Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Oh the riding lawn mower talk begins. I'm sorry, but I still remember my Trany on a lawn mower comment from last year and STILL think its funny. I'm warped...

Still no ducks. I set a trap last night and baited it for skunk or coon. Apparently I used the trap that doesn't work because the bait was gone and the trap was still set. I think I'm going to get a jar of marshmallow fluff as bait. Those coon will reach in from the side to try and get the marshmallow. But if I'm putting a blob of marshmallow fluff in there, it's not going anywhere. "Come here my pretty. A nice delicious ball of fluff for you..." BANG!

I was looking at Holderead farm for ducks. I'm not getting anything yet. But they had a bantam duck mixed pack. You get a mix of Australian spotted, miniature silver appleyard, and black, white or gray silkie ducks. The minimum is 10. I don't want ten. If I got this would anyone be interested in some ducklings? The ducks are $10 a piece. (Yikes, I know.) But the headache of hatching bantams isn't mine then. Bantam ducks seem to have a harder time getting out it seems.

Or I can go on ebay and get some hatching eggs and try again. Last year I incubated a total of 30-32 Aussie dot eggs, I hatched out 3. Not such great results.

Looks like I have a woman coming over tonight to buy my polish chicks and my adult silkies. We'll see if she shows. My one son is rather sad when I mentioned his silkie might get sold tonight. But dang it, they don't feed them or water them. They don't go out at night to lock them up in their seperat coop. If I'm not getting the enjoyment out of them and I'm doing all the work, I guess it's my right to get rid of them. It's not like he can't pick another chick to claim as his. I've got plenty with more eggs on the way. Still, kids sure do know how to make you feel like Sh!t about stuff.

I better go check out some chick butts. Bbl
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Looks like I have a woman coming over tonight to buy my polish chicks and my adult silkies. We'll see if she shows. My one son is rather sad when I mentioned his silkie might get sold tonight. But dang it, they don't feed them or water them. They don't go out at night to lock them up in their seperat coop. If I'm not getting the enjoyment out of them and I'm doing all the work, I guess it's my right to get rid of them. It's not like he can't pick another chick to claim as his. I've got plenty with more eggs on the way. Still, kids sure do know how to make you feel like Sh!t about stuff.

I better go check out some chick butts. Bbl
Sounds like you have ALMOST convinced yourself..... Keep talking!
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Yep CC, she,s a newbie to chickens but far from it to baby birds. Uused to work for some time in a large pet shop and raised her own exotics.
Good late morning to all! I was looking at that little unknown chick...does it have a little bump above the beak like a turkey poult does? (or maybe I need new glasses again?) That would be a trick...sending a poult along. But gee, it has been done before hasnt it Jim?

I dont know what the bronze ones look like when they are babies....otherwise it looks very similar to the Phoenix crosses that hatch in my barn loft. HMMM...

Grey and rainy here too...but at least above freezing! The grass should be greening up very well. Too bad we arent having a nice thunderstorm...the crazy neighbor was MOWING his lawn yesterday! I thought I would be able to not hear that for at least a little while yet this spring! I HATE the sound of a mower. Actually I dont like the sound of any machinery while I am trying to garden or work outside...I guess I have this thing with noise....just ask DH.

I will welcome you back too Frenchie! The posts have been too short to really get into them...well, except for mine...so I am glad to have the company again. I noticed that you had to have yours post double just in case we didnt read the first one hey?
I hope all is well with your family in Racine. How is that adorable little niece of yours? I bet REALLY spoiled by now having you there for a few months! Man, your DH treats you well...doing all your chores while you were "down South" relaxing? Lucky YOU!

I am glad to hear that we Cheeseheads are doing our best to keep the population of chickens up here in our fine state! Congrats on all the hatching going on! Jim, I dont think you will make too much $$$ on those chicks if you are raising them until they dont need any heat! Unless you have a line on some good cheap food that is....

Oh yeah...I wanted to post this pic of the new pens I did over the weekend:

I still have to put something over the top...maybe. Looks like I need a yard clean-up in a bad way too!
Nothing like a picture to point THAT out!

Someone was asking aobut dinner bells the other day too. I took these pics of mine. The triangle I have had for 28 years. Used it all the time at our other house. We rang it During our Christmas Dinner to summon anyone that was hungry. (from a kids' story I think) Nobody ever showed up though...Then I got the chicken one when we moved here. It is very loud for such a small bell. I would LOVE to have the one that the neighbors on the hill have! It is about 3'X4' and on a huge stand. I think you could hear that one all the way to town if the wind was right!

Couldnt resist this Easter pic! My favorite part is the dog noses at the bottom!

OK--I'm done. Dh is onthe phone with the IRS trying to straighten out the 2011 W-2 debacle. Sure hope it works!
Have a great day! Terriowithtiredfingers
H & R - No. We ordered thru the Country Store in Antigo. Jim, the owner tried calling and left a message but they never returned his call. Guess that just reinforces my point, they Don,t care once the chicks are paid for. Sunnyside Hatchery, never again.

TO- great pens. Wish I could stumble across some panels like that.

Oops BBFN the Sun just popped out!!!!
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