Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good morning!

Cs, lime the doo.

Jj, I would lime to see some after pics of your little lady!

Cind, I am glad you are getti g so.e help you will need! Good luck with your new roo lol

Scotts newest turkey's skin is looking a little ...green. it is the weirdest thing. He is 100% otherwise. Eats, drinks, struts...I am baffeled. I googled it. Found nothing. Is it possible it is because of so much fresh greens? I have heard of marygold giving them a yellow tinge... it is just so weird!!
I will try, but I am still working on pics of the inside of my new coop for TO.

Good morning! I am being a stay at home worker today...if only I could find my staple gun to do some sealing up around here! Even if I dont find it there is still much to do. It was like Laurel and Hardy yesterday trying to get that squash in the basement...I bet the bigest one is 75 pounds! Who likes squash again?
I took a pic of a strange thing yesterday and sent it to some of you that are still in my phone. (remember DH lost all the new contacts and all contacts after "R"?) So it was of all my young guineas hanging around a barred rock hen. SHe looked scared like there was going to be a smack down(thanks for that H&R!) Well today I look outside the door and the guineas are all standing in the sun...and there she is AGAIN--smack dab in the middle of them!

It is the oddest thing. Where I got her from they didnt have any guineas and these birds I hatched in an incubator not under a hen! I wonder if she wants to trade her stripes for polka dots?

Got the sweets dug...yeah, the food pantry wont be getting any of them this year...

Yes those are sweet POTATOES...not carrots! The only thing I can think of is that they didnt have enough time to get fatter? I know the soil is great for potatoes...check out this one!

Definitely can grow in my soil! The potatoes were planted a full month before the sweets though. I think the problem occured because of that early spring rain and the cold temps that delayed the shipment of the slips. Anyone else have better luck?

OK, one last pic...I had my arm up to the shoulder getting the tortoises out of their burrow yesterday! They had tunneled under the pond! I thought for sure I wasnt going to find them, and then I poked my finger in and found an open place! They had made a burrow about a foot down and 3 feet in! It took me quite a while to free Gene! Now I have to get a tort table set up for them today in the house. I wonder if they would have been OK down in that hole over the winter? I dont think so...unless they went even deeper!

The stone is at the opening of the hole. You can see the pond in the upper left corner of the pic. The black strip is the rolled roofing that is under the fence to the pond so the aquatic turtles dont dig out under the fence. I guess I need to redo that part before spring now!

I suppose I better head out and see how the birds did last night...I set a wing that was broken sometime during the night...it was on a 3 month old bird. It was kinda hard to do by myself but I think I got it. Not sure what happened to it. Predator or maybe stepped on by a horse? It is one of the ones that hatched in the loft...the Mom is long since involved with a new family (or two!)

Speaking of new families...I brought down 10 chicks and their mama from the ceiling to the milk house, and two ducks are sporting their babies too! When I told DH he sighed and said, "why not?"

Better get to work...have a good one! TerriO

ETA: Just looked at my post and noticed the dead roo on the bench in the garden! I found him under the bench just lying there. I saw him 2 days ago! No sign of any predator attack. I wonder what happened to him? So Kristip--I guess I dont need that SS hen after all...darn, I was really looking forward to hatching some of them next year!
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I still owe you two pullets..I have two of them for you any time you are ready. I will even give you a leghorn pullet for white eggs if you want. She is white and will not go broody that often. Her mom only goes once a year. I have an EE from Terri you can have too. So far she is quiet and will lay blue/green eggs I think..not sure what she is crossed with, but came from a blue egg so she has the gene. She is gold/brown bared. They are both around 12 weeks old. Both are not known for going broody. I am so glad I got the AM's back from you. I really love them. They are so loving. The black girl loves Joe. She follows him every where.


Can I take eggs for the Spring instead? I'm glad the AM's are doing well there...and with Joe. They were always friendly. The black one specifically used to jump up on my back and walk around with me.
this reminds me

here is the news from here today

one of us decided to cut her own hair

and tomorrow we go get it fixed up . No more hard to brush long hair that hangs in our face.

If you come to the bash this year, she & I will have to get our picture taken together!

Hi all---got all the plants in. ALso all the squash and half of the potatoes. I also brought in a few tomato vines that had lots of greenies left. I hung them up side down in the basement. Did this one year with my full sized plants and we had vine ripened until January! They arent as good as sun ripened but anything is better than the store ones! I did not can any tomatoes this year...made some sauce with basil on the weekend and I will either can or freeze that tomorrow. Still havent found my pressure canner (either of them) that DH "put away!"

Today I headed to Milwaukee to visit with my aunt and Mom and Dad. I took a couple of hubbards to Dad and he gave me one of HIS hubbards! At least he grew the orange ones! Was it Connie or Sandy that has the sea green hubbards? (or maybe neither of you?) SOme of mine are bright green and some are dark green...what say you Brent? Were there two types of seeds in that pack? I have had the sea green ones...they are the same IMHO. All delicious! My Dad gave me some pickles that he made too...B&B and dills...I will let you know how they are. I tell you, he is turning into a real Sammy homemaker! Maybe I can talk him into chickens soon?

So I am getting ready to leave and guess what? I hear a cat meowing...there should be no cats outside in my yard. I call Here kitty kitty and there comes ANOTHER calico cat! This one is more torti in her appearance and also has very full mammary glands! *SIGH* She is the same size as the other one but seeing as I locked that one up and no kittens I left this one out in the yard and went to see the neighbor! They dont have cats but she said the other new neighbor does. I will head there tomorrow...

While I was traveling another friend called me and is bringing me a rooster tomorrow! I think I need to learn the word NO! So this one is supposedly sweet and his hens were picking on him and making him bloody...it is an Ameraucana...I get rid of one and another takes it's place....yeah, that is NOT going to happen with these cats!
When I got home the dogs and cats had totally TRASHED the house! Eggs on the floor, potatoes and sweet potatoes chewed up, a nice big puddle in the middle of the floor! Yup--I need to finish moving birds so I have the use of my dog kennel again! I always feel sorry for them if I have to put them in their inside kennels during the day...guess where they will be tomorrow?

OK--guess I better get myself off to bed. Driving makes me tired...so does digging potatoes!
Nighties! TerriO

Nice hair cuts--both of you!

Hey Vicky--I didnt know that Orps could have a cuckoo pattern! Cool!
TO- delisha needs a cat for the yard!

Good morning! I am being a stay at home worker today...if only I could find my staple gun to do some sealing up around here! Even if I dont find it there is still much to do. It was like Laurel and Hardy yesterday trying to get that squash in the basement...I bet the bigest one is 75 pounds! Who likes squash again?
I took a pic of a strange thing yesterday and sent it to some of you that are still in my phone. (remember DH lost all the new contacts and all contacts after "R"?) So it was of all my young guineas hanging around a barred rock hen. SHe looked scared like there was going to be a smack down(thanks for that H&R!) Well today I look outside the door and the guineas are all standing in the sun...and there she is AGAIN--smack dab in the middle of them!

It is the oddest thing. Where I got her from they didnt have any guineas and these birds I hatched in an incubator not under a hen! I wonder if she wants to trade her stripes for polka dots?

Got the sweets dug...yeah, the food pantry wont be getting any of them this year...

Yes those are sweet POTATOES...not carrots! The only thing I can think of is that they didnt have enough time to get fatter? I know the soil is great for potatoes...check out this one!

Definitely can grow in my soil! The potatoes were planted a full month before the sweets though. I think the problem occured because of that early spring rain and the cold temps that delayed the shipment of the slips. Anyone else have better luck?

OK, one last pic...I had my arm up to the shoulder getting the tortoises out of their burrow yesterday! They had tunneled under the pond! I thought for sure I wasnt going to find them, and then I poked my finger in and found an open place! They had made a burrow about a foot down and 3 feet in! It took me quite a while to free Gene! Now I have to get a tort table set up for them today in the house. I wonder if they would have been OK down in that hole over the winter? I dont think so...unless they went even deeper!

The stone is at the opening of the hole. You can see the pond in the upper left corner of the pic. The black strip is the rolled roofing that is under the fence to the pond so the aquatic turtles dont dig out under the fence. I guess I need to redo that part before spring now!

I suppose I better head out and see how the birds did last night...I set a wing that was broken sometime during the night...it was on a 3 month old bird. It was kinda hard to do by myself but I think I got it. Not sure what happened to it. Predator or maybe stepped on by a horse? It is one of the ones that hatched in the loft...the Mom is long since involved with a new family (or two!)

Speaking of new families...I brought down 10 chicks and their mama from the ceiling to the milk house, and two ducks are sporting their babies too! When I told DH he sighed and said, "why not?"

Better get to work...have a good one! TerriO

ETA: Just looked at my post and noticed the dead roo on the bench in the garden! I found him under the bench just lying there. I saw him 2 days ago! No sign of any predator attack. I wonder what happened to him? So Kristip--I guess I dont need that SS hen after all...darn, I was really looking forward to hatching some of them next year!
We were the ones that love squash!!!!!
Biggie...wish we were closer...my kids eat me out of carrots each week. Only squash of mine that really did anything were the butternut. So we arms king butternut muffins today and butternut noodles tomorrow. Was hoping for spaghetti squash, but they did not make it. Having a hard time find them around here...bummer.

Are ewe ready for another cluck meetup southerners?

Kristip: I can spare some spaghetti squash and buttercup. I'll be around early Saturday morning, then need to be at the UFO art & craft show from 9 - 4. I could see another Cluck meet up.

BTW all you area cheesers looking for something to do on Saturday (especially for the kids), Belleville is hosting it's 27th annual UFO Day http://www.belleville-wi.com/images/documents/UFOdays_2013.pdf
Today I headed to Milwaukee to visit with my aunt and Mom and Dad. I took a couple of hubbards to Dad and he gave me one of HIS hubbards! At least he grew the orange ones! Was it Connie or Sandy that has the sea green hubbards? (or maybe neither of you?) SOme of mine are bright green and some are dark green...what say you Brent? Were there two types of seeds in that pack? I have had the sea green ones...they are the same IMHO. All delicious! My Dad gave me some pickles that he made too...B&B and dills...I will let you know how they are. I tell you, he is turning into a real Sammy homemaker! Maybe I can talk him into chickens soon?
I'm the one that has the light green - we brought them in last night. Two really big and one medium. This is the first time we've grown them, so I'm looking forward to trying them.

Terri, want another rooster? I have at least 5 extras.......... Ok, smileys aren't working, but trust me when I say I'm hiding under the chair. ;)
CC: With my help we can really over run Terri in roos
- I think I'm the winner with 10 roos out of 18 hatched
They will be gone (one place or another) this week. I need to merge the flocks.

Have a great day all
Congrats on all of your great garden veggies. I didn't get garden even in this year which was kinda depressing as I always have a huge one. Sure miss all those fresh veggies.

Cute hair cuts. My daughters cut their own hair once nearly bald. I was so sad as they had such long beautiful hair and my younger daughter had natural ringlets like Nellie on Lil House on the Prairie.

The last chick hatched yesterday, another black wyondotte. I seem to have my hands full with them. I sure wish they'd get done with molt already. I'm sick of buying eggs. I have well over 40 laying hens and haven't had an egg in days if not weeks. My young pullets from this spring should be laying soon I would think unless they decide to hold off until next year. I think I'm going to just hatch BLRW and SS eggs next year and just keep my others for home eggs and donating. Hatching them all is way too frustrating and overwhelming. All the BO bantam chicks that I hatched a breeder looked at and sexed as roos all are pullets, their loss for sure. I really wish I were better at sexing young as I could cull easier than having to wait until they were crowing.
I wanted to go to Fondy this weekend, but... nope. I think we're going to wait until Jefferson in the spring. We're having a hard enough time with our one Polish getting along with the others, and we're trying to get them all in one coop for winter. Plus, I don't want any chickens in my laundry room until closer to spring. It's bad enough I might have rabbits in there! I guess we'll be winterizing this weekend.

Midterms are over and mid-semester break is just about over, so I should get back to work on my homework.

For those who like movies, check out the MarcusTheatres.com. I'll be taking my boys to a free showing of ParaNorman 3D this weekend!
Biggie...wish we were closer...my kids eat me out of carrots each week. Only squash of mine that really did anything were the butternut. So we arms king butternut muffins today and butternut noodles tomorrow. Was hoping for spaghetti squash, but they did not make it. Having a hard time find them around here...bummer.

Are ewe ready for another cluck meetup southerners?

Kristip:  I can spare some spaghetti squash and buttercup.  I'll be around early Saturday morning, then need to be at the UFO art & craft show from 9 - 4.  I could see another Cluck meet up.

BTW all you area cheesers looking for something to do on Saturday (especially for the kids), Belleville is hosting it's 27th annual UFO Day   http://www.belleville-wi.com/images/documents/UFOdays_2013.pdf  
Today I headed to Milwaukee to visit with my aunt and Mom and Dad.  I took a couple of hubbards to Dad and he gave me one of HIS hubbards!  At least he grew the orange ones!  Was it Connie or Sandy that has the sea green hubbards?  (or maybe neither of you?)  SOme of mine are bright green and some are dark green...what say you Brent?  Were there two types of seeds in that pack?  I have had the sea green ones...they are the same IMHO.  All delicious!  My Dad gave me some pickles that he made too...B

I'm the one that has the light green - we brought them in last night.  Two really big and one medium.  This is the first time we've grown them, so I'm looking forward to trying them.

Terri, want another rooster? I have at least 5 extras..........  Ok, smileys aren't working, but trust me when I say I'm hiding under the chair.  ;)

CC:  With my help we can really over run Terri in roos :gig - I think I'm the winner with 10 roos out of 18 hatched :yiipchick They will be gone (one place or another) this week.  I need to merge the flocks.
Have a great day all

Rberry...omg...I would love a. Squash or two..did you grow butternut? I would swap ya one!

Let's look at the beginning of December for another meet up, or the weekend before thanksgiving...all the rest of November is shot for me. Heather...you going to drive out and meet us this time???
ok here goes

bearded Buckeye w/fluffy Favorelle feet pic


inside of new coop


Lydia's new hair style with a reminder shot from yesterday

and today

So, at a thousand words each that's 8000 words. I should be good till New years.


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