Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi, all!

I'm a newbie here and to the chicken world. My husband, kinds, and I live in Hammond, WI. We just ordered our chicks yesterday for a May 6th arrival. We're pretty excited about our choices...Americana, Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, and Wyandotte.

My husband is working on coop plans as we speak and our chicks are set to arrive on May 6th. Looking forward to learning a lot of great information from all the experts here! :) Any advice or links you can give me would be fabulous. Thanks!

Hi there! I live in Amery-welcome to Wi Cheeseheads!!
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For general reference as to when it is a good time to start seeds indoors.


I know it is for Madison, but you can subtract days as you travel North to your location.

So I am a few days early.
Hi All!

Jim.... I seem to recall a few months back that you were late pretty early then. Was this earlier?

TO.... yea, what are those big eggs? Are the little,pointy ones Guinea?

Delish.... Cookie looks like she's on guard already!

BigZ.... DH says he' done buying wood for the winter! We wound up going 2-3 loads over budget. Still cheaper than the oil we'd be buying, but if we run out we either got to split logs or freeze.

momg.... Hope your dog is OK and doesn't have to loose an eye. Although, you could give him a good pirate name.

The 2 big toms are spending the night out again.... They wouldn't come in at lock up and I didn't feel like chasing them! At least most of the snow is gone here and the chickens are getting braver. We may be getting some more though.

That's it.... Night All!
Ugh, just shoot me know. Awake from coughing. Why coughing? Because apparently I'm such an overachiever that I got TWO strains on influenza at once. Really? Because one just wouldn't be good enough?'!?! (And no.., I don't want to turn this into the all sick talk show. Just amazed myself getting both strains is all).

You know what's not so great about having had 5 kids? Well, if you occasionally pee a little when laughing, imagine what coughing your lungs out will do. I might need to buy some depends at this point...
Poor pup, hope they found that the eye was just behind the clot and not ruptured, but either way he'll be fine. It's amazing how easy it is to just run into a stick or something sticking out at eye height, espeically while everything is frozen rigid. Best thoughts to him.

Swedish flower hens are certainly pretty, you'll have to share photos!

My Lavender Ameraucana is looking pretty rough. She's determined to be broody right now and the feathers are flying. She doesn't care that there are no eggs to sit on, she's going to occupy the best nest.

Looks like the secondary rooster wandered a bit too far, only one rooster out there this morning with the ladies. Wondering if the dum dum decided to roost outside last night. They had spring fever yesterday and were everywhere, so it's possible he went back into no man's land (aka the back half of the property). Everyone has been sequestered to their quarters today in the 10x10 run. They are most displeased.

Hmm, all this talk of starting seeds, I may have to pick up some supplies. I want to put in a garden this year with the boys and maybe stretch my memory cells back to childhood and can a little. Mom has offered up the old canning supplies.
Question - I see the little greenhouses they have...are those supposed to be indoor jobbies or something? How on earth can you start seeds in them when the temps are freezing...there is no sun at night...?

Need to head to TSC today, pick up supplies. Looks like it's the last day of sale on chicken supplies, good day to do it. Better get to it!

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