Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Eagleeye, if you google poultry swaps 2014 a list comes up. I would send the link. But I do not have enough internet experience to figure out how! There is one in Rond du Lac and Beaverdam coming up soon.
Rainy Afternoon All...you guys can keep the snow!

Nice to see the price of gas dropping, however the price of cheese needs to come down...we eat a ton of different cheeses, and the good stuff is easily $4 per lb. Dang it's worth it though for all the stuff it makes. We go to a local factory for fresh and tasty.

Canned another 9 pints of beets today. Might do a couple heads of kraut today...no good outside stuff today with the wind and rain. How can Summer be over already? Did I miss some time or what?

It is past 10:30 PM ,, I can wait no longer,, going to grab a beverage of choice, watch a little TV then hit the hay ,,
Hi All!

Cold, windy and damp here. No snow but got kind of drizzaly.

Mama guinea would not let me check on the kids! LOL The chickens and turkeys I have pretty well trained to let me pick them up while on nest. Guineas..a bit wilder.

Nothing new.... Night All!
Hey all. Chickens a re doing ok...was trying to supplement light but can't get it to work somehow with the timer...so they might go natural. Getting about 50/ right now...with one broody who won't quit and a few juveniles.

Got a new pup yesterday. A 15 week old shih tzu poodle mix. Really cute little guy but crate training was miserable last night. He was in s room with 8 other puppy's so he is used to puppy piles and not crates so it was almost two,hours of,crying. Then there were coyotes outside last night in the back of our yard...freaked me out, but I took our torch light and was prepared to blind them if they came too close. Hard to tell when puppy is going potty to praise him...so low to the ground and not treat motivated yet...always a challenge the first few days but he will figure it out,

Otherwise just running to soccer, football, swimming and scouts!
Packerless Sunday Today....we managed to make our first batch of sauerkraut yesterday. We will make another batch in the next few days.

Plenty chilly outside today, even with the sun popping out once in awhile.

Tonight it's Bear roast with kraut from last year...should be goodie like always.

The new 2014 American Poultry Association yearbook arrived yesterday....like always a ton of good reading there.

Hope you all have a good Sunday!


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