to a gallon of milk or gasoline, never mind dining.

My 10 toed buckeye is till crowing his little head off around 4:30 each morning, and the cukoo marans roo is beginning to copy him. He is 9 weeks older than the buckeye.

We are all excited about the new miss Iowa at our house as she has a limb deficiency like my son's Better world we live in than before.

Well at least we know if Jim loses his sh!t, he can find it with his feet later... Or his gum. But please Dear Jimbo, if you do find that gum again, don't go back to chewing it!

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