Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi all, staying in and staying cool.
went outside long enough to water the dogs and change the oil filter on the lawn mower.

Yesterday, our township, who seldom do any work, sent an idiot out with a weed whacker on a tractor. whacking weeds along the ditches. the idiot either didn't know a weed from a useful bush or was just feeling spiteful.. at any rate, he completely demolished our beautiful elderberry bush.. I guess he couldn't tell that I had mowed all around it..
I am going to take Ollie and dig up the roots and move them farther onto our property,. this is not the first time the township has s^%t on our property.
years ago they drove several pieces of heavy road equipment onto my field and killed all of my 200 pine trees. .rutted up the field because it was wet..
I complained and they made a feeble attempt to replant the trees. not even one of theirs survived..
they did a P-poor job of planting them..
Ugh!!! They do make a mess. I'm very sorry to hear about your elderberry bush and your prior pine trees. The county I am in has also pulled such shenanigans. :mad:

Feel free to rant all you want!
Jim-you got any female pups left? I got a guy interested.

I don't, but I might know of one that is a few months old, if the girl still has it.
I would let Zeke go to someone with a lot of acreage, . he is about 3 years old.
was with sheep and goats until I got him at about 4 months old..
we have a call in to someone who might have
puppies. .
the girl in Gleason sold all of hers, but she said her neighbor might have some.
we bought a female puppy from those people a few years ago. I had that puppy at the bash with me..
get the guys phone number if you can.
when these people call us back, I will pass on the information..

ETA: I got the call. they have some puppies that are just ready to go to new homes.. 3 males left and 1 female..
all we have to do is get her and your friend together to hash it out..

ETA: I did all I can, the ball is in your court.
she had 4 females, 3 are sold. 1 left. if you snooze you lose.
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First off , Fish Fry Friday in July to everyone...this is the time of year to enjoy the outside stuff that eludes us all Winter long! Get outside and enjoy this special time here that will be gone before long..... I know you know and do...just sayin, to feel better about the short time we can enjoy outside without feeling cold and adding layers of clothing.
The new peeps are growing fast and I'm happy with the whole process in the brooder….just pull up a chair and watch with amazement how many adult things they do with just instinct from their heritage.

Have Fun... bigz

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