Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I have 3 days left for my hatch and my oldest (who is the animal lover and true farm girl) can't wait.....she is also very excited to get the pup.
she was crying she loves puppies so much ..such a soft girl..you ill need to watcher with boys..they will hurt her heart so bad..tender hearted that one.

That is a long haul..no way you are going up there to just *look*. You are bringing home cookies brother!! Yeah!!

And chick babys soon too..
We are talking about the same girl who bossed my son around the Bash last year, correct?
Deli, she will be just fine.
Hi All!

Congrats on the chickies!

Yes, one dose not drive 4 hours to "look at" a puppy! LOL Hope you have a good size kennel and lots of room in the car when you go "look".

Nice Bird BigZ!!!

DH said I can look for a price out new flooring for the kitchen!!!

Night All!
Thanks for the kind words and congrats....nope no mount this time but....I'd love to see your showroom sometime Huntress and send some business your way....I have so many fans and beards laying around..it's kinda a shame. This was a nice mature bird with 1 1/4 spurs..but a little weather beaten and less than perfect.
I'll send you some pics next week...right now I'm brooding chicks in there.

I can believe you have many fans/beards. If you pulled in that tom, with a hen, you are a better caller than me...Whenever I try that, the hen takes him in the other direction. Never too late to dust those trophies off and make a display.
Well I had originally set 83 for the Easter HAL and 49 made it to lock down. I woke up this am to 1 SS, 2 EE and a BYM(lav and light brown head color) curious what it will turn out to be. Roo is a BO and Hen possibilities are Blue Maran, BO, Black Split Lav Orp, Black Maran. Theirs 2 with external pips on the sides below the air cell and I've never had it happen before. One had pipped on the bottom side so I turned it up so it could get air, both are alive so far and chirping along. Do they usually hatch like this? The little SS that hatched has got to be the cutest one yet, I'm sure it's a roo with how crazy it's acting running around.
I looked over the 15 chicks hatched earlier and over 3/4 have tails already and if it proves like last year they are all pullets which makes me very excited because most are my BLRW and both splashes will be pullets.
Took Ty to work this am and could barely drive, snow is coming down so thick. I'm pretty well getting depressed at all this snow. Tasia went into the ditch with my truck on her way home to pick up the incubator for me as I had a visitation in Eau Claire for Anellia. Good thing the State Patrol let her call a friend to pull her and the boys out without a hefty tow fee. And on top of it when she got there the guy forgot to bring it so I have to go in today and pick it up. Their wasn't a drop of snow past Bloomer so they are quite lucky.

I did get a video of one of the EE hatching, kinda boring to most but amazing to me. Ignore the background noise.lol I forgot to mute it.
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Well I had originally set 83 for the Easter HAL and 49 made it to lock down. I woke up this am to 1 SS, 2 EE and a BYM(lav and light brown head color) curious what it will turn out to be. Roo is a BO and Hen possibilities are Blue Maran, BO, Black Split Lav Orp, Black Maran. Theirs 2 with external pips on the sides below the air cell and I've never had it happen before. One had pipped on the bottom side so I turned it up so it could get air, both are alive so far and chirping along. Do they usually hatch like this? The little SS that hatched has got to be the cutest one yet, I'm sure it's a roo with how crazy it's acting running around.
I looked over the 15 chicks hatched earlier and over 3/4 have tails already and if it proves like last year they are all pullets which makes me very excited because most are my BLRW and both splashes will be pullets.
Took Ty to work this am and could barely drive, snow is coming down so thick. I'm pretty well getting depressed at all this snow. Tasia went into the ditch with my truck on her way home to pick up the incubator for me as I had a visitation in Eau Claire for Anellia. Good thing the State Patrol let her call a friend to pull her and the boys out without a hefty tow fee. And on top of it when she got there the guy forgot to bring it so I have to go in today and pick it up. Their wasn't a drop of snow past Bloomer so they are quite lucky.

I did get a video of one of the EE hatching, kinda boring to most but amazing to me. Ignore the background noise.lol I forgot to mute it.

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