Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Proud mom moment!

English project finished!

Donkey basketball was a hoot! I had to leave halfway through, but I did get to shoot pics of my son. He was super sweet to that donkey, trying so hard to coax it to move..... and of course, it had been commanded to stay, so it did. ;)

I am really looking forward to my massage tomorrow.........

Very cool project - you have every right to be proud!
Happy Anniversary to Me and Suzie....41 years of wedded bliss! I know how we made it that long....I worked 12 hour days for almost 30 years. That was easy, now we are ready to strangle each other about every 5 minutes or so....

The wind is sure howling today. Must be the gales of November.

Hope the phone dries out bl4. I have a trac phone that I almost never use...prolly last me the rest of my life....never know when I might get strangled....LOL

I'll be easy to spot Irish...I'll be pushing tickets all night pretty much. They let me go eat at some point though.

I should get some more garden work done....now if I only had some ambition.

Go Pack....bigz
Happy Anniversary to Me and Suzie....41 years of wedded bliss! I know how we made it that long....I worked 12 hour days for almost 30 years. That was easy, now we are ready to strangle each other about every 5 minutes or so....

The wind is sure howling today. Must be the gales of November.

Hope the phone dries out bl4. I have a trac phone that I almost never use...prolly last me the rest of my life....never know when I might get strangled....LOL

I'll be easy to spot Irish...I'll be pushing tickets all night pretty much. They let me go eat at some point though.

I should get some more garden work done....now if I only had some ambition.

Go Pack....bigz

Happy Anniversary to Me and Suzie....41 years of wedded bliss! I know how we made it that long....I worked 12 hour days for almost 30 years. That was easy, now we are ready to strangle each other about every 5 minutes or so....

The wind is sure howling today. Must be the gales of November.

Hope the phone dries out bl4. I have a trac phone that I almost never use...prolly last me the rest of my life....never know when I might get strangled....LOL

I'll be easy to spot Irish...I'll be pushing tickets all night pretty much. They let me go eat at some point though.

I should get some more garden work done....now if I only had some ambition.

Go Pack....bigz
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! hope you have many, many more
Happy Anniversary Bigz!!!!!

Hear ye, hear ye! I now know what time I can party at TO's on Saturday!!!!!! I believe the order would be, pick up Deli between 11 and noon, then off to get CC (aka Robin), and then to TO's (arriving probably by 1pm?) I am not sure of the time to travel from Deli's to CC's to TO's, but this is my best guess without any addresses. What food are we bringing for this SE WI...um...party????
Happy Day to you guys BigZ! In today's time that is quite an accomplishment for sure. I need to do the same with my garden...I got as far as counting the varieties of garlic I need to plant...then I decided to come on the puter for a bit and see what was up. I have 9 varieties and 7 hilled rows to plant in...I guess I am going to have to double up on two hey? Maybe I can make another couple of rows...I did the sweet potatoes in them last year; this year it's garlic. I dont know where I will put the sweets, (If I decide to grow them!) such a meager harvest!

My client was off today...he was crabby and tired. Now I am crabby and tired
Actually I think I woke up crabby today. My hip is painful (where I got kicked by that stupid horse) I should post a pic of the lovely bruising that is going on...sheesh! This morning the foster dog took off when DH let her out. Went all the way down the road! Yeah, those people arent coming to visit her any more; when she sees them she seems to lose her brains! Back to being on leash again for a while!

Deli--I am glad that boy is looking good. I hope he will make some nice babies for you! Speaking of...anyone in need of some OE roosters to make an F2 generation? I seem to have more than my share here at the moment. As I was hobbling around today I realized just how many birds I have to move out yet!
I loaded 2 rams today and sent them to Equity with my neighbor. They were the last of my sheep. Now I have to work on the goats! I guess what I will do is buy a couple of feeder lambs in the spring and grow them out. That should be more than enough lamb for us! This spring I am also planning on doing a few pigs too. If anyone is interested in "Oppyland's Happy Pork" let me know! I have them butchered here on the farm and they go to Detjen's meat processor in Watertown. They make excellent pork sausage!

I am going to make a meatloaf for dinner tonight with potato pancakes. I wanted to do the pancakes last night but time got away from us (again) so we had some brat patties that DH picked up from somewhere. They were not great....I hope he didnt have to pay too much for them!

Well, guess I better get moving if I plan on getting anything done yet this afternoon!

Oh yeah.....Good news! I was hired by WEAP as a line therapist! I have to do my training and then am getting assigned to a client in Watertown first. I am excited to be learning something new! And now that I am a "tax paying" member of society perhaps DH will get off my back! I sure hope I like this job!

Have a good one! TerriO
Happy Anniversary Bigz!!!!!

Hear ye, hear ye! I now know what time I can party at TO's on Saturday!!!!!! I believe the order would be, pick up Deli between 11 and noon, then off to get CC (aka Robin), and then to TO's (arriving probably by 1pm?) I am not sure of the time to travel from Deli's to CC's to TO's, but this is my best guess without any addresses. What food are we bringing for this SE WI...um...party????

OMG---I guess I better gather some firewood! I sure am praying for nice weather! Anyone up for splitting wood? (we do have a splitter!) I can tell DH to lay in some cuts to split! I know you guys arent just coming to party are you?
YEAH, a party!


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