Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Just had to pop in and say how excited I am...I am trying to hatch eggs for the first time....I set them on Tues....candled today and I can see veining!!!!
Woot! That's so much fun. :) Good luck with them!

Just had a small batch of Iowa Blues and "Iowacana" F1s hatch out, kind of a minibatch as I sold hatching eggs that set week, but they are cuties.

Had to move the big chicks outside, they were just getting too rambunctious to be in the chicquarium. They're in temporary housing in the garage waiting for spring.

And, nope, it wasn't the best of the roosters...actually it was one I was soon going to be making into soup or selling off anyway, so if they had to take one they were welcome to him. No sign of him, no feathers, nothing. The flock is locked up safe for now. I've got a surplus of roosters grown up over the winter that I need to weed through and select for my breeding pens before removing the extras.
Just had to pop in and say how excited I am...I am trying to hatch eggs for the first time....I set them on Tues....candled today and I can see veining!!!! :ya

Awesome, and good luck with your hatch! I have a batch hatching as we speak, right on day 21. So far one is pipped, another is halfway through zipping. It is my second hatch and I have already learned soooo much. Definitely a rewarding experience. How many you got going?
Fernie, that is the make and model number. What you see in the pic is what you get, I can find no other markings on the main piece or the handle.

I love looking up the history of these things; I think this one might best me though. I will have to comb through antique stores and resale shops I guess to find the ring to attach the sausage stuffer and maybe be lucky enough to find a manual.
Well good enough Hurley that it wasn't a serious loss.

The plates are universal as far as use goes bl4..don't need your specific brand to find out their uses....
all the brands that offer them, have the same ones....

Quote: you already have the ring to attach the sausage stuffer..

the sausage stuffer fits between the plate with the holes in it when you grind meat and the usual ring that holds everything in place..

you have your screw feeder, then the cutter blades, then the plate with the holes, then the sausage stuffer and then the screw on ring that holds it all in..

I do believe that the smaller grinder will also grind wheat .. I might be wrong about this ..

I can remember my dad sharpening the cutting blades on a very flat whet stone..

I believe the plate to use with the stuffer is the one on the right in the second row from the top.. You don't really want to grind any more once you start stuffing..

I can also remember guys mounting a large diameter V-pulley wheel in place of the handle and running it with a small electric motor..
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Ugh, just shoot me know. Awake from coughing. Why coughing? Because apparently I'm such an overachiever that I got TWO strains on influenza at once. Really? Because one just wouldn't be good enough?'!?! (And no.., I don't want to turn this into the all sick talk show. Just amazed myself getting both strains is all).

You know what's not so great about having had 5 kids? Well, if you occasionally pee a little when laughing, imagine what coughing your lungs out will do. I might need to buy some depends at this point...

LOL well I only had two kids and I have problems just wait till you are my age. After giving birth there is are no more "private parts" and the heck with Kigels, didn't do a bit of good.

Good news is Toby is not a pirate dog yet... the eyeball did not rupture, still curious what the :H: happened... could an animal have lashed out and caught him on the eye. thinking we have something lurking under the storehouse? Must have 7 stitches along the side of side of the head to the eyelid. Forgot to ask the vet how many... Nice clean laceration, like a knife no rough edges. Too much bleeding so cant say for sure if he will have sight in that eye, but i had to set up a spread sheet to track his medicine schedule... geesh. Finally got him to eat something, scrambled eggs by hand...
LOL well I only had two kids and I have problems just wait till you are my age. After giving birth there is are no more "private parts" and the heck with Kigels, didn't do a bit of good.

Good news is Toby is not a pirate dog yet... the eyeball did not rupture, still curious what the :H: happened... could an animal have lashed out and caught him on the eye. thinking we have something lurking under the storehouse? Must have 7 stitches along the side of side of the head to the eyelid. Forgot to ask the vet how many... Nice clean laceration, like a knife no rough edges. Too much bleeding so cant say for sure if he will have sight in that eye, but i had to set up a spread sheet to track his medicine schedule... geesh. Finally got him to eat something, scrambled eggs by hand...

I am glad to hear that is the case momgille! Our dog had a run in with a goose that blinded her in one eye...DH didnt get her in until Sunday night (I was in TN on a horseback vacation) and the swelling was so bad that the vet couldnt do anything anyhow! We never had to have it all stitched up and the eye taken out though...it was just smaller than the other one and couldnt see. Didnt slow her down one bit! Dogs are amazing that way! I am glad it was fixable though; you probably will never find out what exactly happened....

Bo looks pretty good Jim. I agree that Dora should be retired from Mom duties--yes you will now be known as "Jim-the crazy dog guy." And I think I spend a lot on dog food!

Thanks for the taps today Cuties! I also heard from Kristi and Carol is supposed to call me about a turkey--if she does I will mention the rooster.

Cind--have your turkeys been fighting? I have 3 Toms here and they are fighting constantly lately! I also got my first turkey egg today! It is only the size of a large chicken egg so it must be from the juvenile hen. I sure hope I can hatch more babies this year...maybe my neighbor will be bringing me some eggs...guess I better fire up an incubator!

In my pic the large eggs are from the geese and the tiny ones are Bobwhite quail. The guineas are "thinking about" laying still...they are checking out the boxes but I have not found any eggs yet.

Guess I better head on out and do some chores...story of my life it seems! Thanks for the links for the planting dates(BL4) and that GF baking site(Judy)! I will peruse them after I get settled for the night.

I sure hope it gets warmer soon...we had 16 today....maybe we will just go right into fall again?

Have a good night! TerriO
I've got 22 going...a couple are pretty small though
Awesome, and good luck with your hatch! I have a batch hatching as we speak, right on day 21. So far one is pipped, another is halfway through zipping. It is my second hatch and I have already learned soooo much. Definitely a rewarding experience. How many you got going?

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