Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hurley I have two of those little greenhouses. I suppose you could use them outdoors when the weather warms up a bit but I use mine indoors with grow lights.
We've got cauliflower, 2 cucumbers, onions, okra, spinach, and epazote growing inside. I've got my containers ready for the tomatoes, but no seeds yet.

Vicki-Can't wait to see ya!

We've bottled maple syrup already. We're doing a pint or so a day. Not sure about today as it is cold out there. We had a 5 gallon pot we were using but bought a 10 gallon pot yesterday.

DH & G.pa are working on insulating the garage, putting up paneling, and today they are putting in one of the 2 new windows. There had been no insulation previously and instead of a window it was plexi-glass.

Well I've warmed up and had a cuppa, so I should head out there to see if I can help and bring DH a cuppa too!
Chilly Afternoon All....yep, I have one of those small greenhouses also. I set it up by the sliding door for sunlight and move it outside against the house when the temps stay above freezing (prolly July this year)...I highly recommend patio blocks on the bottom shelf or risk the wind blowing it over, even with all the flats of plants and seedlings. I lost 50% one year when it blew over and broke everything all over the concrete while we were gone, and the sun dried everything that was out of its pot or flat.

Hope your roo finds home again Hurley. I also hope it wasn't one of the best.

I hear you Cind...this winter has been hard on everyone. I know this is the most wood I've ever burned. Ican't imagine having to buy fuel oil. I talked to some folks that went through 3 tons of pellets this winter in the pellet stove.

The suet feeders consumed 60 cakes this winter...another record here.

Sorry you Can't make the bash ridgeline....stop Friday evening if you have a spare moment and say hello if you can.

Terri O: OMG! A friend at work had someone giver her a bunch of GF flour mixes.....and she passed them on to me. Jules Baking mix. I have read a lot about this one and was excited tot ry. Wellllll (drum roll) I made cinnamon rolls and this is the first time in 7 yrs that we have REAL cinnamon rolls!!! These are to die for. I used the following recipe: http://deliciousglutenfreebaking.blogspot.com/2011/03/gf-cinnamon-rolls.html You have to try these!!
good afternoon,,
I broke my glasses last night.. put them back together with a dab of Gorilla Glue.. they are perched precariously on my nose, kind of flexible, but temporarily functional.. Tomorrow I will make a trip to Lens Crafters.. I have a new prescription anyhow, so this is just the push I needed to get it done..

I was almost 40 posts behind.. now CRS .I made mental notes as I was reading, ..I guess I might have to go back and answer per post..

I have two people interested in the 10 month old pup.. One of them is making me jump through hoops.. I don't do that very well.. just about one more request for more pictures and I am done with him.. If he wants to see pictures of dogs, go google some..

I am not so sure that I even want to sell Bo anymore..
this is Bo today.. Note how concerned he is with the chickens
hanging around his feed dish..
I am thinking of "retiring" Dora from any more litters.. I might keep Bo and one of my female puppies for future pups..

I just remembered one.. Seed tapes..
I read that a slurry of flour and water makes a good paste to hold the toilet tissue tapes together.
It is water soluble and biodegradable..

now, more CRS..
Check out what my mom brought over for me!


I forgot to put all the plates out for the picture, but I am lucky enough to have the nut butter grinding plate for the smaller grinder.

How cool is that!

So I thought I would take another pic, this time with all the plates.

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That is exactly what I would do Jim...Dora should go into retirement and with young Bo and one of her pups you are making wise decisions in my opinion.

You musta won all the pots playin cards and got your glasses broke by the losers, eh?

Congrats on the grinders bl4....we use those to do our relish...something about that perfect grind they produce....besides the good exercise we all need daily in this push button society we all live.

Watching the Race, actually a good one....get going junior...
He is such a good looking boy. Miles got into burrs the other day. His first time ever doing that. Had to cut them out and my husband decided to cut out the spot on Miles' backside that the kids dyed blue by accident with food coloring.

I wouldn't jump through hoops for anybody. If they want Bo then they would not have you jumping through hoops. He is a really handsome thing though.

Check out what my mom brought over for me!

I forgot to put all the plates out for the picture, but I am lucky enough to have the nut butter grinding plate for the smaller grinder.

How cool is that!

So I thought I would take another pic, this time with all the plates.

Nice looking grinders.
Yeah, the problem is I have no idea what plates are for what. The smaller one I have found a lot of information online, and I am looking forward to trying out the nut butter attachment. The larger one is a #30 Wardway, and I am having a difficult time finding information about it, I see #10 and #50 were popular, but other than selling listings there is not a lot of information about the model or company.

I love old equipment like this. It almost never wears out and it gives you a workout in the process.
Yeah, the problem is I have no idea what plates are for what. The smaller one I have found a lot of information online, and I am looking forward to trying out the nut butter attachment. The larger one is a #30 Wardway, and I am having a difficult time finding information about it, I see #10 and #50 were popular, but other than selling listings there is not a lot of information about the model or company.

I love old equipment like this. It almost never wears out and it gives you a workout in the process.
I hadn't even thought of that. If you want PM me the company name and the model number I might be able to find something to help or find somebody who can assist you.

I use to have a knee controlled sew machine. ( no foot pedal ) Loved that thing so much. Ex got it in the divorce. Sold it for next to nothing. Worse that can happen is I go insane trying to find the information for you. At least then I would deserve the title crazy insane. lol

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