Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I vote for a yote....yep they can seem a foot tall....that's why they are wilily. In the end, when all is gone...stillbe one yote left.

If foxes are rare around you, then Badgers are even more rare.
If you are losing chickens at all times of the day, I would still vote "fox" .

I would be carrying a gun every time I went outside..

whatever it is will keep coming until there is nothing left to eat.

Yes badgers are extremely rare around here but one of DH2B's uncles saw one about 3/4 of a mile away a month or two back.

I am so very sorry about Ginger.  I know how much you loved her.  Yes, it is a wolverine but we do have some in the state.  Very rare but a possibility.  Have you called the DNR and asked them what it could be?

Thank you, I miss her wnd the flock doesn't seem the same without her. No we haven't called them, not having ever dealt with this we aren't exactly sure how to proceed. Particularly when one of the suspected animals isn't even anywhere near here according to them.

I vote for a yote....yep they can seem a foot tall....that's why they are wilily. In the end, when all is gone...stillbe one yote left.


Thanks bigz, we did get a good enough look at it to rule out coyote so I don't think there's any chance it's one of them. Never seen a grey fox around so I don't think it's them, it also wasn't fox shaped.
I'm almost certain there is no way it's a wild dog or cat. Not only have we not seen any wild dogs here ever though we do hear coyotes on occasion it was much differently shaped than a yote. We have had feral cats around here in the past but not since last fall have we seen them. Also even when we did have them they never bothered the flock. I don't think a feral cat could have taken Twitch and we really think it's the same animal based on the approximate size, shape and motive. The only thing I would think it could possibly be if not a badger or fisher is a fox but it didn't seem fox-like either.
I'm seeing a bunch of fuzzy cheeked EEs

The fuzzy legged chicks could be cochins or Brahmas I think.

I'm also thinking I see some white leghorns, maybe brown leghorns also possibly some Jersey giants, and I'm thinking I see some red black laced wyandottes, or maybe some partridge rock chicks. The barred chock also looks like it could be a cockeral to me.

Oops quoted the wrong thing.

Let us know what they turn out to be.
I'd love to know if I'm right at all.
Thank you for your guesses, A LOT of the chicks look alike to me too! the yellows -.- UGH I can tell you some are a regular yellow some are paler and some look maybe smokey? LOL I wonder what that would get me in a google search. I did head over to the duck thread and someone said they think it is a khaki campbell. Definitely going to have to do my research on them! I am just so happy for ducks I have wanted them for years! part of the reason I got the surprise package for the chance at ducks :D. I couldnt Justify just buying them but if they come as a surprise! well you know...

Thank you bigzio.
Chickendreams!!! I WANT EE's which ones look like EE's to you I just cant tell! sometimes I think its just wishful thinking on my part for some of the breeds I see :D. I agree with you on the brown leghorns I looked those up I have never had brown ones I am really excited to see what they grow into. I looked up barred rocks and I think I have a couple of those and the black with the eye liner I was thinking a maran? but it does look like a jersey to so maybe its my wishfull thinking again. The yellow ones well I just dont know where to even start tellign them apart. A couple of them have a single black spot on their backs so that narrows it down to two breeds I think??? I think I have been looking at the pictures to long! and my brain is getting scrambled. I guess this means I have to keep them till they all get bigger to then sell the ones that arent my favorites so I can buy more next year :D

I am going through the posts in order and I just want to say I AM SO SORRY about your chicken loss. I wish I could help, but I have no idea what it could be. Im very sorry you lost such a sweet chicken :( .
Jim your feeder looks great, I wish I was more handy with things!
good evening,

No good deed goes unpunished,
today a neighbor stopped in . wanted to dig a few blackberry shoots for a "start" on his property, No problem.
I have hundreds of new shoots. he took only about a dozen. now the really good news. as he was digging around, his wife discovered where our goose has been laying her eggs.
11 of them,, they will be going into the incubator very soon.

then about an hour later, Dan comes back with 7 guinea eggs his wife found along their fence line. If they find any more he will bring them, too..

Incubator: if you start it up, they will come..

today I put a lid stopper on the feeder. I fabricated the whole thing instead of buying eye hooks and chains. it should keep the lid from tipping too far back and tearing the hinges loose..

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:D lol well after I opened my box of chicks I may or may not have mentioned ordering another one. I got half eye rolls and walking away and the other half laughing hysterically at me :D . I am trying my hardest to guess some breeds. Polish are easy and I am pretty sure I got one of the egyptian F< :O I will butcher the spelling so I am not even going to try. this might get picture heavy so I apologize it wont happen again Im just so excited about them I have to share! if you have breed guesses throw them my way! My camera makes noise so whenever I turn it on they all run as far as they can get from me into the exact same place. Thank goodness for super zoom. Feather legs!
Jim Thank you for your guesses, A LOT of the chicks look alike to me too! the yellows -.- UGH I can tell you some are a regular yellow some are paler and some look maybe smokey? LOL I wonder what that would get me in a google search. I did head over to the duck thread and someone said they think it is a khaki campbell. Definitely going to have to do my research on them! I am just so happy for ducks I have wanted them for years! part of the reason I got the surprise package for the chance at ducks :D. I couldnt Justify just buying them but if they come as a surprise! well you know... Thank you bigzio. Chickendreams!!! I WANT EE's which ones look like EE's to you I just cant tell! sometimes I think its just wishful thinking on my part for some of the breeds I see :D. I agree with you on the brown leghorns I looked those up I have never had brown ones I am really excited to see what they grow into. I looked up barred rocks and I think I have a couple of those and the black with the eye liner I was thinking a maran? but it does look like a jersey to so maybe its my wishfull thinking again. The yellow ones well I just dont know where to even start tellign them apart. A couple of them have a single black spot on their backs so that narrows it down to two breeds I think??? I think I have been looking at the pictures to long! and my brain is getting scrambled. I guess this means I have to keep them till they all get bigger to then sell the ones that arent my favorites so I can buy more next year :D I am going through the posts in order and I just want to say I AM SO SORRY about your chicken loss. I wish I could help, but I have no idea what it could be. Im very sorry you lost such a sweet chicken :( .
Thank you for your kindness all the love and understanding I've gotten from everyone here and in the other threads I'm on on BYC have been wonderful. Of course it doesn't replace the birds as we've lost over a dozen(including hatchlings) since the 13th. Ginger was the one that really got me though. She truly was a one of a kind bird. I have a couple of her chicks and more of her eggs in the incubator but that doesn't replace her. Some of our birds are livestock but Ginger never was to me. Our flock is worth the money we've put into them and I hate not having closure, still, the flock was locked in all day today for their safety and they hated it. I know it's sucky. I know that there will always be predators that may find my flock, I just don't want them to think of it as a buffet. I'm hoping that this week we can figure something out and let them out again thankfully they have quite a bit of room inside. Now about your chicks, as for the EE look for the fuzzy cheeks they're there. Some help identifying them: Feathered feet large fowl- Brahmas, cochins, faverolles(have 5 toes and fuzzy cheeks) possibly French Marans Feathered feet bantams- d'uccles, silkies, cochins, Brahmas Greyish yellow are probably white rocks I think. The chick with the head spot in one of the pics alone is almost certainly a cockeral I would say and probably either a cuckoo Marans, a dominique, or a barred rock. Silkies should have 5 toes as well as the salmon faverolles and I believe sultans if they sent you any. I can't remember if they have them or not. Lol. We have gotten some of their birds the last two years through farm and fleet and love them! Also don't forget to check the comb shapes :) Good luck and keep us up to date. Also if you're looking for more EE we have a bunch that we just hatched this last week. Will try to post some pics of the one EE we have right now from cackle that is a chick still.
good morning,

some of the "smokey" yellow chicks could be buff orpington.

I tracked my seeds coming from Jung. FedEx says they will deliver them on Wednesday.

looks like another wonderful day in Wisconsin.

coffee should be done by now.

on that chocolate colored duck, check his toes. a muscovy has almost claws for toenails.
they can roost on a tree branch. but they prefer sitting on top of cars.

after I have my cuppa, I have to set some goose and guinea eggs in the bator.


ETA: eggs are set.
I have a batch of dinner rolls rising.
they are going to go good with the cowboy beans and sloppy joes.

as long as it stays dry, I think I will try mowing some lawn.

sure is quiet on here..

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Hi all,
Got through graduation and family/friends party so I finally feel like I can breathe a bit. Steve working on shingling the coop run today, so I am headed into the Menards to get drip edge and flashing. Garden starting to show some sprouting, but frustrated with the carpet of quack despite copious amounts of raking.

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