Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

as soon as it warms up a bit more I am going to go check on the garlic and rhubarb. might do some mulching.
will check to see if any asparagus is coming up, too.

follow up.
I charged up the battery on the lawn tractor and rode down to the trees.
all of the new trees have sap in their branches. the asparagus is not up yet.
the rhubarb is coming up, the grapes made it through winter without the rabbits eating them off
the garlic is coming up and will need mulching soon.
first time outside without putting a jacket on. nice.....
Hello all,
Have not posted here in awhile. So far no bird flu here. Have eggs in the incubator, hatch due about middle next month. Weather sucks, wish we get some warmer weather. Bought my fertilizer over last fall and this last winter for my acre acre half sweet corn. Prices are going crazy. Have neighbor let me use some of his land for free, so gonna put some field corn in. Have to harvest by hand , but have old sheller and grinder. going to raise couple pigs next winter if all pans out. Feeder pigs are cheaper in winter.
We do have some spring flowers coming up.
Read the news looks gloomy, just do not think this inflation mess is over.
take care all.
I finally got off my lazy adz and went outside. I mowed up a nice pile of dried grass and used it to mulch the garlic bed. I don't plan on doing anything else to it until it is time to cut the scones. I don't expect many weeds.
after the garlic is pulled, I want to use the bed to start root stock. elderberries, apples and plums.
maybe plant some lettuce or something, too.

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