Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good morning,

soon there should be a new person from the Madison area on here,, a friend of my oldest sister..

I moved the dog house yesterday,, I set down a pallet, covered it with bats of straw and set the house on top of it.. that should insulate the floor somewhat.. And help to keep the wood from rotting..
It is a bit higher off the ground, so IDK if Frankie is going to like climbing the extra 6 inches to get into it,, I still have a dog bed to stuff into it , and maybe some straw, too.. I had a dog bed in there before, but Gus decided it was a chew toy and shredded it..

When I lifted the dog house with the tractor bucket and forks, Annie spotted a nest of eggs under it.. 11 eggs.. the dogs had dug a hole along side and slightly under the coop.. what a perfect hiding place, eh? all of the eggs were identical, so it must have been just one chicken laying there..

I have to call the lady who got Bo from me ,, or is it Beau ? she is going to ask me about his background.. I don't know much about him,, he was a rescue dog.. mistreated.. not cruelly, just tied up too short and never had any attention except to get fed..

The "Neighbor's Place" called me back ,, they will take the 3 wheel chairs I want to give away,
That should happen tomorrow, or Friday,, whenever I go to town next ..

I checked out F&F ,, they have PEX fittings and tubing also... so now I have 3 places to shop for them,, all of the prices are about the same,,

Cind, sorry you can't beat your meat anymore ,,

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Bakers Day here today...suzie made 5 pies for the annual fundraiser for camp....3 pumpkin, one bread crumb top apple, and one mince meat..smells wonderful in here.

Sorry to hear about your meat pounder Cind sentimental value is priceless...

Have fun...bigz
Batten down the hatches! The rain just started pouring heavily and suddenly here. I'm snuggled up with the dog for the evening!

The molt continues here and egg production is low. 'Tis the season!
the storm just passed over us,, lots of fireworks.. One hit close enough to the house to hear the snap !!
Frankie was in her dog house, but she was happy to come in when I called her..
Storms don't bother her,, but she did get a little clingy when we had that close hit ..
the phones are out..
we have cell phones though..

not much to watch on TV. I will hang out here for awhile and then head to bed..

Give Frankie a hug for me Jim.

We had 2 waves come through down here. The first one was very noisy but the 2nd was just rain. Not looking forward to the wind tomorrow.

Cind, congrats on the new wheels. That was awfully nice of that couple. And as you said, good timing. I hope you can get one fixed soon & inexpensively.

As Jim said, double yolkers are pretty common in young hens (usually under a year old). Their bodies are still trying to get in the laying cycle and sometimes 2 yolks get released instead of one. I had a LOT of those from the PRs.

I still have a few girls molting too. Just found another new pile of feathers in the coop. Haven't gotten an egg in 4 days. Freeloaders.
Hi All!

Yea, BigZ, it was more the sentiment of it. I already ordered a new meat hammer. Jim, I'll be pounding my meat again in no time!

Hope the chickens don't blow away today! They better keep those wings tucked tight.

Night All!
good morning,

soon there should be a new person from the Madison area on here,, a friend of my oldest sister..

I moved the dog house yesterday,, I set down a pallet, covered it with bats of straw and set the house on top of it.. that should insulate the floor somewhat.. And help to keep the wood from rotting..
It is a bit higher off the ground, so IDK if Frankie is going to like climbing the extra 6 inches to get into it,, I still have a dog bed to stuff into it , and maybe some straw, too.. I had a dog bed in there before, but Gus decided it was a chew toy and shredded it..

When I lifted the dog house with the tractor bucket and forks, Annie spotted a nest of eggs under it.. 11 eggs.. the dogs had dug a hole along side and slightly under the coop.. what a perfect hiding place, eh? all of the eggs were identical, so it must have been just one chicken laying there..

I have to call the lady who got Bo from me ,, or is it Beau ? she is going to ask me about his background.. I don't know much about him,, he was a rescue dog.. mistreated.. not cruelly, just tied up too short and never had any attention except to get fed..

The "Neighbor's Place" called me back ,, they will take the 3 wheel chairs I want to give away,
That should happen tomorrow, or Friday,, whenever I go to town next ..

I checked out F&F ,, they have PEX fittings and tubing also... so now I have 3 places to shop for them,, all of the prices are about the same,,

Cind, sorry you can't beat your meat anymore ,,


Bo was his name. All I know is he came from over your way originally to my old neighbors and was let free run. They had so many dead sheep everywhere and since they didn't feed the animals properly, Bo would eat on the sheep. They were worried he would eat the live ones so they tied him to the silo and left him there but it wasn't long as that is when I came along. I know they didn't feed him the time I was there and part of the reason for taking him to find a new home. They also lost 4 horses that winter and well over 50 sheep along with all the babies born but 3. When they moved they had 3 sheep left. Now living west of town hoarding up animals again. Anyhow I know he wasn't physically abused, just yelled at alot. I hope they find him, he seemed like a nice dog.

The gas stove did not cut it so got a cute little wood stove. Working so much better in here. Also finished the lower deck and steps. Wont let me upload pics so will share another time.
Holy Windmill day here today. Might have some white stuff on the ground here in the morning.

Yep Stacy, nothing like wood heat to heal the soul. Hope you have enough dry stuff to keep er fired.

I'm keeping the birds in today. All they would do is hide under trees anyway in this wind. Nice to have a day off from locking them up later too!

My egg numbers are way down too. The hens are enjoying a little RandR I'm thinkin.

Keep the fire going...bigz
good afternoon,
I'm not getting notified again,,
I check in anyhow, just for that reason..
our egg production is 5 out of 6,, maybe more if I would lock them up.. they are out and about today,, Frankie is lying on the driveway,, she doesn't mind a slight drizzle..

the guy from Marshfield did not show up for the work bench,, funny how people change their mind over night..

Talk about a bad hair day! The wind is wicked and the girls have been sticking close to the coop. I was able to rake up some more grass hay before it rained yesterday - not enough to last a long time but I should have time to get more before the snow covers it all.

Staying in and snuggled down this evening again!
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