Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Afternoon, it's been a wet/overcast day here today.

Welcome to all the new peeps who have joined

Here are a couple of pictures for the day:

Our new turkey babies:

Here is 1 of the rabbit groups- boy these guys can eat! They are around 5 weeks old
How SWEET! Now I miss having bunnies - I gotta stop or the hubs will make me move into the barn!!
i May have missed it, but are 4 year old turkeys too old? 1 pair of bourbon and one pair of blue slate for $40. is this a fair price?

Not too old, but don't expect every egg to be fertile. The older the hen the lower the fertility, but 4 is still fine. Toms can go a bit longer in age before fertility is compromised. If you really want to try turkeys they would be good. Both are also very pretty and you could get both and cross them too. Don't remember what the combinations make though. I'm pretty much a white turkey person. Love my midgets.
Ann is the Turkey lady..

Ann, how are the chickens doing?

The basque are doing awesome. At least an egg a day right now. Course they are all making it into the bator each week. They are so sweet. My son hasn't named them yet.

Hubby got to meet Blackfoot tonight. I think Blackfoot thought he needed to protect me. He crowed and danced around me doing his best to keep himself between me and my hubby. He's so funny. Last night I was carrying a pullet that is a little timid. Blackfoot got all excited like I had him a new harem member. He jumped up onto a nest box and was wing dragging and carrying on. I handed the pullet off to my son and Blackfoot followed him around clucking and dancing. We let him have the pullet, but I don't think she is appreciative of that. God forbid that boy ever see how many other hens are around!
Not too old, but don't expect every egg to be fertile. The older the hen the lower the fertility, but 4 is still fine. Toms can go a bit longer in age before fertility is compromised. If you really want to try turkeys they would be good. Both are also very pretty and you could get both and cross them too. Don't remember what the combinations make though. I'm pretty much a white turkey person. Love my midgets.
The basque are doing awesome. At least an egg a day right now. Course they are all making it into the bator each week. They are so sweet. My son hasn't named them yet.

Hubby got to meet Blackfoot tonight. I think Blackfoot thought he needed to protect me. He crowed and danced around me doing his best to keep himself between me and my hubby. He's so funny. Last night I was carrying a pullet that is a little timid. Blackfoot got all excited like I had him a new harem member. He jumped up onto a nest box and was wing dragging and carrying on. I handed the pullet off to my son and Blackfoot followed him around clucking and dancing. We let him have the pullet, but I don't think she is appreciative of that. God forbid that boy ever see how many other hens are around!

Ann I think I may have hatched some of your whites, did you sell to a guy named Brian from arena?
To, k will ask, but I beleive moms are alpine.... idk dads.

Chickeeennn scraaatch.... where have you been? Havent heard from u in awhile...

I have spent a lot of time reading the numerous posts on here that by the time I finish reading I want to go to bed! Mr Gibs is fine. He gets to hop in the yard tomorrow and eat pineapple! Also yesterday I took DD12 to her "job" working at a horse stable.

Good morning all! Woohoooo!!!


Egg color is genetic,,,they won't/can't change from green to brown,,,

maybe that chickens clock is messed up from the daylight saving time change, or maybe the cold meds are messing with you Terri ;)

I burst out laughing at this one and agree that Terri may be taking in too much of the meds....you know they can cause hallucinations right?
Hundreds of posts behind.  This has just been a week from hades.  My other surgeon is out, so it's me.  Lots of emergencies, worked Tues and Wed with a 2 hour cat nap between, into Thurs with 4 more hours of sleep.  Can not believe it, but it's actually light outside and I'm checking my email / PMs before heading out.  Will have to catch up on the chatter after some sleep.  Still thinking I'll head up to Beaver Dam on Sunday.

Oye, I'm tired, looking forward to a day off!


What kind of a surgeon are you?

Will winter EVER END'. Guess Sat. Plans now include shoveling ur the chicken run...........aaahhh gain.... At this rate all the veggies that I have stared will live in the house forever!!!!

Oldest child is now down for the count .. Sigh.... That means I am the only one of us that has not had it...oh goody, something to look forward to!

Gonna dream of bright sun, warm weather, weeding the garden, sun tans, swimming pools, fishing and fresh mowed grass:):p

Can I join you in your delusion? It sounds perfect right now.
Yup, how did his hatch go?

not one of my best hatches, but ok. ended up with 11. 3 we're clear, 6 didn't hatch 3 got stuck and 1 fell out of the hatching tray and got stuck while I was at work. I could have done better and usually do when I don't have outside temp swings like I do during the winter months.
T S,c in appltn got in some ducklings and several diff kind off chicks if any one is interested. they still think they have runner ducks, I think they are confused!!!!!!!!!!!! have great weekend everyone, nice to see all the new or renewed posts, night all

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