Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Got so much done yesterday. Even had some give us a bunny crate they made along with a homemade lawn run that is made of chicken wire. So cool. So since my daughter brought home a Flemish I will definitely nee the big run and crate which has a built on doghouse. Cool huh.

Chicken bottom healing but worried as soon as I put her out they will beat up on her again. When do I release her? Feel like my house is a rotating poultry hospital.
Got so much done yesterday. Even had some give us a bunny crate they made along with a homemade lawn run that is made of chicken wire. So cool. So since my daughter brought home a Flemish I will definitely nee the big run and crate which has a built on doghouse. Cool huh.

Chicken bottom healing but worried as soon as I put her out they will beat up on her again. When do I release her? Feel like my house is a rotating poultry hospital.

When you put her back into the coop with the others, keep an eye on who the aggressor is and then remove that one for a couple of days.

Here's some advice that I read a couple of years ago...
When you remove a chicken from the flock it places that chicken at the bottom of the peaking order and then they have to make their way back up the ranks. So by removing the aggressor you will be placing that one at the bottom and she'll have to work her way up from the bottom up and in some cases will never make it back to where she was originally. We've done this a couple of times and it seem to work.
So much for yard work today! One of the joys of having my mother live two blocks away, I get roped into her 'projects'. Today it was "Come help your sister clean the bat guano out of my attic." Fun. Stuck up in an attic with a breathing mask and gloves, sucking up bat caca with a shop vac. NICE! I will send her the Dr. bills when I get some nasty disease.........

Came home and ran through the shower, my boots are baking in the sun to detox, and I am hoping my nose was running enough to prevent anything from taking up residence.

On a happier note, I have my little styro incubator fired up and I am going to be incubating some turkey eggs for the DD's BF. Any hints tips oh hatching guru Jim on what I should do differently than chicken eggs? Of course setting these eggs tomorrow will have them hatching on the Sun-Mon of the bash. Nice timing right?!
So much for yard work today! One of the joys of having my mother live two blocks away, I get roped into her 'projects'. Today it was "Come help your sister clean the bat guano out of my attic." Fun. Stuck up in an attic with a breathing mask and gloves, sucking up bat caca with a shop vac. NICE! I will send her the Dr. bills when I get some nasty disease.........

Came home and ran through the shower, my boots are baking in the sun to detox, and I am hoping my nose was running enough to prevent anything from taking up residence.

On a happier note, I have my little styro incubator fired up and I am going to be incubating some turkey eggs for the DD's BF. Any hints tips oh hatching guru Jim on what I should do differently than chicken eggs? Of course setting these eggs tomorrow will have them hatching on the Sun-Mon of the bash. Nice timing right?!
Stir the contents of that shop vac into your compost. Bat guano is excellent fertilizer (though I'm sure it should be composted first). We buy dried pelleted guano for our garden in a 5 gal bucket.

Spent the day with jim and look what im bringing home. Yes, I am crazy!!!
What do you have?

bl4- I'm impressed with your poem!

I've got pics

The 2 blackish ones above are very different. The one on the right is actually black with a white belly and butt. The one in the middle I think is a blue.

The one above was born very light yellow and is growing in white feathers

The one above was born yellow and has grown in mottled brown feathers

The one above is the one that died

Here is Mr. Gibs

CC's Lav orp

2 of Deli's blk orps and one baby from last year's Easter hatch



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