Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I don't have any animals or birds either. I got fed up with frozen water.
Frankie developed arthritis and would yelp when she moved. We put her down . That was a hard decision.
Aw. Sorry to hear about Frankie, Jim. We have our dog, Riley, and two giant goldfish that were left in the pond when the pump went out. They seem to like the fish tank so we never got a new pump. All three are hypoallergenic so we didn’t have to re-home them when my lungs went crappy. 😊
Jim lives!

Good to hear from you! Glad you are on the mend and back online!

Yes, we moved…… it was an impressive feat, many long trips back and forth….. we both decided we have too much junk and when we move again we will hire it out……. 😉

Currently we are camping at my moms house in town and the chickens are at the in-laws. Looking for property but also waiting for the insanity of the market to chill…… I am still working at the same place, but 100% remote.
You know how the best laid plans go awry? 😉

Long story on that one……

So in the meantime we have been helping my mom out by fixing all the little things that need repairs, going to remodel the bathroom, get the backyard cleaned up and useable. I had the massive black walnut in her backyard cut down; the diameter of the trunk was ~42”. Sold the whole thing too. Once we get the backyard fenced it will be a nice spot to sit on warmer days. I am also getting my mom to go through her stuff to downsize what she has. All of the things you put someplace and forget about….. 😊
You know how the best laid plans go awry? 😉

Long story on that one……

So in the meantime we have been helping my mom out by fixing all the little things that need repairs, going to remodel the bathroom, get the backyard cleaned up and useable. I had the massive black walnut in her backyard cut down; the diameter of the trunk was ~42”. Sold the whole thing too. Once we get the backyard fenced it will be a nice spot to sit on warmer days. I am also getting my mom to go through her stuff to downsize what she has. All of the things you put someplace and forget about….. 😊
I wondered how that was going to pan out. We lived with my MIL when I got out of the army. She was a saint of a woman, but I couldn't live with her at that time.
Annie has been spending the long winter days going through her file cabinets. She has tossed tons of old papers, receipts etc out. She has the largest collection of recipes ever collected by one person. She sorted through them . When I need a recipe, I just go online and pick one out. She prefers to remain old school.
When you get your Mom's yard cleaned up, you can come here and pick up branches.
That was one big nut tree. I'm glad you didn't waste it. You know me, I hate to see trees cut up for firewood if there is a saw log in it. lol
Same Jim; no way I could see that big giant tree go to waste as firewood.

The guy who bought it will cut it up for lumber. He is waiting for everything to dry out before he brings his equipment over to haul it out.

The dogs have figured out they can jump all over the trunk, and so they have been entertaining themselves. We are currently using the one electric chicken fence to keep the beasts contained. It is not live so they could break free whenever…… but they respect it and have not had a jailbreak….. yet.
Same Jim; no way I could see that big giant tree go to waste as firewood.

The guy who bought it will cut it up for lumber. He is waiting for everything to dry out before he brings his equipment over to haul it out.

The dogs have figured out they can jump all over the trunk, and so they have been entertaining themselves. We are currently using the one electric chicken fence to keep the beasts contained. It is not live so they could break free whenever…… but they respect it and have not had a jailbreak….. yet.
If it is as wet there as it is here, that tree will be hanging around for awhile , yet. lol
No sign of rhubarb yet.
today I am starting to prepare my Easter dinner. The turkey is in a pot to thaw. Not too much progress on that, yet.
the dough for the Parker house mashed potato rolls is about done with it's first rise.
I will make the dressing on Sunday morning. Having candied sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes.
DD is bringing a cherry pie. already have a key lime pie. also will have a chocolate cake with double layer frosting. DD's birthday was on the 13th.
the meal did turn out delicious. The turkey was fall off the bone tender.
There were only 6 of us here to eat.
The juice for the gravy was a bit salty. Annie made gravy with it. She diluted it with water and didn't salt the mashed potatoes.
This was my first time brining a turkey. I think it is the only way to go.
Now I want to try a chicken.

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