Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Yep, X2 on the Congrats Daethen..... give him a way to go from me!

Thanks for the link bl4.....

Windy as heck here today....hold onto your hat!

around here we give an "atta boy" ..
I never shot a bear.. bow hunted one and tracked it for awhile, but when we felt we were getting close, we (bro Dave) chickened out.
we probably would never have caught up to it anyhow.

.too windy to be up on a ladder today.. tomorrow is another day..

I bought two outside light fixtures. going to get rid of the motion detection lights on the deck

4 eggs today.. 2 were broken.. I will have to check the shavings in the nests.. maybe put some straw in instead..

Thanks guys. Frankly I am kind of jealous. I have always wanted to go bear hunting and HE is the one that gets the chance. Found out tonight that the guy that donated the tag to him lives in Iowa and has been trying for that permit for 10 years. Ever since my little man was 1 year old. Amazing people live in this world.
that is awesome. That chair is phenominal. Great job.

Well my easter pullets are finally starting to lay. Wish I knew which bid was laying what egg. I have one bird in full molt... getting chilly... better get some feathers on.

Say...who are my bee keeping friends...I have some questions for you for winter prep... Do you buy food for winter or make? We made some last year bvut not sure it worked perfectly...would rather buy something. Do I need to supplement anything right now? Yikes... need to move some plants inside with the weather change.
Were at a soccer tournament this weekend for both kids. One went all the way to championship game and took second. 9 games between the 2 kids... wore momma out and I was not even playing! Now to get our homecoming float together for Friday!
that is awesome. That chair is phenominal. Great job.

Well my easter pullets are finally starting to lay. Wish I knew which bid was laying what egg. I have one bird in full molt... getting chilly... better get some feathers on.

Say...who are my bee keeping friends...I have some questions for you for winter prep... Do you buy food for winter or make? We made some last year bvut not sure it worked perfectly...would rather buy something. Do I need to supplement anything right now? Yikes... need to move some plants inside with the weather change.
Were at a soccer tournament this weekend for both kids. One went all the way to championship game and took second. 9 games between the 2 kids... wore momma out and I was not even playing! Now to get our homecoming float together for Friday!

I always thought that simple syrup was what you use for supplemental nectar .. equal parts of sugar and water.

after it gets cold and the bees quit flying from the hive,
I would block the "door" so that they can't get out if you get a real warm day during the winter.

It happened to us in midwinter one time. the air was cold, but the sun warmed the hive enough to rouse the bees.
hundreds of them left the hive only to hit the cold air and crash.. there was a circle of dead bees in the snow all the way around the hive.

do you know how to scare bees?

you just say, BOO bees ...

Not nice to make someone spit their coffee all over their screen, Jim.
Would love to have a couple hives but have a kid who is allergic and really no time to take care of another thing right now with all the projects we need to do before winter. Should see if there is someone in the area who would just like us to host a hive, we are in the middle of an alfalfa field.
good evening,

I just ate a celebration supper of a small Lotsa Motsa pizza.

I finished all the siding to the left of the chimney chase , all the way up to the soffits.
I am as high on the chimney chase as I can go until I add more outside corners. can't add them until I frame up the roof.. I will be going at that very strongly on Friday..

I am letting the chickens go into their yard every day. that will continue until they figure out how to fly over the short fence.. then it will be lock up again.. today the rooster flew over the fence.. nobody followed and he was a very lonely boy for a couple of hours.. LOL
didn't have to coax him back into the coop.


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