Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Late morning all!
SNOW is coming SNOW is coming!!!

*ducks from Vicki*

Everyone is good here! Not much going on actually...so that is good. Getting about 7-8 eggs a day. So I think all who are good layers are laying....

Kristi-SS are great birds. One of my best show birds was a SS hen-Hermione was her name. They are good layers and are a duel purpose breed to they make a great table bird as well.

ND-Yeah...the Walking Dead apparently has it's moments. From what I understand, the owner of AMC doesn't want to spend a lot of money on zombies so they are not used as well as they should be according to die hard fans. Now that the show is making a boat load of money that fans were hoping for more zombies but I guess that has not happened.
The show that is worth watching is Hell on Wheels. That is a great show.....

Well best get to making lunch...
Howdy - Greetings from da U.P.

Not much new to report.

I am enjoying my Winter lay-off. We close shop Nov 15th - Mar 1st. Kicking back collecting unemployment is nice but it does get boring... Slowly attacking all the little projects around the place. It sure would be nicer if we would close down during the Summer! LOL Of course then I wouldn't be getting anything done around here. I be out fishing....

My hens have quit laying since the Mink attack - Kinda sucks feeding a dozen chickens and not getting ANY eggs! I understand the cold/lack of light...etc. Last year I was getting 3-4 eggs a day throughout the winter. I always said I would give the hens a break during the winter and not put a light up... However, I think I'm gonna put one out there tomorrow. You think setting the timer to come on at 5:30 - 730am and then again 4:30 - 6:00pm would work?

Shot a 8 point 146lb buck on the 28th. I also popped a nice 100 (give or take) Doe for some nice tender steaks. I process my own venison - With the exceptions of the back straps, neck and a few choice cuts from the hind quarters, the Buck was ground up and will be used for burgers/sausage. I steaked about 90% of the Doe out and the rest was ground up. A buddy dropped off two front and one hind quarters of a Doe he shot yesterday. Once I get that cleaned up and steaked out, the freezer will be just about full.

Getting the house ready for Daughter and Beau coming 23-28 Dec... Really looking forward to seeing her.

I've been enjoying the photo's of all Jim's projects! Keep 'em coming buddy!

Well - That's about it for now... Keep you blinds/curtains closed - I'll be lurking!!


Tom Ski
Hello Tom,
Having the winter off must be pretty nice. Can get tons of projects done. Sounds like your birds have had a good rest from the shock. Natural instinct to stop laying to keep the crittter away. Lights might help.

what time do you think you will be arriving tomorrow? I made a cake if you have extra time for a visit. Looking forward to meeting someone on here.
Late morning all!
SNOW is coming SNOW is coming!!!

*ducks from Vicki*

Everyone is good here! Not much going on actually...so that is good. Getting about 7-8 eggs a day. So I think all who are good layers are laying....

Kristi-SS are great birds. One of my best show birds was a SS hen-Hermione was her name. They are good layers and are a duel purpose breed to they make a great table bird as well.

ND-Yeah...the Walking Dead apparently has it's moments. From what I understand, the owner of AMC doesn't want to spend a lot of money on zombies so they are not used as well as they should be according to die hard fans. Now that the show is making a boat load of money that fans were hoping for more zombies but I guess that has not happened.
The show that is worth watching is Hell on Wheels. That is a great show.....

Well best get to making lunch...
my DH is waiting for snow too

afternoon everyone, things are busy here not much time to psot- have been able to read and keep current- so welcome all the new faces- glad you've joined us!
to all who can use a few.

well our girls are still on strike with no eggs, have lights on them for about 15 hours a day- looks like we will be getting a later start in hatching of the chicks for 4-H this year......

today is my parents 55th wedding anniversay-
called and talked with them this morning and they were doing good! (we talk almost daily and sometimes more than once in a day if my dad has questions),

have a good one!
What type of chickens do you show for 4H?
If you need any show stock for 4H drop me a line
I have heritage RIR I will incubating next week. I have a few dozen eggs ready to go in so there should be a nice selection.
A quick note to Terri (and everyone that helped getting the wood stove from one pickup to another...LOL)

I traded up on the stove. A friend of a friend had a Franklin stove that he bought for his hunting camp. He went nuts when he saw that Vermont Castings stove I got from you. So.... I traded the stove you gave me for a 2 year old Franklin, a Ryobi Woodcarving kit, Mr Buddy Heater, and a case of Newcastle Brown Ale.... LOL I'm pretty happy with the deal. He didn't even care about the broken legs - he was talking about having it re-enameled.

Remind me to bring a bottle for you and your DH at the Spring Chicken Chicken Round-up!!!
Friday Fish Fry To All....dang it's good to see you again Tomski....I lost my post yesterday and was to peed to post again. Glad you answered my question to you about the hunt. Gotta have a freezer of venzun if one wants to eat the best! I was hoping you were gonna be a show come early summer.

Nice rack Doc on your friends buck, and good job on the 1911...parts do wear out with use, however hope he isn't shootin that nonreloadable crap...it's really hard on extractors. just sayin.

Mixed frier tonight with fries made fresh with half ucon golds and red norlands...the fish is half catfish and talipia, and the coleslaw is half carrots and cabbage.

Jennie is back from the vet with our little boy...dang urinary stuff again...another $200 sent the vets way, and special food on the list for his diet...dang.... who needs children when you have pets to care/pay for.

Nice pics from everyone...thanks for sharing them!

What type of chickens do you show for 4H?
If you need any show stock for 4H drop me a line
I have heritage RIR I will incubating next week. I have a few dozen eggs ready to go in so there should be a nice selection.
my DD shows Blue Andalusian and Welsummer- this will be her 4th year working with them and has been making good progress.
Perhaps I should elaborate....

The people who have the chickens are keeping them illegally (the township has an agreement of some kind with the developer of this property that they will not be able to keep livestock, even though they are on 5 acre lots and out in the boonies). My friends dog did run off their property and killed one of the chickens. I told my friend to ask the people what they wanted for the chicken and they told her they wanted her to get rid of the dog. I did not know if the chicken was a pet or not, but I figured $20 was pretty good, unless it was a rare breed etc..... Even if somebody's dog came over and killed my Call's I would not be asking $50 a bird, they are only worth so much, even if they are pets.

It is my MIL's birthday today. She was born on THE Pearl Harbor day so it is easy to remember her age. Tomorrow it is my old neighbor's birthday (same age)..... we are going to go out to eat with my SIL, her DH and my in-laws tomorrow night to celebrate.

Thank you for all the congrats on my daughter. She surprises me for sure!

BigZ, Monday or Tuesday work for you this week?

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