Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Happy Fathers Day To Everyone....sometimes they steal your heart and break your pride...but i'm thankful the Creator gave me a chance at being the best Dad I could.

OK amyb...I was just having fun. We really are a good bunch of folks with a lot of helpful advice.

I feel leftout with my clean coops....and nobody will let me play in all the chickensh!t games..LOL

Vicki has a good method, and having your coop set-up for your way of doing chores goes a long way to your advantage....I have shelves in one coop at different heights for the birds to roost on....I simply use a sheetrock taping tool for cleaning up the shelfs every morning....time taken is prolly 3 minutes...into a bucket and then dumped into my big compost ben in the garden edge.....my other coop has roosts....and simply clean under each morning...again prolly 3 minutes....I use pine shavings and free litter like all the maple leaves that are dry in the fall...simply make sure they are crispy dry and fill the coops with free stuff...the chickens will love you for it.

My method never ends up with nasty coops....it takes a couple minutes each morning...but you know what they say about a lb of prevention versus buckets of work and crap of cure to deal with in the meantime and afterwords. The clean coop all year is my way, and I like it that way.

Free ranging your birds really helps not only with the coop, but also with the cost of feed...here with all the grass and areas to feed...my feed cost is cut in half or better during the summer months...the attitudes of your hens and roosters will also be worth the risk of losses that none of us like but realize the chace we are taking.....when I open my pen doors.....unless a hen is laying, they are waiting for their freedom...the way it was ment to be.

I gotta admit Jim...the underware vision is nasty...you win the nasty vision award...OMG!

Nice pics...Thanks....bigz
Bigz; amen

Cs, it sounds like you had a VERY tiring vaca! And then to come home and do all that work/ running! Wheeew now im tired ;-)

Sadly the hen did not survive :'( :'( :'( boy, am I glad I kept them seperated, and did not allow the kiddos to name her. They are sad. But happy that to's babies are hatching! A day early :)

Got inside banies all set in the coop brooder with a heat lamp today. I will be bleaching the inside brooder tomorrow for the new babies. Ive been very good at leaving the dickie closed. Only took acpl slaps on the wrist from hubby it is hard tho. One egg has been pipped with no movement since 8:00 am :-( we will see.from peeking in the tiny window, I think we are about 10. Im very happy. And content. This is wonderfull.

Vicki, you have crazy power lines. Lol

To, love those pics! Keep em comin!
Bigz; amen

Cs, it sounds like you had a VERY tiring vaca! And then to come home and do all that work/ running! Wheeew now im tired ;-)

Sadly the hen did not survive :'( :'( :'( boy, am I glad I kept them seperated, and did not allow the kiddos to name her. They are sad. But happy that to's babies are hatching! A day early :)

Got inside banies all set in the coop brooder with a heat lamp today. I will be bleaching the inside brooder tomorrow for the new babies. Ive been very good at leaving the dickie closed. Only took acpl slaps on the wrist from hubby it is hard tho. One egg has been pipped with no movement since 8:00 am :-( we will see.from peeking in the tiny window, I think we are about 10. Im very happy. And content. This is wonderfull.

Vicki, you have crazy power lines. Lol

To, love those pics! Keep em comin!
sorry you lost your lil girl

I hope the other birds are doing well.
cs, I prefer dumb hoes, sharp ones can be hard to deal with

I have sandy loam and very few rocks,,,,if you feel the need sharpen,,,,more important make sure it is loose so the blade does the work for you when you push/pull. When correct you should here a clicking sound.
OK OK now!!! LOL. I do hear the clicking sound, but haven't been using it too long to know if it will need sharpening.
I like Dad better. It turns out I am better at being a Dad than I am at being a "man"
LOL, try harder....I guess?
Bigz; amen

Cs, it sounds like you had a VERY tiring vaca! And then to come home and do all that work/ running! Wheeew now im tired ;-)

Sadly the hen did not survive :'( :'( :'( boy, am I glad I kept them seperated, and did not allow the kiddos to name her. They are sad. But happy that to's babies are hatching! A day early :)

Got inside banies all set in the coop brooder with a heat lamp today. I will be bleaching the inside brooder tomorrow for the new babies. Ive been very good at leaving the dickie closed. Only took acpl slaps on the wrist from hubby it is hard tho. One egg has been pipped with no movement since 8:00 am :-( we will see.from peeking in the tiny window, I think we are about 10. Im very happy. And content. This is wonderfull.

Vicki, you have crazy power lines. Lol

To, love those pics! Keep em comin!
We fit all of those activities into 3 days. Tuesday we left home, drove to the state park, pitched camp (just beat the darkness), and went to bed. Wednesday we did the tubing and amusement park, smores, and um....animal hunting. Thursday we got DH & I got up early-ish, packed up our tent, woke the kids, ate, packed the car and traveled into St. Louis for the Arch ride to the top, the great BBQ, an 11 story museum which is a must for anyone traveling thru St. Lu., and got home at 11pm. It was a lot of fun, but I'm glad its over.
cs, I prefer dumb hoes, sharp ones can be hard to deal with

Not much to read tonight hey?

Well, the neighbor came over today and got our tractor running..... geez, I have to start getting on ET's ARS more often..... If we would have just asked the neighbor for help sooner...... Charging the battery tonight, hopefully he can clean the paddocks without it breaking down in the middle of the job. The neighbor works out of town and won't be home for a while so......

Cs Who down by Delisha's is your daughter volunteering at ??? Is her name Jodi by any chance? If so that is where my sister boards her horse and where my horse Queen got her start into Parelli natural horsemanship. She gives lessons in case you are looking.
Thanks for the sleep aid advise. I'll have to look into the melatonin again. I tried it years ago but didn't do much for me. The main reason I take ambien is because I have so much pain at night, hard to relax and fall asleep.
The pulm doc at Marshfield clinic has referred me to a cardiologist I see on the 25th and they also scheduled an EKG right before that appt. Weds I go for a Echocardiogram.
I got the results (actual reports) back from my sleep study and my pulm function test.

So we will see what's up with the cardiologist and pulm doc. Maybe together they can figure it out.
One of the tests said I could have pulmunary hypertension, pulmunary emboli and/or a few other things. Problem is my heart damage was caused by tons of chemo.... They don't see to many survivors this many years later so I think they are learning from my case... wouldn't be the first time .... LOL

I've been using ET's mask after he gets up in the morning for a few hours. Sure feels good taking is big deep breaths !! My lungs must be lazy on top of everything else !!! lol

We finally let th horses out on pasture today..... I was always to afraid to do it because our night time temps have been so cold and I don't need any foundering horses. I have th draft easy keepers... they get fat on air...
Anyone know if hay prices have dropped or are they gonna suck us dry again just because they can ???

I take it you didn't go to Wave's sale eh Jim or VickyW ? My neighbor went and I asked if there was a grayhaired old man sitting at a table chatting... she did say there was an old guy with yellow birds and a bunch of roosters ???? Anyone we know?
Said it wasn't to big. Probably cause the weather was finally nice people stayed home.

Ok, this is getting to long ans all I wanted to do was tell UNK that his post was funny !!!
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Spent the afternoon out at the in-laws; the dogs were FINALLY able to run their little butts off, and are they pooped out! They are their supper and crashed.

The ducks are doing really well! The girls keep trying to set, but my MIL keep stealing those eggs (good for her). When we arrived today the ducks were running around the yard! I was surprised that they were out until I found out my in-laws have come up with another way of catching them. They plunked a few fence poles in the ground and attached some wire fencing to the poles but left one end open with a piece of loose fencing. When they want to catch the ducks they herd them into the 'corral' and pick them up. I am glad they are not able to let the poor things out regularly, I hate seeing them locked up all the time..... my MIL is also happy with their slug eating abilities, and that they do not damage her flower beds like chickens do. A win-win as far as I am concerned.

The kids want me to get Dh one of those e-cigs for Father's Day. I would love to hear some input from people who have them or who have tried them. I did a little digging today to find out what brands are the best, but I would love to hear some input from people I know.....

Jim, unfortunately the BF did not need your turkey's last week and we were on vacation.

I cannot believe it is only 10 PM and everyone here is in bed. You would think they still have school tomorrow or something.....
Sadly the hen did not survive :'( :'( :'( boy, am I glad I kept them seperated, and did not allow the kiddos to name her. They are sad. But happy that to's babies are hatching! A day early :)

Got inside banies all set in the coop brooder with a heat lamp today. I will be bleaching the inside brooder tomorrow for the new babies. Ive been very good at leaving the dickie closed. Only took acpl slaps on the wrist from hubby it is hard tho. One egg has been pipped with no movement since 8:00 am :-( we will see.from peeking in the tiny window, I think we are about 10. Im very happy. And content. This is wonderfull.
Sad news about the hen.

Good luck with the new little ones!!

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