Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Afternoon To Everyone.... Yep it's the Lutheran church Irish.....small world, eh! If I woulda known that, we coulda talked chicken before you ate chicken LOL! Hope you can make the annual event again this year.

My Buckeye roo's aren't lay back at all. Good thing the hens molted so they have feathers on their backs again. Must be my hot women, that love the old man!

Dang, I took apart one of my premier waterers to clean, and put the blue float in backwards....so, guess what? it was clean up the soaked bedding in the coop around the concrete block it sits on. Good thing I had a lot of bedding in there....it kinda acted like a sponge and kept the 5 gals in a small circle. I'll pay more attention next time....

Have to wait till Monday Night Football to watch the Pack...hope they can spank Da Bears good.

Good looking kraut TO. We used the purple cabbage and made stuffed cabbage with them. I think I like the green better for stuffed...the rolls look black, but taste goodie.

Hard to believe it's back to work again tomorrow for the youngens.

Taking a quick break for lunch..... since it is such a beautiful day outside, the kids and I have been doing garden clean up. Took out the tomato plants, all the pumpkin vines, the zucchini plants, etc. etc..... we also emptied out the pond..... we have a few frogs that need to be transplanted to the river, and in the course of things I dropped my cell phone in the pond!
My phone is all torn apart, sitting on the windowsill in the sun in a bag or rice..
I want it to come back, BUT I would also like to get the iPhone this week too! Hmmmm......

My oldest DD has also been working on a school assignment all weekend. She had to do an project for English class based on the story of Beowulf; so she decided to be artsy and make a cake! I did manage to get some almost completed project photos with my phone before I dumped it in the drink...... I will have to use the camera to get some of the finished product. This afternoon the oldest DS is going to participate in Donkey Basketball, so I will have to get some shots of that as well.

Break time is over.....
Thanks del! I am hopefull for z, the blue. He is syd's. And I want him to stick around. I will need to invest in a scale to do some weighing!! Lol

Here is my blue girl from you this spring. She is amazing! I call her Bonnie.

Since the loss of the other babies, I will probably be interested in that black cockeral if you still have him.
How has your hawk situation been? I am missing a chick at lockup tonight :'( I have not told Sydney yet.

Bigz, I hope you have a good time!!

Irish, things still going well with mom?

Cc, you should pm with pricing and availability of your lav eggs :) I think I will be doing the hatch in twoish weeks.

All is well, Cuties. Thanks for asking. She seems to be really happy to be here and I'm glad she is because she took a little fall. (She's OK - I was able to break her fall.) It took two of us to get her back on her feet. I didn't know this before but she told my niece that she's had dizzy spells and she's fallen at home in the past. I'm glad she's not by herself any longer.
Afternoon To Everyone.... Yep it's the Lutheran church Irish.....small world, eh! If I woulda known that, we coulda talked chicken before you ate chicken LOL! Hope you can make the annual event again this year.

My Buckeye roo's aren't lay back at all. Good thing the hens molted so they have feathers on their backs again. Must be my hot women, that love the old man!

Dang, I took apart one of my premier waterers to clean, and put the blue float in backwards....so, guess what? it was clean up the soaked bedding in the coop around the concrete block it sits on. Good thing I had a lot of bedding in there....it kinda acted like a sponge and kept the 5 gals in a small circle. I'll pay more attention next time....

Have to wait till Monday Night Football to watch the Pack...hope they can spank Da Bears good.

Good looking kraut TO. We used the purple cabbage and made stuffed cabbage with them. I think I like the green better for stuffed...the rolls look black, but taste goodie.

Hard to believe it's back to work again tomorrow for the youngens.


We'll have to wear a flower so we know each other then!
I'll be looking for you if I can get there - depends on how Mom is feeling.
Blue Poo

This afternoon I noticed a few splotches of blue poo where the chickaroos wander. What in the heck could they have eaten that would give them blue poo? (The color of blueberries)
Blue Poo

This afternoon I noticed a few splotches of blue poo where the chickaroos wander.  What in the heck could they have eaten that would give them blue poo?  (The color of blueberries)

Ill bet t ue wild birds are comi ng in for free chickie food. And pooing thir blueberry poo. We have it all around too. Even before chickies were around :)

Bbl4 donkey basketball sounds fun!! I've only ever watched. Good luck with the phone!
All is well, Cuties. Thanks for asking. She seems to be really happy to be here and I'm glad she is because she took a little fall. (She's OK - I was able to break her fall.) It took two of us to get her back on her feet. I didn't know this before but she told my niece that she's had dizzy spells and she's fallen at home in the past. I'm glad she's not by herself any longer.
I am glad that you have her too! That is a terrible thing for seniors, falling and no one there to help! Does she use a walker to help steady her? If she doesnt maybe she can start? I keep telling my Mom that she should use one but she says "I'm not an old lady!" Yet she cant walk any distance and is always holding onto stuff to steady herself...makes me a bit nervous for sure!

Ill bet t ue wild birds are comi ng in for free chickie food. And pooing thir blueberry poo. We have it all around too. Even before chickies were around :)
I bet they are eating wild grapes! I have a few spots of purple poo on my car! I know when it is the mulberries but it is way too late for them! Gotta be grapes.

Well I think I am going to call it a day. DH is watching "Boardwalk Empire" and I cant stand that guy with the buggy eyes that is on there. He was on a movie recently and I could hardly watch it!

Have a good one! TerriO
I am putting more girls in with your bird tomorrow TO..He is very healthy and the bird I have in with him does not like him at all. I hope he can find a GF. I will put 3 really nice AM's in with him and 3 BCM. He will have his very own harem. Anyone need OE or AM eggs? I will check for fertility in a few days. I am done hatching for the year. My incubators are washed and put away.
Proud mom moment!

English project finished!

Donkey basketball was a hoot! I had to leave halfway through, but I did get to shoot pics of my son. He was super sweet to that donkey, trying so hard to coax it to move..... and of course, it had been commanded to stay, so it did. ;)

I am really looking forward to my massage tomorrow.........

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