Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Happy St Patty's Eve To All.... Thanks for the entertainment amoung the pages

Nice melt today thank goodness!

Stopped by the feed mill in Big Falls today. They have a really clean feed mill and great prices. The layer mash is $16.95 per 100# and black oil sunflower seeds are $6.49 per 30#! Nice folks that gave up full time jobs at first state bank and thrivent for the feed mill buisness! I wished them luck for a great future.

I'll have one for you all....plenty of Irish running in my blood.

Have Fun.... ~ bigzio
The reading was fun tonight
Thanks to all.
A year ago we were in Ireland visiting our SIL and DD25. He grew up in Ireland and they took us to see the sights. Beautiful place and very nice folks. He is getting his green card now so they can move here. The only vacation we ever did and well worth it. We usually just camp up north if we go anywhere

TO great apron. Sweetfolly great news
!!!!!!!!!! Amyable your Boys are soooooooooo cute

Still plenty of snow to melt here, but it's on it's way. We see some bare spots
brown and yucky but wonderful just the same.
Happy St. Paddys Day to all.
I am so Irish my blood is green!!

My maiden name is Tracy, from O' Treacy, eventually coming from Madden (family). The other side is scottish and irish (there was a scandal there!!) English and Native American.
I can name one famous one from that side of the family- Stephen Foster of Camp Town Races fame...
My father's side is the main Irish influence and Swedish....

So who do I go and marry, a Norski!! LOL
Good Early Morning Everyone! L brought me home leftover corned beef and cabbage from work, she doesn't like it even though she's Irish. I love it, especially the leftovers. Ruebens or soup! The gal that made it boiled the cabbage seperate from the meat. That's so wrong! But it made me think of Paula's cabbage, that is sooo good! Hint hint. Jim hope the PO has been feeding and watering those birds. Poor babies! Can't imagine why someone would do something like that. The birds are probably better off without their lack of caring. Hope Annie is feeling better soon! Never tried to wet sand joint compound. Thinking a damp sponge with that mesh type paper might make it pretty smooth. Smooth as a beer can and that's dang smooth! Both inside and out. That Jim McMuffin made my mouth water! bl4 That has to be somewhat annoying having a duck alarm.
Glad to hear Jules is on the road to recovery! Bigz agree on the nice melt but now begins the worrying again. Yesterday afternoon I looked out and no chickens. I went out and called and Buster crowed from way out back I walked back to find them in a bare spot behind my bucking and splitting area. I berated them and told them stories of wolverines and polar bears that love the taste of chicken flesh. Buster retorted with an especially loud crow as if to tell me HE was king of the forest. Better warm up the incubator. Dang kids! Peatwo is still making me laugh with his goose stepping around the yard. What a character! H&R so are we to assume that there might be a pint of that sticky delishiousness hidden amonst the the raffle treasures? Good job on all the syrup making! Well better get moving, have a great one!
Man I love it when my phone rings at 6:45am on a day off......oh wait, with critters there are no days off anyway. At least that's what dad always said

DrHaHa- Glad to hear the project is going well, someday I will actually do a decent job at finishing rock, have not mastered that art yet.

All this talk about Corned Beef and Cabbage is
, that's ok though cause my Irish wife made a really good beef stew last night instead..lol Crazy Irish

Well here's to hoping the frost comes out around here soon, lots of standing water and the Boys favorite MUD

of course mom doesn't like the mud trails through the house quite as much
But the boys are learning to take the boots off in the actual Mud Room....Have a great day all!!!
Cows... why did it have to be cows!!

Stan the person I work for a few hours a week, about 6-8 depending on weather conditions. I work with and train his horses..
So he calls me on his way to work and tells me of this person on a CL near Fond du Lac, this person has 3 cows to find a home for....
And of course he wants them, he grew up on a ranch out west and I guess he wants cows.. yah ME...

I think we are going to be very lucky that he has two well broke horses that I can jump on to round them up!!
Yah.. been there, done that.. phone calls in the middle of the night... cows are out....ack
So we will see if I have to go get my livestock trailer so we can go get these cows...

Lets hope they want a small boat load of money OR they are gone already!!

DA I'm far from mastering it myself by the time I figure it out I'll be done. Taking a break waiting for the dust to clear to see how I did. Like I said a stucco look might not be so bad. I can always fall back on my pat answer of Hey it's better than it was.
Gotta go look.
I hear Dr. The first time I finished drywall I looked at it and almost died it looked SO bad. I have gotten better, but when you watch someone who knows what their doing it is crazy cool how fast they do it and how good it looks when it's done. But, like you said, Better than it was!!! LOL.

WIChookchic- If it's any consolation, I used to love it when I got called to the school office and told I must get home because the cows are out...
Just think, if they get out enough, they can always be EATEN.....LOL Good Luck!!!
LET THE 'BATOR TV START! I got a pip! it's in the 'bator with the stupid temp swings! lol

I know Annarie/sweetfolly's name
i didn't know it was a secret? lol

you guys make me lol!

DH's obeying and asking permission!
My DH got layed off Wed night, I had him for 1 day and MY FATHER takes off today so they can spend the day together

DH has so much stuff around here to do, it's pittiful. The whole world can see what is in my mail box!? I bought a new one AND put stickers on it. and well you see where that is going.
<---- lol

gotta go watch 'bator TV! later

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