Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Well, congrats Annarie/Sweetfolly!!
That is lots of big news! (I think the 'secret' was your real name...I always thought it was Annarie too.)

Terri, I will take a wild stab at the roos:
#1 EE
#2 Buff Plymouth Rock
#3 Dorking mix
#4 Marans mix
#5 broken tailed EE

I like the big buff guy, he's purty! Congrats on winning the minicoop contest too

Thanks BCC for the broody advice. I can separate that big tote down the middle pretty easily. Maybe at the end of the month...

eta: Happy Spring day everyone! My boys are enjoying the outings this week, can't wait to introduce the little guy to grass, lol!

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I am going to insert this before I forget.. It is from one of my members on wi animal swaps :

I would like to get the word out about the goat show.

Shawano County Youth Show
June 25th 2011
At Shawano County Fairgrounds,Shawano WI

Our mission is to provide a fun learning experience for our youth!

I got the birds all taken care of.. what a muddy sloppy mess out there..

DrH, do you wet sand your final layer of mud ?

Annie thwarted my dreams of working outside today.. She went to town for groceries.. Not like we are starving or something.
I told her she is burning up my daylight.. If she wants those chicks out in the brooder pens, she has to stay home or not complain.. All I get back is her blank stare.. It is going to be a 3 day ordeal to get it finished and ready, and I just made up my mnd to go to the BD swap for sure,, now..

how come women can do what they da%%$ well please but we husbands have to get permission ?
JVLS !!! You are so Gosh Darn Cute !!! I look forward to reading all of your posts !!! I enjoy all of your posts but you have to admit JVLS you do keep us entertained.
It's nice to find a man that abids by the rules that he needs "permission"

My DH sitll doesn't get it !! He wanted to go on a three day ice fishing trip to MN and I told him we don't have th $$$ right now. Never mind he went on an elk hunt to CO last fall and we have an empty freezer to show for it !!!!!

So yesterday he tells me "Oh and I'm going to MN". I sold a trailer to a friend , who had it in his possection for years so he now has the $$ to pay for the trip. I mean just think that money could build me another small needed coop

Never mind that we have property taxes due etc etc !!! That's my problem I guess !!!
I guess I really don't mind that he goes , actually looking forward to the weekend alone:weee but If he would have just asked "for permission" would have been nice !!!

Or at least charm me into saying yes !!!

So just exactly how did your wife train you JVLS ????
I learned a long time ago when she told me that it would be OK for me to go fox hunting with my brother on Christmas day afternoon.. I went, but never heard the end of it for 15 years.

You women say yes, but you don't mean yes..

of course when you say no, you do mean it..

I am still learning after 47 years.. I'll get right eventually..
Hey Jim, think you need
either that or some green beer! You're not along-my DH checks with me before he goes and does something but I guess I do the same with him!

WEll, you've got 40 years on me and I don't have another 40 years to train him so I guess I'm SOL:barnie

What I don't understand is I do check in with him when I make another purchase or bring sometihng new home and he says "fine" I never hear the end of it !!! Guess they don't really mean "fine" when they say it or maybe it's because they already know it'll be coming home anyway !!!
Ah what can I say, ya can't live with em and ya can't live without em !!!
What's a sopouse to do ??? idunno

Guess next time around I'll pick one from the same planet !!
Well we are finished collecting Maple sap today, the temps aren't dropping below freezing at night and the buds are starting to get bigger and the sap isn't running into the pails. We pulled all the taps and now we just have to finish boiling down the sap into syrup. We collected a total of 142 gal. sap over a 2 week time frame and will have made 3 batches of syrup-not sure how many jars we will end up with this time until it's all bottled. Guess we will clean up the pails and lines and store until next year!

Waiting for our dinner of corned beef and cabbage along with potatoes to finish cooking and then we will sit down to enjoy!

Have a great evening!
Good evening! I just ate my pot roast and will head off to my MANDATORY 4H meeting. I want to know how a meeting can be mandatory for a volunteer? OK gotta go! LATER---Terri O

(PS) Cheryl--I saw the buds swelling today and though--end of maple syrup time!
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Oh yummy...... having the traditional Irish dinner over here! Corned beef with the works! And the best part is my DH the Kraut made it!!! I am sooo stuffed right now........

Sweetfolly; the secret is your name and that I know what it is.......

Jim, I only ask permission when I think I need it and my DH does the same. I am not his mother and he is not my father. I figure we are adults, know the limits, and we have mutual respect for each other. Happy spouse=happy house......

Jules is feeling much better; this morning she decided to saranade everyone with a 6:30 AM wake up call!!!! She would not stop unless I would sit next to her (not condusive for getting ready for work....) so eventually I brought Maggie in to keep her company/quiet!

Well, I should get off of here. You all have a 'sober' evening!!!!
Annie has something like the flu.. so I collected the eggs.. hit a new record,,,38,,(old 34) plus 1 turkey and the very first guinea...

I have a hunch the geese are laying in a hidden nest in the pines.

I also made boiled dinner with a large slab of ham, onion, celery, carrots, cabbage and potatoes.. salt and pepper and a little sugar and vinegar.. I already had two bowls.. Annie can't stand to look at food, mom will eat just a few bites and Ken doesn't like carrots.. I have a big job ahead of me.. LOL the reason there is so much hunger in the world is because nobody shows up here for a meal.. LOL

The mail gal stopped in today.. told me that somebody has young chicks at the post office but refuses to come pick them up.. Strange?? what she described to me sounded like pullets. much too large for chicks.. (I think maybe turkeys) anyhow she said if they do not pick them up today, she will drop them off here.. It has been 3 days and the post office people have actually talked to the people .. they are not C O D either..

Brent, I had egg mc muffin two days in a row..a toasted english muffin , one hard fried egg, horseradish and mayonnaise and a thick slab of fried venison sausage...... Red Robin,,,,,YUmmmmm..

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