Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Well hello bigzio.. Actually yes. Last year I don't know how I evaded it and now this year two of my big roos did get a tiny bit on there combo. I was more frustrated because I made many changes and improvements to the coop since last year. Plenty of heat and auto door for the nights. U think they would crawl in n warm up. Lol. Lesson learned. Never wanted to leave them locked inside but I'm guessing I had enough of them together in there so someone got the shaft. And not an issue with girls. They seem to hold there spots inside just fine when they don't wanna go outside. The girls seem to be much smarter in that sense. Doesn't matter the day that's going on but couple of my roos will be out wading through the snow for the fun of it no matter what. Havent had a frost bit foot issue so that's good. Since they are so big it seems the foot is a bit less of a worry.
Just read up on them the other day....I was looking for the laughing chicken, which I did not find. Yeah, strange birds. Hope all got unburied from the snow.....being from Arkansas, I hate this stuff.....was not smart enough years ago to move when I had the chance.
Is that fry pay ya'll have one of those gold colored ones we see on TV...thought about ordering one of those but they are only 9".....I like 12" fry pans...with the smaller ones I flip the eggs right outta the pan.
Yes, these are advertised on TV.
we have the big one,, Annie has been trying to get the smaller one but they are always back ordered..

I almost hit a dead turkey on the road this morning, I saw it at the last second and straddled it.

Is it going to be another slow conversation day here again today ?

I almost hit a live turkey in the road yesterday. They expect you to wait for them. I was in a truck that hit a turkey a few years ago. It was an older truck (solid) and that sucker put one huge dent in the front of the hood.
Cleaned out the 55 gal fish tank this morning, then took care of the Budgies. I had all 5 feline assistants supervising both projects....... the fish did not care as much as the birds did!

My cousin is officially moving from the Land of Lincoln to the Land of Cheese! She closed on a sweet little bit of acreage this week; almost 16 acres of mostly woods, a lovely home in need of a bit of cosmetic work, and a little coop in need of predator proofing. I cannot wait until her family is all moved in!

The kids are watching The A-Team...... I love watching these shows from when I was a kid.

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