Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi, all!

I'm a newbie here and to the chicken world. My husband, kinds, and I live in Hammond, WI. We just ordered our chicks yesterday for a May 6th arrival. We're pretty excited about our choices...Americana, Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, and Wyandotte.

My husband is working on coop plans as we speak and our chicks are set to arrive on May 6th. Looking forward to learning a lot of great information from all the experts here! :) Any advice or links you can give me would be fabulous. Thanks!
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Welcome to all the newbies!!!

You all need to check out the Wisconsin camp out plans for us in Clintonville. It is coming up fast!!

Zeke..I do have meat birds..I sold some to cooties sister so you probably can get eggs from her..or I can get you eggs also. Right now I am having an Easter special $20.00 ship for a dozen of the meat birds
They are cornish/rock/wyanndottte
I butcher out at 12-16 week they average 3-5lbs depending on weather. I free range them starting at 5 weeks. I grow a small area that has wheat, oregano and spinach for meaties. keeping adults out of the area. BSF/ WW/liver. 22% feed.
Looking forward to the BASH!! I work in Clintonville, and live near Gresham.

Our coop keeps getting bigger, my youngest daughter and I are planning the addition, for our new spring chicks we hatched in our DIY incubator.

With this year's two seperate hatches now brings us up to 28 birds total.

I wish it would warm up, so I can cut the girls loose, to free range, but the longer days have helped with egg production we collected 10 yesterday, 10 of the 28 birds are hatched this spring.

Bantam Salmon Faverolle

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I do not have any personal experience with Cream Legbars, though I do have with Americaunas and true, (rumpless) Araucanas. Of the two I've owned, I'd only deal with Americaunas again, as the Araucanas have too many troublesome issues to consider, making them ill suited for the casual poultry hobbiest to enjoy. For starters, being rumpless, they have difficulty breeding effectively, so fertility is often, (though not always), low. They also have at least one well known lethal gene, possibly more, that make breeding them a test of your patience and heart. This, in my opinion, more than offsets the benefits of their nice blue or greeb eggs.
Conversely, Americaunas are not rumpless, therefore mating, for them, is similar to any other fowl, meaning fertility is similar as well. They also lay various shades of blue or green eggs, and to my knowledge, do not suffer from any set of lethal genes. Their disposition is similar, in my opinion to your average heavy breed bird, being less flighty that a Leghorn and perhaps a bit more nervous than an Orpington.
And though I've never owned Cream Legbars, being a derivative of the Leghorn breed, one can safely assume, they're flighty, good layers of very large eggs, and non sitters. I've been told they're bluer as well, though most of the photos I've seen are similar to Americauna eggs.
I hope I wasn't too "windy" this morning with my rambling.

Kind regards,

Thanks for the information... it's nice to have someplace to ask questions to where's there's knowledgeable people!! Thanks.

Hi Kevin, have you ever made your own seed tapes ?

I am thinking of doing carrots , lettuce and maybe beets..
going to use toilet tissue as the tape..

Do you know of a tiny seed dispenser for putting individual small seeds down individually ?
Like depositing them on the seed tape on the kitchen table ...

I sold a girl puppy this morning..

now we are down to 2 boys and 2 girls..


I would also be very interested in learning how to make seed tapes... it's pretty darn expensive to buy those tapes...

How to you secure the seed to the tape and the tape together? Elmers, would that work?

I'm going to start my sweet potato slips this weekend.. have no idea if it's too early, but I'm going to try anyway.
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Hi all and welcome to the new folks! Link to the bash is in my siggy...then we can meet you!

1876--I participated in the sweet potato project last summer and didnt end up with much fit to eat...can you tell me your methods please? Either PM or maybe some others have interest? We didnt get out slips last year until nearly the middle of June because of the weather! I dont think they had enough time. Please help--I LOVE sweet potatoes!

I know I had something else to say...CRS strikes again *sigh*

Oh yeah...if anyone has any plants that they cant use...we could sure use them for the Childrens' Garden at our Center this summer! I am trying to contact the Ag teacher at the High school to grow some for us...not having much luck though! Thanks in advance!

Here is a look at my egg pick up today...

Quite a sink full! TerriO
That is one beautiful picture Terri.
Hi all and welcome to the new folks! Link to the bash is in my siggy...then we can meet you!

1876--I participated in the sweet potato project last summer and didnt end up with much fit to eat...can you tell me your methods please? Either PM or maybe some others have interest? We didnt get out slips last year until nearly the middle of June because of the weather! I dont think they had enough time. Please help--I LOVE sweet potatoes!

I know I had something else to say...CRS strikes again *sigh*

Oh yeah...if anyone has any plants that they cant use...we could sure use them for the Childrens' Garden at our Center this summer! I am trying to contact the Ag teacher at the High school to grow some for us...not having much luck though! Thanks in advance!

Here is a look at my egg pick up today...

Quite a sink full! TerriO
pretty colors..


Wow quite some eggs TO! And so colorful. What are the bigger ones, duck or geese?

Yup it's COLD up here and the wind is kicking a**. Thus the sun didn't really do much to melt anything at all today, so we're still left with about 2-3 feet yet and of course lots of ice to walk on!

Guess our chickens went back on strike for eggs again due to the cold. Today was a switch in nest duty for the ducks, one of my twin Rouen is sitting today. Still not sure if those eggs will make it with all those temp changes but we should be getting close for hatching on them. Just sit and wait I guess.

Nothing else new here but bundling up good again before heading outside for chores or dog duty!

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